Latvia will no longer allow Russian TV host V. Soloviev to comment on Hitler


“Worshiping Nazism in any form is unacceptable for Latvia,” wrote Foreign Minister Edgaras Rinkevičius on the social network Twitter.

Soloviev, known as a Kremlin propagandist, is on the list of 35 people against whom Navaln’s comrades are calling for EU sanctions.

Hitler “was personally a very brave man,” V. Solovyov spoke live.

“Unlike this short führer [A.Navalnas], he [A.Hitleris] he did not avoid military service. He fought honorably during World War I, “added the presenter, referring to opposition statements that when he was poisoned and taken to Germany for treatment last year, traces of the nerve-paralyzing substance” Novičiok “were found in her underwear.

E. Rinkevičius said that he had been monitoring V. Soloviev’s activities for a long time and came to the conclusion that many of the latter’s statements incite hatred, for example his comments on events in Ukraine.

“This gentleman is an expert in various disinformation and propaganda campaigns.

His dubious statements about the dictators Benito Mussolini and Hitler – who was a brave man who fought at the front – are an unacceptable glorification of the crimes committed by the Nazis and their leader. There is no place for such people here in Latvia, “emphasized the head of Latvian diplomacy.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Edgaras Rinkevičius

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Edgaras Rinkevičius

A. Navalnas, a Russian opponent behind bars, is also charged with defaming a 94-year-old World War II veteran. In this case, you may be subject to an additional sentence.

The 44-year-old anti-corruption activist described the veteran and others who appeared in a pro-Kremlin video as “traitors.”

Latvia and other Baltic states are highly critical of Russia’s decision to jail the navalns and quell anti-government protests.
