Klaipeda was the first of the country’s large cities to paint COVID-19 black


Gintaras Neniškis, Director of the Klaipėda Municipality Administration, told LNK news about what happened in Klaipėda.

He said that there are many tourists in Klaipeda both from other Lithuanian cities and from other countries.

“We feel like any current coastal or coastal municipality. We can probably see that there are enough tourists in Klaipeda from other countries or other cities in the country. Those statistics, like the mayor of Palanga, would say that the statistics are a slight lie. We believe in statistics, it is like this, the moving point that these people capture. But the situation is due to the fact that the Klaipeda mobile station operates more intensively. In other municipalities, these points work only on weekdays, with us, all week long, ”said G. Neniškis.

He affirmed that his municipality supports all the cases that are registered in its territory, regardless of the actual location of the individuals.

The director of the Klaipėda municipality administration assured that the number of patients has increased in all coastal or coastal municipalities.

“Those trends are similar to Palanga’s. Where approximately half of the patients are local ”, said the LNK interlocutor.

“The trend is similar in Klaipeda as in the whole of Lithuania, there is no such singularity,” he said.

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) has requested not to hold a massive Sea Festival, to pay attention to protected facilities at other events as well. G. Neniškis stated that large outdoor celebrations are not the biggest problem.

“It just came to our notice then. And this event cannot be completely directly linked to the growth in the statistics. We also consulted with NVSC and hospital staff. Certainly not celebrating outdoors is the biggest problem. The biggest problem is in closed spaces: family gatherings, bars, ”said the director of the Klaipeda municipality administration.

“We collect statistics for the whole of Lithuania,” the LNK interlocutor assessed the situation.

According to him, the situation in the hospitals “is not tragic.”

“You probably know that Klaipeda has one of the largest infection bodies. (…) About 70 percent of the beds are now occupied. Now other capacities are activated. But the situation is heating up,” said G. Neniškis.

Delfi recalls that in Klaipeda 100 thousand. The population has more than 500 cases in 14 days – on Thursday, according to the Department of Statistics, this indicator already reaches 535.
