Krivick shared a frustrating experience with Barbora: she’s a scam, even though I call the police


The famous wrote that the situation is constantly repeated, so he is not only forced to “fight” to get his money back after each food delivery, but also to physically go shopping in other supermarkets himself, because there is always a shortage of merchandise. .

K. Krivickas began his Facebook post by announcing that it would be a text message about Barbora’s increasingly arrogant robberies.

“Especially in a row. Our family were clients of Barbora. For more than a year ago. We order regularly. The shopping cart is large. We place orders once a week. We plan to be enough for the whole family for the whole week. This saves time and protects health during quarantine.

Recently, however, we have faced the arrogant Barbora fraud, which I want to report. And ask everyone to share their stories. Am I not so lucky with them here alone, or is it such a blatant scheme of Barbora’s operation and generating profit at the expense of clients?

So. I order goods through Barbora apss. I pay. I choose the delivery time. Bring. When you pick up the goods left at the door, it turns out that you didn’t bring some of the goods. For the most part. Quarter. Sometimes sides. And once, almost everything. Instead of 11 bags he brought only 1! Although the order fulfillment report sent to Barbora by mail shows that all products have been picked up and delivered. Barbora officially claims in the boldest way that I took all the money, collected and delivered all the products for all the money, although in reality I do not bring a quarter or even half, or even almost the entire order!

We tell the courier that a large part of the merchandise is missing, say, I don’t know anything, everything I put together, I brought everything, all the best. Call, find out. We called the Barbora helpline. It never works! Nobody answered him as much as we didn’t call! Dozens of times for months at a time!

Then we notice the fact that Barbora took the money, she did not bring the merchandise, although she says she did bring it. This is a fraud. Even if I call the police. One hour with my wife and I carefully count the merchandise, I write what is not there, I count the amount. It costs nerves, time, money. Also, it is impossible to plan, for example, family celebrations because they do not bring the part of the goods that is needed for the child’s birthday party, or tomorrow’s lunch, or something like that.

In a word, one is misery and loss. Both in terms of time and money. We spend the money and we don’t have the goods. We send them an email letter. We pose the problem. Sometimes he calls again. It says, oh, you know, it could be the courier didn’t pick up the bag or the packer didn’t put it in. Let’s explain. We will refund your money. We indicate the goods that were not delivered. Refunds.

Well, let’s say we have not seen all the products, and there is still a part of the money for them, although we have not received them. And let’s say other people don’t realize that some of the goods are not delivered or anticipated by hand. This will be the quarantine of Barbora gešeftas, money for nothing.

And finally. Such situations happen to us with every Barbora order in the last 2-3 months. Sometimes there is a shortage of goods, sometimes there is less. More and more I go to Rimi, Iki, Lidl, Norfa or the like. The money is still with Barbora at that time, because it returns in 5 days. Our large family is thus obliged to prove their logistics feilus.

Well, until the end. Every time after 3 days of clarification of the situation, the manager of “Barbora” kindly says: “We are very sorry, we will try not to repeat, we offer you another discount … 3 euros discount”.

PS: We and the children have even created an “advertising” slogan for “Barbora”: “Barbora”. We give them a nasty surprise! “,” Barbora. A surprise awaits you with every order. Unpleasant. “,” Barbora. Order. Pay. Don’t get “etc., etc.”, he wrote.

The news portal also contacted Barbora to comment on the situation in more detail.

Jurgita Gižaitė-Tulabienė, communications manager for Barbora’s electronic grocery and grocery store, posted a comment on the news portal.

“Such situations are rare, but they are very painful and instructive for us, because a good shopping experience for customers is our greatest value. First of all, we apologize to both Mr. Krivickas and other customers who do not reach some of ordered products. These are not common cases because we take the quality of customer service very responsibly and seriously. If the customer does not find one or another item in the shopping cart, the most common reason is that these items no longer they were left on the store shelf during pickup, in this case we transfer the product money to the customer’s account within 5 business days.

In the mentioned case, a human error has infiltrated, we immediately explain the situation. Sip. We have already contacted Krivicka personally, we will refund your money for undelivered products in the near future.

We respond to all customer inquiries as soon as possible to resolve any issues and cause the customer as little inconvenience as possible. We also thank our customers for their active response: we take each of these messages very seriously, we review the processes so that other purchases are fluid and with positive emotions. At the same time, we would like to thank our customers for their understanding and beautiful comments, which we received long after Mr. Krivickas Registration, “said E. Jurgita Gižaitė-Tulabienė, communication manager of Barbora store.
