Known families gathered for the exhibition in Palanga, including Robertas Javtokas with his wife and children.


The guests at the event are well-known people in Lithuania, professionals in their fields, leaders, among them: businessman, Rector of the University of Administration and Economics ISM Dalius Misiūnas, basketball player Robertas Javtokas, doctor Tomas Sveikata, scientist-inventor prof. Arminas Ragauskas, Tomas Balžekas, director of the digital business and media company Media Bite, Arminta Saladžienė, president of Nasdaq Vilnius, Nijolė Kvietkauskaitė, director of Palink, a company that operates the Iki retail chain, Daina Bosas, businessman Algimantas Kriščiūnas and his wife, journalist, writer Jurga Baltrukonyte, journalist Daiva Žeimytė-Bilienė, journalist Jolanta Svirnelytė, daughter of journalist Edmundas Jakilaitis Barbora Jakilaitė and others. – met to support the professors of the University of Iceland, dr. Project started by Inga Minelgaitė and businesswoman Inga Jablonskė, founder of WOW University, the only remote university for women in the world.

Invited to the presentation of the project

Guests at the presentation of the project “Yo soy tú” / Photo by Martynas Ozolas

Raminta Naujanytė-Bjelle welcomed the initiative and donated her songs to other guests. Last year, the young woman became the director of LATGA (Lithuanian Association for Collective Administration of Copyright). The event was hosted by actress, author Justė Zinkevičiūtė.

“Research shows that companies with women and men on their boards of directors achieve better results. Societies with a high participation of men and women in the labor market are more economically developed. These societies are more peaceful and the happiness index of the children is taller, says Inga Minelgaitė, who has been nominated as Lithuanian Scientist of the Year. Therefore, we had the idea to ask famous Lithuanian men and leaders in various fields to support this project. The project ambassadors were: Andrius Mamontovas, Andrius Tapinas, Edmundas Jakilaitis, Robertas Javtokas, Algis Kriščiūnas, Dalius Misiūnas, Marius Jovaiša, Gintaras Rinkevičius, Vladimiras Prudnikovas, Jonas Spudis, Andrius Čilvikata, Tomas Silvuskiakitis, Tomas Silvuskiakitis, Tomas Silvuskiakitis, Tomas Silvuskiakitis, and Pekimuskaitis Gintarasekasekaskauskiaitis, Vilvuskiaitis Rakimasuska, Andrius Čilvuskiaitis. They all gladly agreed to take photos with their daughters and share their thoughts on the future profession. they wish for themselves and, at the same time, for all Lithuanian women. It is these photos that are exhibited in the exhibition. Although only invited guests were able to participate in the festive evening, anyone can visit later. We highly recommend that you do so. “

Invited to the presentation of the project

Invited to the presentation of the project “Yo soy tú” / Photo by Martynas Ozolas

“The idea of ​​the project is really relevant and meaningful, so I couldn’t help but contribute,” says Arvydas Macijauskas, a father-of-three basketball player, “unfortunately that differentiation of professions is still felt in our country.” . “At the same time, there is a growing tendency to take into account competence, work done, performance indicators more than gender. It is very important to change this situation. This could be helped by universal education (in the workplace , educational institutions, etc.), the application of legal responsibility, the initiation of public debates and the attention of the media. And, of course, projects like this. In other words, the whole, because there is no single tool to promote change. And above all, I want my children to discover their unique vocation, put a lot of work into it and firmly believe and trust themselves. “

Although the opera soloist Ieva Prudnikovaitė, one of the ambassadors of the project prof. The daughter of Vladimir Prudnikov, says in her environment with an evaluation of what work is male and what is female, is not found, “but recognizes that this perception still exists in our nation – supposedly the place of a woman in the pots.” It must be understood that we are a young nation, the mindset continues to take shape, and change takes time. Little by little, both globally and in our country, there is no longer a difference in terms of gender, age, races, etc., which is really gratifying. I am thankful to my dad for that did not stick I according to my imagination, what kind of work should I do. I freely chose my profession and felt the support of my family, ”says I. Prudnikovaitė.

Invited to the presentation of the project

Invited to the presentation of the project “Yo soy tú” / Photo by Martynas Ozolas

“It’s so painful, but it’s like invisible We really have a lot of problems like this in society. So it’s definitely time to talk about them. Speak in public and out loud. I can say that even when they go to work for us, women tend to ask for lower wages than men. Although they are intelligent, hard-working, professional. So parents, first of all, raise your daughters’ self-esteem, “said Nijolė Kvietkauskaitė, director of Palink, during the event.

The initiators of the social campaign invite everyone who wants children in Lithuania to grow up to choose a profession that they freely join, regardless of stereotypes instilled in society, close people and perhaps even parents. “The project is a reminder that we are all connected and that each of us is affected by one another. And most importantly, we all have the power to influence the environment and the future. Therefore, it is necessary to work together and start with yourself, the environment closest to you: talking, discussing these issues with family, children, friends, colleagues. Do not be indifferent “, encourages I.Jablonskė.

Invited to the presentation of the project

Invited to the presentation of the project “Yo soy tú” / Photo by Martynas Ozolas

You can support the project and follow its progress on the official website. Also on social networks: instagram @_asesutu_ and Facebook @ asesutu2021

The exhibition “Yo soy tú” will be exhibited in the lobby of the Palanga Concert Hall from August 7. Until September 1st. Anyone can see it. It will then move on to the largest EBIT management conference, which will take place on September 2-3 in Vilnius.
