Labor market expert warned: young workers are and will be different: employers already face challenges


“The job market is changing, you could say, not in days, but in hours. After the situation in the aviation market on Sunday, when the plane landed at the Minsk airport, the job market changed again; there is a high probability that we will have more and more people willing to work in Lithuania, ”said L. Duksaitė- Iškauskienė.

But more than the present, he asked to envision a future that promises a turning point for the labor market.

“Children born in 2005 will start working in 2025; they grew up after September 11, with Facebook and Minecraft. Their job expectations are similar to those of a computer game: the activity must change quickly. They do not want to be like their older friends at school, but like PewDiePie. The desire for a quick career, quick achievements and comparison with international stars is growing. Companies must increasingly adapt their business processes to the possibilities of the job skills of the young generation, “says L Duksaitė-Iškauskienė.

Employers will compete with streaming video games

Human resource experts identify Internet stars as real competitors to employers, as today’s teens prefer to imagine themselves as social media stars than as business leaders or professionals in their field.

“This man, PewDiePie, is a competitor of our companies. Because today’s teenagers who are considering entering the job market, and they do it very early, between 12 and 14 years old, prefer to see their work as the work of this man who has about 100 million followers. They want to be YouTube stars and do not consider the possibility of being the president of the bank or running a large company, “says L. Duksaitė-Iškauskienė.

At the time, young women preferred to sing to Dixie D’Amelio, a singer with millions of followers, as an example: the career of a TikTok star is more ambitious than any other profession.

This is also reflected in the habits of the young.

Laura Duksaitė-Iškauskienė

Laura Duksaitė-Iškauskienė

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“More and more labor market participants tend to provide services rather than hire. Research from the US shows that 45 percent of people between the ages of 20 and 25 already have their own personal activities and provide services to organizations. instead of working with an employment contract. Company managers and personnel managers will have to learn to work with partners, not employees, “says L. Duksaitė-Iškauskienė.

He notes that young people entering the job market change jobs very frequently, which is already becoming a major headache for current managers.

“If we take the curriculum vitae (CV) of a 28-year-old person, they will have already changed organization 4,5 or 6 times. What can be done to prevent this? It is very difficult to answer a question like this, because the whole environment forces to those people to change jobs, and to change jobs quite often, they are told that you have to try something new, that you have to take from life everything it can give you, even the LOGIN conference motto: it is never the same (in English, it is never the same). It encourages change, change and change, all the time, “says L. Duksaitė-Iškauskienė.

The solution is not the workers, but the suppliers, as well as immigration.

Yet at the same time, young people are much more entrepreneurial than their parents: the new generation in the labor market would prefer to engage in self-employment rather than employment. Organizations take advantage of this by establishing a relationship between the provider and the recipient of the service with the young person, rather than between the employer and the employee. This can reduce the change.

“There are already 4 generations working in our labor market. In 2025, the current 60 years will continue to work and the current 15 years will already work. This is the only case in the market where we have so many employees of different ages in one market. What this means is that we have conflicting interests at work.

The main motive of the older generation at work is stability. For them it is important that nothing changes, or that the change changes as little as possible. Meanwhile, for the younger generation, it is very important to change everything quickly. Imagine a manager who has such people in his organization and has to combine different reasons for working. The motivation to work so that nothing changes is clarity and stability, and the motivation to work to change everything and always ”, compares the manager.

Recognize that reconciling those interests is also impossible. Managers will have to think of both individually so that employees feel comfortable. When working with youth, you may need to think about other forms of activity.

“If you have kids who are now 12-14 years old, talk to them: how many of their classmates are already working on something independently, doing something themselves. Let’s start with the fact that they pass them on while playing a game of computer and therefore they try to make money from broadcasting if they are doing very well. But maybe they are fixing something, fixing it; there are already two children in each class of adolescents who are already working, “says L. Duksaitė-Iškauskienė .

According to her, 25-year-olds may have already gone bankrupt several times, made a mistake, and learned from it; they will have already experienced more than their parents at that age.

“Newcomers to the job market are really throwing a glove on a classic job, mainly because it will be quite difficult to hire them. These people say that I will provide better services, I will have my own job, but I will not go to hire ”, assures the expert.

It will be easier for companies with these people to maintain partnerships rather than work. The specialist points out that employers can now start contacting the children’s parents; Today they have a great influence on children, as children live with their parents more and more.

Laura Duksaitė-Iškauskienė, Goda Raibytė

Laura Duksaitė-Iškauskienė, Goda Raibytė

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“Those employers who want to have the opportunity to hire employees should think about and have contact with the parents of their current children, presenting their organizations where the children could and would like to work,” advises L. Duksaitė-Iškauskienė.

Another way to get staff: A staffing expert drew attention to immigration.

“We are not brave enough to tell ourselves why we hire foreigners, not because of the problem that we lack drivers and welders in the port of Klaipeda. But because we are already an interesting market not only for workers but also for workers. highly skilled workers. Events in Belarus have made it very clear that well-educated people are competent and professional, they can work in Lithuania, “says L. Duksaitė-Iškauskienė.

She is convinced that managers who have the courage to hire foreigners can guarantee greater diversity and fewer changes in organizations.

“If we pay attention to the fact that there will be more and more freelancers, more and more service providers, if we take into account that organizations need to be able to hire very different ages, if we are brave and we can tell ourselves that we are an interesting country not only” the citizens of our country, but also for foreigners, we will definitely have employees in our companies and our economy will prosper, “concluded the speaker.

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