Latvia: the established system ensures that trade in Belarusian electricity is not possible Business


“We have not received any calculations, so we cannot comment on that percentage. We are open to receiving such information and ready to discuss it. In any case, the important thing is that we combine two different topics into one. From what I understand, basically we are talking about trade flows, but the Minister is talking about physical flows, ”said a representative of the Latvian Ministry.

“I can only note that we cannot speak of physical flows because they depend on the laws of physics. We have no way to stop that. Therefore, if the flow to Lithuania passes through the BRELL ring, it is determined by the laws of physics. Despite the fact that we or other partners want to stop it, it is impossible, “said E. Šaicans.

He also noted that the system currently in place in Latvia does not allow Belarusian electricity to enter the Baltic countries, as Latvia made a decision late last year and publicly announced its intention not to buy Belarusian electricity. According to E. Šeicans, the Cabinet of Ministers has taken the appropriate measures to achieve this.

“We have promulgated the regulation and our operator has created a system that we use to regulate the inspection of the region of electricity that flows into the Baltic States. This system, in our opinion, shows that all electricity entering the Baltic countries is generates in Russia. Of course, we cannot eliminate the physical flows which, as I mentioned at the beginning, are determined by the laws of physics. But what we can say is that our system is proof that the electricity that comes from other countries it is generated by the capacity of Russia ”, said E. Sheicans.

According to him, the system currently in use in Latvia consists of two steps, which confirm that the electricity is generated and comes from Russia. Russia also provides such information to the Latvian operator. For this reason, it rejects the allegations that Latvia traded electricity produced by the Astravo nuclear power plant.

“Currently, we have no evidence that electricity is not being generated in Russia,” says Sheikans.

However, it emphasizes once again that it is not possible to guarantee that the physical flow of Belarusian electricity does not enter Lithuania or other Baltic states, as it can flow through the BRELL ring.

“We say that on the border with Russia and Lithuania we control the entry of electricity. This means that Russia’s incoming commercial electricity surplus is generated in Russia, not Belarus. But we can’t tell if the electrons in our wires come from Russia or Belarus, because the laws of physics are the laws of physics and we can’t change them, “says E. Shaicans.

BNS wrote this week that according to Energy Minister Dainius Kreivis, half of the electricity entering and consuming in Lithuania by third countries was recently produced at the Astravo nuclear power plant, and Lithuania has already paid almost 4 million LTL for the Astravo electricity. euros. According to the minister, 77 million. Kilowatt-hours entered Lithuania during the last 10 days, when the Astrava power station was operating stably.

Laurynas Kasčiūnas, head of the Seimas Defense and National Security Committee, estimates that Belarusian electricity accounts for about 12 percent. of the total amount of electricity consumed in Lithuania.
