Laima’s Velvet Desserts: Returning from abroad has created a business and amazing masterpieces Life


We spoke with Lima about how she started baking desserts and what inspires her the most.

– Tell us about yourself – Have you always made desserts? What motivated you to do that?

– I have always liked making desserts for my family. I had more free time while living in England, and my sister became interested in showing me French desserts on the Instagram platform. In the true sense of the word, my beauty made my head spin!

I received an encouraging gift from my sister and my mother: French pastry training and courses in baking and cake decorating.

– Your cakes are works of art. Is it necessary to have, say, an artist’s streak to create such precise desserts, to decorate them?

– After the first year, I still had a lot of experience and knowledge, so in 2019 I decided to fly from England to Ukraine to study with a very creative teacher. I can say that it was the beginning of the preparation of my desserts. Not only did I meet an amazing and creative teacher, but I also found like-minded colleagues that I have interacted with thus far.

Making desserts is not just a job. It is both a creation and a responsibility. This work must first be loved and worked from the heart, everything else comes by itself. When you love your job, you try harder, not just for yourself, but for your dessert customers as well.

My sister intrigued me by displaying French desserts on the Instagram platform. In the true sense of the word, my beauty made my head spin!

I agree with the idea that decorating cakes or desserts should be partly like an artist. And sometimes it’s hard to reproduce the same colors and hues that, say, you used a year ago. You need to take into account what colors you use, and to get a unique and beautiful dessert color, you need to mix not one but several colors. However, it is very important not to exaggerate, so when decorating desserts, I follow the saying “less is more”.

– Tell us, where do you get the ideas for making cakes? Does it require special tools (shapes) and ingredients?

– I can say that I always learn, it is a continuous process. There are also fashions, trends, new tastes, shapes, textures, colors, techniques in the preparation of desserts … So to stand out you have to learn and not stop. As I say, you need to learn from the best or from exceptional and creative people.

Ideas often come up on their own and sometimes we get together with clients. I found most of the dessert making stuff in Lithuania, but it’s a shame I had to be disappointed with some, so when I buy something in England. I use both special forms and exclusive ingredients to make desserts.

– Eight years later you returned from abroad to Lithuania. How are you?

– I have been in Lithuania since October, I started working in December. I chose the right time and place to return. Although there were quarantine restrictions everywhere, for me it was a good start. Everything is fine and only ahead.

I also organize trainings, which is one of my ideas. Teaching someone else to make desserts is not difficult, as long as they want to make it themselves. And I want to inspire, show those interested, that making desserts is a wonderful job where there are no limits for improvement and creativity. Learning can be done gradually from elementary school, the easiest and most basic level. It is not complicated and really understandable for everyone. I hope I can start in July!

– What dreams do you have in your field of work?

– I am demanding with myself, and to achieve a lot, dreaming is not enough, it is important to start realizing those dreams or at least take a step towards them.

I can call my job a dream because I just started making desserts. I am on my own firm path and on my time. Everything that matters in my life happens or I agree with it.

I often hear from the environment: Laima, you need a helper. I agree in part, I say so in part so far. I still want to enjoy making desserts and teaching others. I want to meet my dessert client and the Lithuanian market.

I can admit that Lithuanians are gourmets and choose increasingly exclusive desserts and interesting tastes. If it is a special party or you want to surprise your loved ones, I can admit that one of the most popular flavors of French cakes is pistachios. matcha tea, cherries flavored with liqueur and white chocolate mousse flavored with ulongo tea.

In general, I have noticed that I like the fresher type cakes in which fresh acids and berries predominate. Having included a French lime basil cake in the range in the spring, I would consider whether it will be popular and whether people will want to try that cake. But it was all worth it, the Lithuanians liked this taste.

Men are great sweets – their chosen cake is a sweeter kind with caramel and milk chocolate.

Unfortunately, only dark chocolate cakes are not that popular. I’m not a big fan of this chocolate cake, but if it’s delicious, I’m not giving up a piece. Men are great sweets – their chosen cake is a sweeter kind with caramel and milk chocolate.

– Well, betray – Do you eat your own desserts? What do you like more?

– I like desserts and I like to taste them. Personally, I want interesting and unique flavors: a dessert with pepper or herbs. By combining interesting and exclusive ingredients, even if they seem incompatible at first glance, we can create a wonderful dessert!

I like desserts and fruits more and dessert. Due to lack of time I no longer make them to order, but I do them for my personal celebrations. I decided that the fruit desserts would also be part of the training.

Because I like it? First of all, their exceptional appearance, they are almost identical to real fruits. Second, its exceptional flavor and texture. If the strawberry for dessert, then the filling will be strawberries, if the avocado, it is inside the avocados. They are light and incredibly delicious. I also use unique spices and herbs to make these desserts. Fruit-desserts will always have a delicious surprise inside.
