Kubilius asks everyone to be responsible: do not kill in the name of political competition!


“The Constitution of Lithuania guarantees freedom of expression, so in Lithuania every president, shadow prime minister, chairman of the council of lawyers, social democratic leader or common” philosopher “has the right to criticize the government, its vaccination strategy and look for other ways to earn popularity points “, Kubilius.

According to the politician, these public statements amount to a weapon and have connections with people’s lives, which depend solely on whether those people decide to get vaccinated.

“Today it is possible to kill not only with a front rifle or a knife in the dead of night, but also with a reckless or careless populist word. Especially leaders orally. Orally before vaccination, orally on the supposed dangers of vaccines or orally on the supposed dictates of global pharmaceutical companies. Every word from the leaders can lead to the fact that today eight more, and tomorrow twenty or thirty unvaccinated people will become part of the anonymous statistics of deaths due to pandemic ”, continues A. Kubilius.

According to the MEP, people who speak like this in the public sphere are already in politics or have planned to go into politics and are therefore earning political capital.

“For a politician, the search for popularity is the bread and butter of daily life, but the crucial question for any politician is: in what electoral environment and at what price is that popularity sought. Today it is necessary to ask: what is the price of people’s lives for so much political popularity? ”Says the politician in his publication.

Today, it is not difficult to predict that the current president Gitanas Nausėda, the current president of the Council of Lawyers Ignas Vėgėlė and the president of the Social Democrats Vilija Blinkevičiūtė will compete for similar votes in the next presidential elections of 2024. Already today that competition began, it began with populism against vaccination. It is not difficult to see that R. Karbauskis and V. Uspaskich are already actively participating in such a festival of populism, focused only on the next elections to the Seimas in the same 2024, with the same populist rhetoric and criticism of the vaccination strategy implemented by the Government, which is surprisingly successful. It will not surprise us that the current anti-Wax leaders of the Family March or their inspiring “philosophists” will actively participate in the next elections of the Seimas: from N.Vasiliauskaitė to J.Lago ”.

According to A. Kubilius, the government should simply do everything possible to vaccinate as many people as possible.

“You have to convince people, you have to warn about the consequences of not getting vaccinated, and finally you have to even prevent unvaccinated people from going to places of mass concentration where they can become infected and then risk their lives. This requires a Passport of Opportunity and an “unvaccinated quarantine” designed by the government to save lives. Or to encourage those who have not yet been vaccinated to get vaccinated and thus take care of their health and life.

Once again, it would seem that it is clear why the Government is behaving in this way and one can only congratulate the Government on such determination.

But no, there is not only a populist Family March or anti-taxi movement, but also those who could be classified as leaders of political or intellectual professions, and who say almost bluntly that no, they are not important human lives saved, but human lives. “. right to choose.” and the absolute value of “free choice” is far more important than the preservation of human life. Therefore, in isolation, the vaccination program implemented by the Government is allegedly flawed. And even illegal ”, writes the politician.

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