Kremlin speakers – on the Seimas elections: crying over the results, and one fled to Russia


In recent weeks, the Kremlin-controlled media has not paid much attention to the elections in Lithuania, with the exception of a few reports. For example, the news that the Union of Christian Families of the Lithuanian Polish Election Campaign (LLRA-KŠS) petitioned the Central Election Commission (CEC) to invalidate the results of the Seimas elections in a multi-member constituency received the greatest attention.

However, before and after the second round of elections on Sunday, one after another, the emotions of the Kremlin-controlled media and the actors who express themselves through them began to flow. It is possible to look at everything not only through the prism of relations with Russia. Kremlin spokesmen were riddled with conspiracy theories without disappointing the results.

Gražulis is also cited

“Elections without choice” – the so-called article by one of the Kremlin speakers who closely monitors Lithuania consoles that if after 2016 there was still hope that “the need for change has increased in the country – the need for a new political system “. it was supposed to quickly die out with the establishment of the peasants in power; The latter did not offer anything new in relations with Russia and Belarus, on the contrary, they only made them worse.

The Kremlin-controlled portal, which has monitored the elections in Lithuania in recent weeks and focused on the infamous propagandist Dmitry Kiseliov, has focused on the elections in Lithuania.

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Already on the day of the first round, the publication announcing the possible victory to the conservatives presented the assessment of the politician Petras Gražulis, who allegedly interviewed The latter is said to have been surprised that “people turned away from those who did good: increase pensions, return the child’s money, give money to the business during the coronavirus.” Therefore, the “Lithuanian media dependent on the Landsbergists” are to blame for everything, which, according to P. Gražulis, quoted, requires “de-monopolization, as well as the launch of state channels”.

Kremlin speakers - on the Seimas elections: crying over the results, and one fled to Russia

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And already in the article of October 25, Fr. Gražulis himself is cited as a Lithuanian politician who emphasizes the low turnout, who explains the victory of the conservatives precisely because of that low turnout. Vadim Volovojus, a political scientist quoted by a propaganda post in neighboring Latvia, also noted low turnout.

Both current and future rulers are bad

The latter is also cited in the articles of another famous Kremlin speaker, Sputnik, one of whom analyzes the situation before the second round. “Melting Lithuania in the Swamp of a Scared World: What the Conservatives’ Victory Worth” is an article called dramatic written by a person under the pseudonym “Jurgis Nevėžietis”.

The article is not without even sharper conclusions that the “liberals” in Lithuania defeated Gabrielius Landsbergis and Ingrida Šimonytė, who “follow the systematic line of Lithuanian politics: anti-Soviet, Russophobia and bend the roads against the West.”

“Currently winning the TS-LKD advocates for the complete dissolution of Lithuania in the swamp of a scared world: neoliberal economic policy, cosmopolitanism, LGBT and legalization of same-sex marriages.

LVŽS is trying at least to keep Lithuania’s balance. Therefore, we can speak of the struggle between two evils, the lesser of which, from the point of view of the vast Lithuanian nation and from the human point of view, is LVŽS ”, the author of the article curiously states, although he emphasizes that relations with Russia worsened.

Kremlin speakers - on the Seimas elections: crying over the results, and one fled to Russia

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The author concludes that these processes are “a consequence of the continued massive emigration of Lithuanians”, although in recent years there have been more and more arrivals than departures.

“The worst thing is that the Soviet generation is disappearing, and the younger generation, who grew up not only in the” independent Lithuania “, but also together with modern brainwashing technologies. This generation, which emigrates healthier and the rest , which does not get drunk and does not degrade, it is assimilated in the cities – Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda, complementing the TS-LKD and Freedom Party electorates.

Kremlin spokesmen, who have been increasing for many years after the myth of “drunken Lithuania”, finally used this metaphor to describe the political situation. After the second round of elections, in the article he published “Going and falling. Lithuania can be compared to a “political alcoholic” Nikolajus Meževičius, a political scientist and researcher at the Russian Baltic Research Association, said that “the parliamentary elections in Lithuania could not affect relations with Russia, because like a walking alcoholic, you will and asphalt, Lithuanian alcoholism manifests itself. The fact that Lithuania has been falling on the right side for a long time and is not moving there. ”It is said that no matter which party a politician belongs to, there are no differences in the programs of the matches.

Kremlin speakers - on the Seimas elections: crying over the results, and one fled to Russia

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“There is a clear political consensus to pursue a hostile policy towards Russia and Belarus, vigilant towards Poland and unconditional support for any American initiative. And the second round shows little activity, because ordinary people are tired of that circus, “the political scientist told the Kremlin spokesman.

A few days after the elections, did not calm down and already summoned the president of the Polish Election Campaign, the Union of Christian Families Valdemaras Tomaševskis, who questioned the election results, as well as R. Karbauskis, who support for. According to, this means that a lot of serious questions have really been raised in Lithuania regarding the legitimacy of the election results.

Following the accusations, they fled Lithuania.

Finally, another figure also appeared who spread the Kremlin’s disinformation. Giedrius Grabauskas, another infamous Kremlin supporter, friend of Algirdas Paleckis accused of spying on Russia and leader of the Popular Socialist Front, who had previously been convicted of anti-state activities, also prompted his withdrawal.

Just before the second round of elections, he assured the Russian propaganda media that he had fled the country, first crossing the borders of Latvia and then Estonia, and that he was being questioned on the border with Russia and believed that Lithuania could face the threat of a psychiatric examination. under political pressure.

G. Grabauskas reiterated the reason that the allegedly assigned psychiatric examination had been repeated for some time, only in his speeches did he change the date and status of the alleged procedure – in one interview he stated that he wanted to be assigned an examination, in another that had already been designated.

Kremlin speakers - on the Seimas elections: crying over the results, and one fled to Russia

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“I do not plan to return, because there (in Lithuania – Ed.) There are clear and growing political repressions. As for the Seimas elections, Neringa Venckienė, Viačeslavas Titovas, Sergejus Dmitrijevas, Stanislavas Ladiskis, Vytautas Šustauskas, Vilmantas Povilaitis and many others withdrew from them. It is clear how Mr. Paleckis and others are now being tried for the same opposition politics. Everything is done to silence them or renounce their beliefs ”, quotes G. Grabauskas on This infamous figure finally got into serious trouble with law enforcement after Delfi and other Lithuanian outlets published his speeches last year.

G. Grabauskas was indicted for inciting hatred against partisans – his speeches on the “Vesti” news program of the Russian television channel Rossija 1 on January 14. In a report prepared by Russian representatives, the partisan commanders were identified as criminals and murderers of peaceful people.

Grabauskas’s apartment was searched and the police took an interest in the character’s own accounts, on suspicion of receiving orders from Rossiya Segodnya, owner of Sputnik, baltnews and other Kremlin speakers.

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