Klaipėdos šventės boss invades Seimas: advantages for a lower salary?


Romandas Žiubrys, the director of the public institution “Klaipėdos šventės”, will also seek the mandate of a member of the Seimas under the banner of “peasants”. The freshly baked nonpartisan politician is famous not only for the minister’s highest salary, the public procurement that has raised questions, but also for the group of friends and family employed at the institution under his leadership.

Refused your inside information?

The council of the Lithuanian Union of Peasants and Greens (LVŽS), which met last week, approved candidates for the Seimas elections in single-member constituencies.

Unexpectedly, it became clear that Darius Kubilius, the head of the Palanga branch of the “peasants”, would not represent his party in the single-member constituency of Mėguva.

The party council found that a more suitable candidate was a nonpartisan R. Žiubrys who lived in Kretinga.

The Mėguva district consists of territories belonging to three municipalities (part of the Klaipėda district, part of Kretinga and Palanga).

Mysteries: D. Kubilius, the head of the Palanga branch of the “peasants”, does not feel very pleasant that in the single-member constituency of Mėguva, the party leadership chose R. Žiubris as a candidate, not him . (Photo from Darius Kubilius’ personal archive)

The divisions of the “peasant party” Gargždai and Kretinga have expressed their support for R. Žiubris.

His candidacy was also supported by the mayors of the Klaipeda and Kretinga districts.

D. Kubilius was “rejected”.

If the management’s choice was correct, time will tell, we will see it all on October 11th.

The party leadership was not satisfied with the results it achieved last year during the municipal elections, when it only won a mandate from a member of the Palanga Council, and D. Kubilius himself, who participated in the mayoral elections, It was in third place, raising 5.83 percent. o 440 votes from the residents of Palanga.

The party’s decision to nominate not a party but a non-party candidate shocked D. Kubilius and, as he claims, all members of the Palanga branch.

“The entire electoral list was delivered by the party president (Ramūnas Karbauskis – AD) and the junta. Why was a non-partisan candidate chosen? Why not from Palanga, but from Kretinga? If the leadership election was correct, time will tell Kubilius.

I already tried forces in politics

R.Žiubrys already has experience in participating in elections. He asked the Kretinga District Municipal Council to join the “Kretinga Region” public elections committee.

Following these elections, five representatives of the committee, including the current mayor Antanas Kalnius, appeared on the Kretinga District Municipal Council.

A coalition was formed with the LVŽS on the district municipal council.

This is possible, therefore, a decision was made regarding the representation of R. Žiubris to the “peasants” in the Seimas elections in a single-member constituency.

Well-being: The Seimas attracts many not only for its parliamentary status, but also for the opportunity to spend significant time. (Photo by Gediminas Bartuška)

“Why did I decide? It was not very difficult to do, because I had already participated in the municipal elections. It was already such a big commitment with my colleagues that if that opportunity arose, I would have to participate in the Seimas elections,” said R. Žiubrys to the newspaper.

A serious competitor to R.Žiubris in Mėguva’s single-member constituency will be Mindaugas Skritulskas of Palanga, a representative of the National Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD), an experienced politician.

It should also be appreciated that the people of Palanga, who make up the majority of the voters in the Mėguva constituency, voted for the Conservatives for almost the entire period of independence, and their electoral fads changed little.

“I take all the candidates very seriously, I think each one of them will be a serious competitor, especially since some have been involved in politics for a long time, not like me. But I don’t think there are things that cannot be done” R. Žiubrys said.

Not everything is measured in money. It would be strange if I said that profit is important.

Higher remuneration than the minister

Klaipėda residents heard more about R.Žiubris after the activity report of the public institution “Klaipėdos šventės” led by him was discussed at the city council meeting.

At that time, it was announced that last year the basic salary of the director of this institution amounted to 36.3 thousand per year. plus bonuses of 9,947 euros, additional bonuses of 6,031 euros and vacation pay of 4,352 euros.

The total remuneration of the director of “Klaipėdos švenčių” last year amounted to 56.7 thousand. before taxes.

R.Žiubrys explained to the newspaper that his salary is determined according to the procedure that is valid for all municipal public institutions.

Supposedly he does not receive that money in advance, but for the work already done.

According to data from the activity report of the institution “Klaipėdos šventės”, in 2013, when R.Žiubrys came to work as head of the institution, his salary during the year amounted to 22.1 thousand. before taxes.

Three years later, in 2016, already – 29.3 thousand. EUR, 2017 – 40.2 thousand, in 2018. – 46.3 thousand, and last year – almost 57 thousand. EUR: more than 4.7 thousand per month. euros

That is about $ 100 more than in 2019. The mayor of Klaipeda won and more than in the same period won 9 of the 13 ministers of this government.

If R.Žiubrys became a regular member of the Seimas, his salary would reach 3,356 euros per month, without taxes, 40,000 euros per year, that is, 17 thousand. EUR less than what it received last year, managing the company “Klaipėdos šventės”.

“Not everything is measured in money. It would be strange if I said that profits are important. I do not know why, but people react as much to other people’s payment as if we were living in the Soviet era. If someone earns more, does he need to nationalize that payment? “How do I work. Neither my salary nor my decision determined the salary I received, so I really don’t understand why someone has that question, “R. Žiubrys was surprised.

During the pandemic: more workers

Despite the fact that there were no cultural events in the city for three months after the quarantine, the salaries of the employees of the institution “Klaipėdos šventės” continued to be impressive.

Rekvizitai.lt announces that the average salary at this institution in April this year was 1,697 euros, in May – 1,439 euros.

The manager’s salary size was somehow not announced.

In addition, last week R.Žiubrys lobbied the Klaipeda Council for Culture and Art to increase the percentage of administrative funds for party organizers.

