Kretinga’s Chaplain’s Language Spreads Online: Perverts Try to Break into Schools and Teach Immoral Things


The extract from this mass was shared on Facebook by the Center for Human Rights.

“Hate and one or another soc. group humiliation can be justified by freedom of religion? This is not the first time the Center has been contacted by people outraged by the way some priests respond to the LGBT community. Some of them are non-believers, others – believers and do not understand the words that church members use, they feel rejected and humiliated, ”wrote the representatives of the Centers for Human Rights.

In the video mentioned above, Kretinga Franciscan Gymnasium chaplain P. Vaineikis states that “Satan has learned to distort human nature on a non-political level.” Later, members of the LGBT community are called perverts. He says there are attempts to break into schools and teach “immoral things.”

“We say that Satan has learned to distort human nature even on a political level. When perverts teach through the LRT, I can directly say. (Teach, aut. P.) Perverts, lgbtšnikai. They teach us who we are. It turns out that boys are no longer boys, men are not men, girls are not girls, women are not women, but Bala knows what. You can imagine? By trying to break into schools and teach immoral things at the state level, ”said P. Vaineikis, chaplain of the Franciscan Gymnasium of Kretinga, in the excerpt from the mass.

The full record of the Mass is no longer available.

The Center for Human Rights marveled at the words spoken by a church representative.

“Some of them are unbelievers, others are believers and they don’t understand the words that church members use, they feel rejected and humiliated. The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania says that churches and religious organizations have the right to freely publish their education and perform their rites. However, the universally accepted principles of respect for the dignity of another person apply to everyone, regardless of religion or other characteristics, ”recalled the representatives of the Center for Human Rights.

They asserted that church members have and can express their views on same-sex relationships and families, but this should be done with respect, without humiliating or stigmatizing other members of society.

“Public opinion polls show that the LGBT community continues to face negative public attitudes. Therefore, despite the differences we have on one or another problem related to the validity of LGBT rights, we must promote coexistence and respect, not humiliation and hatred ”, wrote the representatives of the Center for Human Rights on Facebook.

Answered ironically

Chaplain P. Vaineikis wryly responded to the Center for Human Rights, who posted an excerpt from his speech on Facebook. We provide the full post, the language is not corrected.


The answer to the “experts” of the Center for Human Rights, LRT, Lietuvos Rytas, 15min, TV3, the festival of “freedom” and all those who DISTORT THE TRUTH. (Hence the word “perverts”)

I am humiliated for you! You trampled all my social gender, attitude towards the world, to LTseim, to love LGBT and freedom… (sorry) to my rainbow party. How dare you homophobically dismiss me as a “priest” (you used that disgusting and dirty male relative) in violation of my sexual orientation? BE AN AVATAR on that wonderful day of Advent !!!

What about you ?! You haven’t seen how I tried to dress up and be at least a bit like you – trans / lezb / Continental / Gay / Space / Christmas Tree ORIENTATIONS !!! OR GLASSES, my rainbow glasses RAINBOW for which I wanted to understand the world of your HOMOsapiens !!!

You can’t even imagine how insultingly you called my first sermon in your native language: “float”!

HORROR! I only miss the avatar’s words to express outrage and wonder with what intolerance you look by looking, speaking and thinking differently. You are the most real AVATAROFOBS! And you still dare to call me “homophobic”! I, with so much love for you, HOMAI tried to make a Party!

PLEASE NOTE this is the scariest HATE SPEECH language I have ever experienced – the little avatar!

To BEAT YOU all the social networks in the world !!!

Not only that, you are about to pass some kind of stabububule convention next month, with which you want to completely destroy MY rights as an extremely rare sexual avatar minority. You yourself, in the most disgusting way – meandering, saying nothing, in a low voice, hiding from the author of that beautiful Convention, that you have sincerely worked for several years to defend your primates STRAIGHT – female rights from violence, put your GENDER-pearl -fat !?

YOU – Shameless, without a conscience! I will definitely complain about your international homose rights now! You will be fired from your job and from all duties of the Seimas, ministers!

Well, the next apostle Paul, Thomas, wrote of you:

You are full of all injustice, wickedness, greed and evil, full of jealousy, KILLING, discord, deceit, contempt, gossip!

You are slanderers, God-haters, thieves, boastful, boastful, EVIL INVENTIVE, disobedient to parents, foolish, unfaithful, LOVE, ruthless! Although you know God’s decision that this is all WORTH DEATH, you are not only doing it yourself, but you are also supporting those who do it “(according to Romans 1: 29–32).

Hey dear HOMO: “Do I wish the wicked one to die, and not to stray from his path and live? It is the WORD of the Lord GOD (the Avatar of the Universe) ”(Ezekiel 18:23).

Plus! VERY SERIOUS: I warn you that you have little time left! Don’t bother God and the Lithuanian nation with all your GENDERISM, nonsense. I invite all those who have betrayed the Homeland, sold Lithuanian children, youth and families to Satan (be it red, brown, green or rainbow) to sincerely repent!

Lent is a time of the Grace of God to repent of everything, abandon sin, return to the Lord!

(If someone, reading the wish to send me in “three letters”, reminds me that there is a resort of this type in the state of Peru, I will ask you to buy a ticket!)

If someone thinks that today they can be unauthorized and the “Istanbul Convention” will not touch you, I will say a prophecy, it will happen, as in 1940:

“When a lie was revealed in the abyss of human suffering, people ONLY THEN realized: we have been deceived! We are fooled by the Nazis, the Bolsheviks. No, that wasn’t true, it was a terrible DISTORTION from the truth!

To justify and maintain the dictatorial power of the click, evil has been presented to us as good since childhood. Dictators know that evil must be called “good” because man wants to live for good “(Kuby’s” Gender Revolution “).


Little brother AVATAR OFM.

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