Landsberg: This is not a refugee crisis, we are facing a hybrid war


“The situation we find ourselves in now would be called a perfect storm; it is difficult to tell ourselves what will happen at the next curve. The first thing we have is unfinished COVID-19. There are many worrying signs,” said the minister of Foreign Relations, G. Landsbergis.

The party chairman returned from a visit to Iraq prior to the event.

He said that today there are 1.5 percent of people vaccinated in Iraq and that Russia, for example, has vaccinated more than 12 percent. “In Lithuania we are happy to have 40%, but the world is not where we want to be. Reporting on the holidays and announcing the end is too early. I think now is the time when we have to say that it is half way Landsbergis said.

The second threatening aspect mentioned by Lansberg is migration. He said he recalled the African migrant crisis a few years ago and said that even now there were members in the party who later said that helping the southern states was not a Lithuanian affair.

The politician also pointed to France’s request to send Lithuanian troops to Mali, adding that he does not understand those who oppose solidarity between Western countries.

“This is not a refugee crisis. We are facing a hybrid war. Today, that instrument of war is migrants. A month and a half ago, that instrument of war was an airplane. Lukashenko can create more tools. I do not know what happens for the mind of a madman. We need to be prepared, do our homework and have friends in the West who can help us, “said the chancellor.

G. Landsbergis stated that the Lukashenko regime had created a ticket sales network: people who bought expensive tickets were escorted from Baghdad to the border with Lithuania. “It will depend on our efforts if that highway will work or will be dismantled,” Landsberg said.



He stressed that there are other problems in the region: the withdrawal of the US military represents a threat to the future of the Afghan government. If the government of this country does not survive, it is in danger of riots, which Lithuania can also feel with the increase in the flow of illegal immigrants.

Exercise Russia-Belarus ZAPAD 2021: the third threat. This year, the exercise will take place on the border with Lithuania. “I hope our services can see that. The intersection of the three dangers in our region is dangerous and high,” said the politician.

Ingrida Šimonytė: Criticism does not put much pressure on the government

Speaking after G. Landsbergis, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė presented the work done by the Government during the current term to the assembled party members. He said that the government had received a lot of criticism, but that the greatest tension was not that.

According to the Prime Minister, the background, which one would call culture wars, is more tense, citing the opposition of family defenders to the LGBT + community, as well as the support of Ramūnas Karbauskis, president of the Union of Peasants and Greens. , for President Gitan Nausėda.

“In the current context, it has become clear that the cultural generations have been the prelude to a real confrontation, and the increase in the flow of migrants has highlighted this. I believe that what is happening now is a way, a wish or an opportunity to try to change the direction of the state. The address has stayed where it was supposed to be, where it was ripped from us in 1940. in the summer, ”he said.

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Ingrida Šimonytė

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Ingrida Šimonytė

He also expressed the position that Lithuania should not hesitate regarding its duty to the rights of refugees. “People are migrating, not things. Probably people’s desire to live better is understandable, but it is not the reason like fleeing from war or endangering life,” said I. Šimonytė.

The Prime Minister emphasized that Lithuania is a country that feels compassion for those who suffer. “Help must be provided and the rules that are written for these people must be respected. If we allow hatred to spread in our hearts, we will not return. You can’t be a good person, but you just hate homosexuals, Jews or Syrians a little bit, ”said the Prime Minister.
