Last year, nearly 741,000 LTLs were allocated to increase salaries for NVSC employees. euros


NVSC representative Austina Vžesniauskaitė informed BNS that in March, April, May, June, October, November and December, salaries were increased to 398 employees.

According to the representative of the institution, the largest supplements were received by people who worked directly with COVID-19.

A. Vžesniauskaitė also stated that the institution started the year 2020 with 160 thousand. Debt of 1 million euros for wages and salaries from the previous year. a shortage of euros for active workers in 2020.

Among other things, other motivational measures were applied to NVSC employees.

“There was constant communication with the employees. An attempt was made to delve into their needs, the employees expressed the need for psychological help as one of the main ones, so a study was organized to evaluate the real well-being of the employees,” said the representative of the institution.

For research, training and consultations – 12 thousand. euros

According to NVSC, due to the high workload, emotional strain and stress of the employees, almost 12 thousand people were assigned for their organized interview, consultations and training. EUR: for surveys – 2.4 thousand, for training – 8 thousand, for consultations – 1.6 thousand. euros.

“One of the ways to help is the distance learning of managing employees’ emotions and stress, which would provide systemic knowledge and practical skills to effectively manage stress, tension, anxiety and avoid burnout. In order to provide comprehensive assistance to NVSC employees experiencing “burnout,” anxiety and long-term stress, individual results-oriented psychological consultations are provided, “reads the response provided by BNS.

The acquisition contract was not made public within the established deadlines, it was uploaded to the Central Procurement Portal following BNS requests.

This service was provided by the company “Center for Human Studies”. The tender was conducted through unannounced negotiations, in which two companies submitted bids and the company that offered the lowest price won. The acquisition contract was not made public within the established deadlines, it was uploaded to the Central Procurement Portal following BNS requests.

According to the NVSC, the study and its findings have already been presented to the center’s management, as well as consultations and training for 160 employees.

The company’s partner, Justinas Burokas, told BNS that it was unable to provide information on the content of the NVSC investigation, because the institution is a client of the company, so the information is confidential.

In a statement, Mr. Burok said that it is disappointing that workers have not received help earlier.

“My impression is that employees have never been prepared for such situations, be it to manage emotions or to deal with angry people, hundreds of callers. And suddenly there was a storm surge over them, threshing through the ninth month. It is a pity that they did not receive the necessary help when the time came, during the quiet summer period, ”commented the company partner about the recording of journalist Rita Miliūtė.

Luke April / 15min photo / Justinas Burokas

Luke April / 15min photo / Justinas Burokas

Taking into account the findings of this investigation, the NVSC administration distributed a letter to Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonyte and Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis about the criticism in the media in late December.

In the letter he expressed concern about the “unfounded criticism” of the center and its head Robertas Petraitis, saying that it disrupts “the work of the NVSC, which already carries an unbearable burden.”

“It also has a very negative effect on all employees of the institution, who personally accept this criticism, because they work together with the manager and make decisions together,” the letter reads.

It states that the institution “demotivates and negatively affects NVSC employees, their emotional and mental condition.”

The head of the institution, R. Petraitis, has mentioned that the letter was organized by the NVSC employee union. It is led by Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department. However, some BNS employees who did not want to be identified have mentioned that they did not know anything about the manager’s letter of support.

I. Šimonytė and A. Dulkys criticized NVSC management for not counting more than 1.1 thousand. coronavirus-related deaths.

Giedrius Nariūnas, deputy director of the NVSC, resigned this week for unidentified reasons, and incumbent R. Petraitis’ health minister asked to leave the post voluntarily and said he was waiting for a response by Monday. R. Petraitis rejects the criticisms and affirms that some of the problems were caused by the performance of hospitals, as well as other institutions.
