Klaipeda residents living near Klaipedos Medienos suffocate from smoke: “The whole neighborhood turns blue”


Regina Baguckienė has lived in the Paupiai neighborhood since 2001, that is, for almost two decades. According to her, one or another problem with the activities of the company has been and is all along. In the past, wood chips have settled on window sills, cars and the environment, but the company took action and they disappeared.

“We don’t see the great dust flying away, at least visually. Of course, both the windows and the patio are covered, but if made of wood, we cannot emphasize. There is no visible visual contamination. Other issues have arisen: Smoke streaks are very common when the entire area turns blue, as if some fog is blue and the area is surrounded by smoke. Mostly the wind is from the west, it carries everything to Riverside, ”said the woman.

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt /

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt / “Western Wood Group”

Neighborhood residents are particularly affected by the odor problem. There is a pungent smell of burning wood in the area. During a remote discussion Thursday, the woman says she realized the problem is unlikely to go away in the near future as the company made no secret that it has not yet developed a plan.

“There is no great hope, because we have not received any promises yet. He promised to possibly present a plan of measures next year in Q3. Only the plan and when to implement it is not clear. It is not mentioned which plans – short or long Unfortunately, the questions were not answered exactly. More presented what he had already done. Not happy … And sad … well, we are already reconciled with that reality, only to a certain extent that we want to live in a clean environment and The inhabitants are tired of that pollution, they are very angry, “said R. Baguckienė.

In the community, people complain of respiratory diseases, pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, which has become a constant companion.

Conducting a survey: air and sound pollution

In Paupiai, where many families live, with a total population of around 1,300, a survey was conducted in November. The company had reported that it had implemented a noise reduction plan, so the objective was to know if the neighbors felt the impact. The predominant odors were also questioned. In an online survey, around 100 residents answered the 12 questions asked.

“Up to 93 percent. Said they smelled a smelly odor, so almost everyone smelled it. Those odors are strong and very strong. A very small proportion of the population smell faint. These are the residents furthest from the factory and the closest: Rasa, Šienpjovių, Jaunyst streets are closer to the factory, we feel a very strong smell. That smell is more noticeable in the afternoon, at night. All factories somehow emit odors in the dark, do Or maybe during the day the residents work and they don’t feel that way? The west wind carries everything towards us, and the smell is spicy, burning, burning the throat, the eyes. Most also feel the noise, it is constant and High. Only those who live closer to the Palanga highway hardly feel, “said the woman.

The west wind carries everything towards us, and the smell is acrid, burning, burning the throat, the eyes.

According to her, the neighbors have been talking about the problem with the company for many years. Visit the company every year for an interview, request additional measures.

“We are not saying that nothing is being delivered, some promises are actually being kept. Steps have been taken to reduce noise, but residents have pointed their fingers at where the sound is coming from and removed the noise. In the survey, people mention that the sound is felt constantly and that the sound is a constant murmur: the sounds of the loading equipment, the sounds of the dryer. Some indicated that it was as if the truck squeaked in reverse, “said a Paupiai resident.

Will require action

Raimundas Grigaliūnas, head of the Klaipėda department of the National Center for Public Health, says the institution receives several complaints from the Paupiai community. The material was presented and filmed, and the center staff traveled to the town.

“We work downtown, Liepų street, we could smell it. People’s complaints are certainly justified. Very serious things. Where people live, the odds of 8 odor units do not formally exceed in their territory, but people are upset and irritated by even fewer units. There should be no odors around. We started that conversation, a meeting between the community and the municipality. There are two problems: noise and odors. An odor control commission was formed in June. It was found that the smell of burning wood can be felt in the nearest streets. Afterwards, our specialists prepared a sampling plan to determine the odor concentration of the air samples. According to this plan, the laboratory took air samples and carried out dispersion models odor. The company has this information, which is found in the living environment of 3.7 to 5.7 odor units. Formally, the hygiene standard does not exceed 8 units, but the general you complain of an annoying acrid smell. It need not be. The company must carry out its activities to control its contamination and not go to the settlements, ”said R. Grigaliūnas.

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt /

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt / “Western Wood Group”

The manager says that after receiving the scent results and informing the company, a cultural response was received that the company intends to present a plan of measures in the third quarter of next year. R. Grigaliūnas is convinced that these are definitely not the terms to focus on, so the company will definitely not be forgotten and the requirements will not stop.

“It just came to our knowledge then. It is not allowed. The planning documents contemplate the territory of the Danės river and Joniškio streets as recreational territory, here several buildings and marinas are foreseen, and according to the dispersion model in a part of that territory is determined that there are 10 to 13 scent units Next – 8-10 pieces It does not fit in any frame!

In January 2024, according to the hygiene standard, the maximum permissible limit value for the concentration of odor in the air of the residential and public environment should not exceed 5 odor units, then the company must take measures to reduce it for three years. The company asked, “What do you offer?” We will not offer those measures, there are specialists. You have to invite them, there are tools in Europe and in the world, ways to reduce odors. He says he built a 7 foot wall, the smell subsided, it’s funny. The chimney that emits is 10, 15 or 20 meters high. So far nothing concrete has been provided, let’s see what response we get. If we do not arrive within a reasonable time, we will proceed. Drop by drop and the stone passes ”, R. Grigaliūnas is convinced.

Says he built a 7 foot wall, the smell subsided, it’s funny. The chimney that emits is 10, 15 or 20 meters high.

According to the manager, environmentalists had detected formaldehyde in the company’s emissions. It is a sufficiently aggressive substance with a specific odor, irritating to the respiratory tract.

During the meeting, R. Grigaliūnas says that he lacked the specificity of what the company intends to do to change the situation. There was more talk of what had already been done than of future plans.

“It just came to our notice then. If everyone does what they please, there will be less noise or less of those smells. There must be additional tools, the technology must change, the processes. They themselves admitted that they burn waste chips. The company has homework, we would like you to make an effort. We appeal for awareness because the company is almost in the center of the city. The pollution should stop at the edge of the plot, “said the manager.

Nikolai Ivanov, director of Klaipedos Medienos: the chimney will be demolished

According to the director of the Klaipedos Mediena company Nikolai Ivanov, the factory, built in 1899, has always operated far from the city. However, a few decades ago, a change in legislation reduced the sanitary area of ​​the factory and allowed the residential neighborhoods to settle.

The company emphasizes that, in view of this and in order to reduce the impact on the environment, the company has launched a production restructuring program on its own account, which will untie more than 22 million. euros.

“2006-2019 Klaipedos Mediena has invested 14.5 million LTL to reduce its environmental impact. EUR – Air filtration systems that comply with European Union standards were installed, a set of measures was installed to neutralize noise, pollution from waste and odors. Citizens and institutions are seeing the impact of these measures. It is also confirmed by data from independent experts, showing that standards are not exceeded. The company has now entered the final phase of its transformation in green production, which will guarantee its environmental neutrality. Another 1.5 million will be invested in this for two years. – the manager commented in writing about the situation. – However, given the emotional concerns of the population, the company is preparing to restructure production and dismantle the factory chimney. This will require an additional 6 million. investment in euros. A study of viability that covers advanced foreign practices, which will allow us to determine the scope and schedule of this work next year ”.

The company is taking that step, it believes, to progressively develop productive activities that are important to the city and the country’s economy as a whole, allowing it to maintain almost 1,000. work places.

“We will also strive to continue maintaining a direct relationship and open dialogue with the community, to strengthen a safe and friendly neighborhood,” promises the CEO of the company.
