Kristijonas Kaikaris has become the new director of CityBee


Kristijonas Kaikaris, the new head of the CityBee platform. Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

The Lithuanian mobility services platform belonging to the Modus Group will be led by Kristijonas Kaikaris, former director of Oracle Lithuania, Microsoft Lietuva, as well as Small Planet Airlines Lithuania.

The company’s announcement indicates that K. Kaikaris has been appointed permanent manager of the CityBee platform. The services of this platform in Lithuania are provided by UAB Prime Leasing, whose manager since 2017. March was Luke Yla.

VŽ wrote that since last October the latter has been temporarily replaced by Giedrius Audickas, the director and chairman of the board of Modus Mobility, the company that manages the operator of the mobility platform. The report indicates that Mr. Audick will continue his previous activities, he will be responsible for the business strategy of mobility, development and new directions of business development.

“We are intensively preparing for the further development of CityBee, so we pay close attention to strengthening individual business areas, increasing competencies and building a management team. After naming the most important priorities of the company in the field of services, we decided to invite Kristijonas, who has a solid experience working in international companies and the IT sector, to the position of director of CityBee ”, said G. Audickas.

K. Kaikaris, who started running CityBee, previously headed the Lithuanian division of Microsoft, served as President of Infobalt, was the head of the Lithuanian division of Oracle and worked in the IBM representative office in Lithuania for more than 5 years . VŽ wrote that in 2019. Earlier in the year, he ran the aviation services company Small Planet Airlines.

Mention new services

K. Kaikaris, quoted in the report, says it was not difficult to decide to join the CityBee team.

CityBee has built a history of success in two industries: transportation and digital solutions. I have a lot of experience in both areas. In addition, I believe that CityBee mobility services today and in the future will make people’s lives more comfortable and free ”, explained the new manager of the platform.

According to him, in a few years CityBee has become the largest mobility services company in the Baltic countries.

“My main task is to ensure smooth and high-quality operation in all markets. In addition, I will pay close attention to the work that will prepare the company for further development. One of them is the adaptation of the CityBee platform to the new services provided. ”Said K. Kaikaris.

Speaking of first impressions after joining the CityBee team, K. Kaikaris said the experience is significantly different from previous ones.

“The pandemic has changed a lot in terms of human communication. I never thought that I would meet a new team of almost 100 people remotely, but live. However, even in such circumstances, I can clearly see that the people gathered on the team from CityBee are brave, ambitious and like non-traditional solutions, ”K. Kaikaris is quoted.

CityBee, which started providing services in Lithuania 8 years ago, currently operates in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Company property? by car? Park? consists of more than 2,000 vehicles, the company? Do you have more than 750,000 registered? client? base?.

VŽ wrote that in October CityBee ceased operations in Warsaw. An explanation for this decision was made public: the project in neighboring Poland was just a pilot.

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