However, the council disagreed.

Hundreds of thousands of euros are allocated to meet the salary needs of single employees. On average, the institution employs up to 15 people.

According to rekvizitai.lt data, there are currently 18 employees. Until March 29. was 16 years old.

After the quarantine started two weeks later, according to rekvizitai.lt, one employee was hired, then another, the latter on April 26, and then one was fired.

Old business connections

R.Žiubrys, who is the boss of Klaipėdos šventės, is not a newcomer to the entertainment business.

Before that, the man managed to manage two companies engaged in similar activities, whose shareholders, along with R. Žiubris, were known women in the port city.

A.Žiubrys briefly revolves around the activities of the company “Ars Idea”.

According to data from the Records Center, A.Žiubrys established this company together with Audra Umbrasiene and Jolanta Girdvaine (then J.Braukyliene – aut. Past.), Who now heads the administration of the Kretinga district municipality.

2006 were shareholders of this company. The company of friends had divided the shares more or less equally.

2011 In November, A.Umbrasienė took over the block of actions, by decision of which R.Žiubrys was removed from the position of director.

2009 R.Žiubrys and J.Girdvaine and Dalia Grikšaitė (currently working as the creative manager for “Klaipėdos šventės” headed by R.Žiubris) established the public institution “Klaipėdos publika”.

To work – with his wife and brother-in-law

2013 In May R. Žiubrys was removed from the post of director of the institution “Klaipėdos publika”, and a third of the institution’s capital was transferred to his wife’s brother, Petras Jucis, who became the head of the institution.

P.Jucys is still the director of “Klaipėdos publikos”, but at the same time he works at the institution “Klaipėdos šventės”, directed by R.Žiubris, where he is the coordinator of the technical part of the projects.

And R. Žiubris’s wife, Ieva Žiubrienė, works under a fixed-term employment contract at Klaipėda Holidays.

She was recruited after the institution won a tender to implement a commercial project in the May 7, 2015 contract “On the Services of an Event Operator for the Provision of State Property.”

Currently, the wife’s job is also related to a commercial project under a municipally owned lease.

According to the organizational structure of “Klaipėdos švenčių” approved by the founder, the coordinator of the event is directly subordinate to the director.

There is no conflict of interest?

The fact that not only the wife of the manager I.Žiubrienė, but also his brother P.Jucius, as a shareholder and manager of another public institution, find a conflict of interest in the company established by the municipality, seems to be invisible.

The public institution “Klaipėdos publika” is accompanied by enviable success in public procurement.

The director of this institution, P. Jucius, can rotate in two positions without criticism.

Having become the coordinator of the events organized by Klaipėdos švenčių, the man is still mired in the concern of carrying out other orders.

Last May “Klaipėdos publika” won the competition announced by the Padvariai Rural Community Center “Three Ponds” in the Kretinga district to organize the event.

The community wanted a traditional summer vacation that is commemorated in early August.

Padvariškės had to invite a well-known artist or music group. The event was organized by the host.

Additional starting at 6 p.m. at midnight, the festival participants were to be entertained by a musician or a group. Trampolines had to be built for the children, and fireworks lit up the sky at night.

It is also worth noting that the contract with this company of the brother of R. Žiubris’s wife was signed by the president of the community Ieva Latakienė, who together with R. Žiubris participated in the elections to the Kretinga District Municipal Council the year past.

I.Latakienė was sixth on the list of the public elections committee “Kretinga Region”, and R.Žiubrys – seventh.

A. Vaitkus does not remember contracts

The success of the public institution “Klaipedos publika” also smiles on the public acquisitions announced by the Klaipeda State Port Authority.

In May of last year, the institution won the tender announced by the Directorate during the Klaipeda Ship Parade.

For 5 thousand. The public body promised to erect billboards in the busiest areas of the port city.

The announcement had to be published on the website kulturosuostas.lt, on social networks.

It follows from the contract that the service provider undertook to display the address flags, distribute brochures, and publish other advertising.

2018 Klaipedos Publika also carried flags, brochures, and billboards around the city. It is true, for 3 thousand. amount of euros.

However, in 2017, said service was provided to the port authority for only 1.5 thousand. euros

Arvydas Vaitkus, the former head of the Klaipeda State Ports Authority and the representative of the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union at Klaipeda City Hall, declined to recall these public acquisitions.

The politician did not respond to the daily journalists’ investigation into the tenders won by the public institution Klaipėdos publika.

“I would be happy to answer your questions, but I cannot do it alone because it is impossible to recall the specific contracts signed since 2015 and the amounts among the tens of thousands of documents signed per year. I have no doubt that SE KSSA can provide detailed answers to your questions. . employees “, – A.Vaitkus replied in writing.

After repeating the request and submitting links to the public procurement summaries, A.Vaitkus did not respond to the journalists’ request, although he had a month and a half to do so.

Duty is to get involved in politics

The “Klaipėdos publika” institution, headed by R.Žiubris’ brother-in-law, P.Jucis, also receives other budget orders.

The institution won twice in the public acquisitions announced by the Klaipeda municipality.

Twice 3.9 thousand. in 2016 and 2017. The institution was hired to organize the “Let’s find the blue flag for Klaipeda beaches” campaign.

The most impressive amount in public procurement came to this institution in 2012, when the Telšiai Region Waste Management Center purchased an advertising service on the development of the waste management system.

The institution “Klaipedos publika” received almost 44 thousand for the services at that time. euros

R. Žiubrys, who manages public finances no less intelligently than his brother-in-law, is determined to rise to a new level, therefore he will participate in the Seimas elections.

He reiterated that the important thing was not money, but that “it is the duty of every Lithuanian citizen to get involved and participate in politics, at least to some extent.”
