Kurpienė Tips: So that all family members are full, the wallet is thicker, and food leftovers do not go to the trash


Food turns into noxious gas

According to statistics, about $ 1.3 billion is wasted each year. tons of food for human consumption and up to 6% in the EU. it is food waste that emits greenhouse gases.

“We need to speak out about conserving food and the environment, not only to save money, but also to reduce pollution on our planet. Unfortunately, food waste also has a significant impact on global warming, as that the European Union alone emits around 170 million tons per year. tons of CO2 gas from the production and distribution of wasted food and the disposal of food waste. Looking at these statistics, we understand that it is very important that habits are changed of buyers, purchases are planned and food is consumed responsibly, ”shared E. Dapkienė.

She explains that although people’s habits have changed during the quarantine: more shoppers visit supermarkets only once a week, and when they arrive to buy according to a pre-established list, there should be even more changes. The interviewee hopes that the new habits will not only expand, but will also be maintained even after the end of the quarantine, since this is an important step to contribute to the conservation of the planet.

“The importance of new habits should be seen not only as a need for environmental benefits, but also as a means of conserving personal resources. Responsible shopping, cooking, and consumption can help save money, which is not only good. for the planet, but also for the consumer himself. Of course, we are very happy that people’s awareness is growing, but we always have a place to stretch, “says E. Dapkienė.

Planning is the key to a brighter tomorrow

The problem of food waste in the world is also emphasized by dietician V. Kurpienė, who also warns that in recent years, when developing the topic of cooking food, more and more reference is made to environmental protection and saving money. She argues that food is often thrown away not only because it is overproduced, but also because its real need is underestimated, which is a double whammy for nature.
“CO2 is emitted into the environment during cooking, but the situation worsens when we do not consume the food produced and throw it away. It can be said that in this way we double the damage, because the waste of both processed and fresh food has a significant impact on environmental pollution. It is true that household food waste also has a negative impact on family finances. The more food is thrown away, the greater the cost to the family. What can be done to prevent this? First of all, start planning, ”says V. Kurpienė.

Vaida Kurpiene

Vaida Kurpiene

© Rita Gudė

The dietician emphasizes that food planning not only helps to save and contribute to the environment, but also to enjoy a more varied and better balanced diet. Often times, the diet of households that do not plan meals in advance is quite chaotic, often the same meals are repeated, so that people do not get all the vitamins they need. However, once you start planning your diet, all of this can change.

“When planning a diet, you must first determine how long the food should be enough: for a few days or for a whole week. After the period is over, you should check the cabinets and refrigerator in the house and assess what food is already in the house. Know what products to consume, create a menu of dishes and predict when they will be produced and how many additional products they will need to buy. After these preparations, it is necessary to create a shopping list and only then travel to the store “, advises the nutritionist.

Bug fixes

V. Kurpienė draws attention to the fact that those who plan to buy fail to avoid mistakes, because only the product that is needed is included in the shopping list, but does not indicate the required quantity. Another mistake is the underrated food portions. They are individual for each person, so based on previous experience and practice, it is necessary to calculate how much each member of the family will need a main dish and side dish. Servings can be counted not only in grams but also in units. However, if it has already happened that the amount of food produced exceeded the needs, the dietitian offers a way out.

“If too much food has been produced, you should not wait for it to start to spoil, and you should immediately freeze and consume some of it later. The only rule is that the food should be refrigerated in portions the same day after cooking and only in specific containers to avoid adverse health effects. Subsequently, the required number of servings will be heated “, advises the dietician.

It also suggests that you don’t rush to throw in cut carrots or radishes. When soaked in water, new leaves will grow and family members can enjoy fresh vitamins. According to the expert, sprouted carrot leaves contain more beta-carotene than carrots themselves, so it is worth using them for salads, in sandwiches or in the preparation of other dishes. True, in this way it is possible to grow salads, just soak the root side in water.



© Photo from personal album.

“If there are cucumbers, zucchini, roots or other similar vegetables wrapped around the house, there should be no rush to throw them out. After all, when soaked in a bowl of cold water, the vegetables should soon become as crisp as before. It is true that you should not try to revive vegetables when they have already rotted or rotten, ”says V. Kurpienė.

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