Laden animal rescuers: the silence of the dog Tauragė led to another fireplace


Horrible picture: dogs try to bark but make no sound

Volunteers from the organization Lietuva Lietuva raised suspicions about the animals being raised in the Dainava street apartment to the volunteers, who informed the police officers about it. But animal rescuers didn’t see that this report would help clarify not one, but two multipliers.

How is it written Delphi In a comment sent to journalists by the Tauragė Department of the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS), the department’s inspectors at night, around 8 p.m., together with police officers, carried out an inspection at the home of a resident of Tauragė.

“The SFVS inspectors and police who arrived at the apartment were unable to get to the apartment immediately. The hostess said she was scared, so she did not open the door. However, after lengthy persuasions, suspicions of illegal animal husbandry dogs were confirmed after entering the caretaker’s facility, ”says the SFVS response.

During the inspection, it was found that around 60 mtwo 27 dogs are kept in the apartment without a breeding permit. Among them, 10 adult females, 2 adult males and 15 young.

The hostess did not admit fault

“Most of the puppies were not tagged. The custodian did not present the acquisition documents. Other violations were identified. The activities of a private veterinarian were also suspected, who may have suspected of falsifying the vaccination certificates of these pets. A veterinarian was called to the site to assess the pets’ health status. The hostess did not admit her guilt, ”says SFVS’s response.

When asked about the current investigation into the illegal breeding of dogs, it is claimed that the breeder’s 27 dogs who diverted the dogs and participated in illegal activities were brought in and placed in foster care with the animal care organization “Be My Friend “. Administrative proceedings for misconduct have been instituted against this keeper.

“During the inspection, it was noticed that the dogs try to bark, but do not make sounds, or the voices of the puppies are very muffled. This fact has led to suspicions of cruelty to animals. At present, the state of animal health is evaluated by veterinarians, and if the suspicions are confirmed, the case would be transferred to a pre-trial investigation, “says the response.

The multiplier in Jurbarkas was accidentally delivered: his call aroused suspicions

We also contacted Diana Valeikaitė, a volunteer from the Be My Friend Shelter, who says that all adopted dogs are surprisingly shy. According to her, the mere fact that so many animals are kept in a small area without being brought in is an offense against the animals. But more details will emerge on Tuesday when the official results of the dog’s health investigation become available.

“The psychological trauma is very great for them. They are afraid of sudden movements, away from people. And the biggest problem is that they do not bark,” says D. Valeikaitė.

And here yesterday, shelter staff helped spot another associated multiplier chimney, which was betrayed by a suspicious call. The 27 dogs found at Tauragė were supplemented by 26 more dogs from Jurbarkas. The dogs found at Jurbarkas were reminiscent of the Poodle, French Bulldog, and West Highland White Terrier breeds, while Yorkshire Terriers, Maltese Bison, and Poodle-shaped dogs were bred at Taurage.

“One of the puppies was registered in the name of another breeder, who we have known and observed for a long time, but in the past we could not hold on to it. He started writing to the director of our shelter to see if they had a single dog with them. We had a suspicion, because the dog is 4.5 months old, has not yet voted, is a very young man and already has a damaged vocal cord. We suspect he wasn’t trying to hide something in an attempt to get that bitch out of us. Tauragė SFVS quickly got in the way and went to see him, who yesterday found even more dogs, most of which did not bark, ”says D. Valeikaitė.

It is also surprising that, according to unofficial data, LS, who raised dogs in Jurbarkas but was officially registered, previously worked for the company “Jurbarkas komunalininkas”, where he captured homeless animals that were supposedly used for breeding. However, no studies have been done to prove it.

There is no doubt that the vocal cords are mechanically damaged.

D. Valeikaitė also points out that dogs have many obvious health problems: their paws are deformed, their skin is bald, dogs have no voice. Although the official examinations of the dogs will be announced on Tuesday, D. Valeikaitė does not even doubt that they will confirm the fact of the severed vocal cords.

“Most puppies have vocal cord adhesions, which means they are mechanically damaged. Obviously, there is some type of vet that carves the vocal cords for good money. But you try to catch who did it. We only have suspicions, ”says the refugee volunteer.

“We made a serious comment because the prosecution was interested in us. In Taurage, the first multiplier from which we get silent puppies often visits the prosecutor’s office. We discovered that she has a relative there and was interested in us,” he adds.

Delphi Recalls that, in accordance with Article 4 of the Law on Animal Welfare and Protection of the Republic of Lithuania, since 2004 any veterinary procedure aimed at altering the appearance and physiological functions of an animal in violation of parts of the body, soft tissues or bones of the animal been cruel and torture.

Cruel treatment of an animal carries a fine of between € 50 and € 1,200 and repeat offenses between € 1,200 and € 1,750. The animal can also be confiscated from the hosts. The veterinarian who performed the procedure at the time faces not only a fine but also loss of license.
