Krekenava sent children to the fields


Business companies also expect young motivated employees for seasonal work. Finding people who need short-term work for a week or a month is not easy. Therefore, due to the lack of seasonal workers, the Krekenava agricultural company, which belongs to the Vikonda group of companies, invited students from the region to work in their fields.

Due to the favorable weather, the grass joined

“Our agricultural company is engaged in crop production, therefore seasonal workers are sometimes urgently needed and we cannot always plan it a few weeks in advance,” explains Vaidas Lebedys, director of UAB Krekenava. – The sudden need for workers this time was dictated by nature, because with the onset of heavy rains and especially warm weather, the grass began to germinate rapidly. It is not possible to use agricultural implements for this job, so there was an urgent need for labor. So we offered Kėdainiai students to earn food for the growing harvest in our company’s fields. ”

He becomes familiar with agriculture.

Now that garden and vegetable products are grown by far fewer people than a decade ago, a significant proportion of modern children grow without touching agriculture. Therefore, the opportunity to work in the fields in the summer for students also becomes an educational and cognitive experience.

Agriculture in a public space is often shown as a very simple and easy activity. So as they work in our company’s fields, students will get a close look at the daily grind and challenges of working in the agricultural sector, which will help them appreciate the meaning and value of agriculture. Perhaps someone will even decide to choose a profession related to agriculture, “hopes V. Lebedys.

The sudden need for workers this time was dictated by nature, as with the onset of heavy rains and especially warm weather, the grass began to sprout rapidly. It is not possible to use agricultural implements for this job, so there was an urgent need for labor.

Krekenava sent children to the fields

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

30 euros per day

Krekenava was looking for young compatriots who would like to work with the help of the school administration and submitting a job offer on the websites or groups of educational institutions on Facebook.

“We offered work to students at least 16 years old,” says V. Lebedys. – We have provided working conditions in strict compliance with the law that regulates child labor.

So, students start the work day a little before 9 a.m., then from 12 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch and will continue to operate until 4.30 p.m. The work contracts signed with the students stipulate that they receive € 30 per day after the tax deduction.

The students began the work by weeding dill. We also plan to offer them work in the acid and wheat seed fields. The number and extent of business days will depend on nature and weather conditions. “

Save the car

The favorable working conditions offered by UAB Krekenava quickly brought diligent students together and the work in the fields began to melt away.

Erikas Vasiljevas, a student at the Kėdainiai Vocational Training Center, no longer works during the first summer. The guy already knows and where to spend his earnings.

“I am 18 years old. I would like to get a driver’s license and buy a car, for which I plan to spend around 600-700 euros, says Eric. – After working in these fields, I will go to work at the cannery in Kėdainiai .

I worked in greenhouses last summer. It was much more difficult there because I had to weed the cucumbers at a temperature of 40 degrees or more. Therefore, weeding in the fields is much easier. It works very well and there is no lack of motivation. I am satisfied with this work. “

A stuffed animal and an athlete on the field.

“I turned 16 this year and thought it would be great not to ask my mother for money this summer, but to earn it myself,” says the girl. – I’m a student at the Light Gymnasium. I saw this job offer on the Facebook group of the school community and with some other colleagues we decided to try working here.

The work is pleasant and does not seem very frustrating or difficult. I am well dressed, my head is covered with a hat, so the sun does not interfere at all and the work is going well. “

Kamilė will also reserve the money earned from a large purchase.

“I am dreaming of a new phone,” he reveals. – Of course, you probably won’t rack up all the necessary amounts, but at least some of the money will be made.

If I find another offer here after work, I will be happy to continue working in the summer. You want to be independent and earn your own money. “

Peeled strawberries

Viltė Gailiūnaitė, a student at the Light Gymnasium, also dumped the dill with patience and care. Girls who work in the summer is not a new experience.

“I no longer want to ask my parents for money, so when I saw the job offer, I immediately became interested and decided to take the opportunity to earn money,” says Viltė. – Working in the field doesn’t scare me at all. I picked strawberries in England last summer. It was much more difficult there, so I am very happy with this job. And I plan to spend my profits on summer entertainment. “
