L. Pernavas: Information received that Lithuanians are trying to leave the UK with fake COVID tests


The former Lithuanian police commissioner, who has been working in the UK for a couple of years as a Lithuanian police attaché, shared a warning on his Facebook profile on Tuesday: “Lithuanians risk paying huge fines when they try to leave. from the UK with fake COVID tests! “

According to him, information has been received that Lithuanians are trying to leave the UK with fake COVID tests. “The tests are generated with foreign data or are created with non-existent data. By scanning the QR code or verifying the identification number, you immediately see that the proof is not false, ”warned L. Parern.

It also says that controls at the border between the UK and France, via a Eurotunnel or a ferry, are being particularly tightened at present.

“Use only officially approved test centers / providers. An antigen test can be purchased for £ 40.00 (discounted by £ 32.00), is it worth the risk? ”, Urged L. Pernavas to his compatriots.

Lithuania has included the UK in the gray area of ​​the list of affected countries, meaning testing (before and after travel) and self-isolation are required for unvaccinated and uninfected people on their way to Lithuania. The UK has also identified that many other European countries require greater security.

The problem of counterfeit COVID-19 tests is not new. European countries hope that the introduction of the COVID digital certificate in the Community will help prevent the use of counterfeit certificates throughout the EU.

However, Italian police announced last week the arrest of suspects selling fake digital EU COVID certificates. At least 10 channels were identified, which offered them on the Telegram network for approximately 100-150 Eur.

In June, Interpol announced the seizure of 277 people around the world suspected of trading in counterfeit COVID tests during a large-scale operation, seizing millions of fake test kits. In total, Operation Pangea XIV involved officials from 92 countries.

It was then emphasized that while the majority of customers were likely looking for false evidence, some of these merchants may simply have been misled. Of course, they also created websites that looked very realistic, they sent emails. letters that offer frequent suspicious even non-suspicious evidence.

L. Pernavas also pointed out that some may buy a fake test without knowing it.

“There are all kinds of situations, someone does not know the language, someone does not know where, and here comes what is offered quickly and a little cheaper. From my experience I can tell you that you can’t even imagine “what people get used to” and of course, after that there are usually spoons in the afternoon, “he said.

The court can wait

Portal in June Anglija.today He wrote that a passenger who submitted a false coronavirus test at an airport prior to a flight from the UK was charged with fraud for his conduct.

Philip Cunningham (33) tried to use a fake PCR test certificate on May 4 at Heathrow Airport, before flying to Egypt.

She showed airline staff a Covid-19 negative test certificate on her phone, but the alert woman noticed a discrepancy: A number was missing.

In case of suspicion about the document, the employee contacted the laboratory and received confirmation that the test had not been carried out.

Philip Cunningham was arrested and brought before the Birmingham Magistrates Court, but did not immediately plead guilty; the man did so just a month after being pressured for evidence.
