Klaipeda residents have a new idea of ​​the city, Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga already have it


It is noted that the main objective of introducing such a card is to increase the number of residents of Klaipėda, since becoming a resident of the port city would provide the opportunity to take advantage of discounts for attending events, public transport and shopping.

It is expected that there will be no shortage of offers and that the private company can attract customers.

Promote loyalty to the city

Currently, Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga have city cards.

It is true that, according to Modestas Martišius, a specialist at the Information Technology Department of the Klaipėda City Council, in the capital Kaunas, the cards are simply an electronic transport ticket and nothing more.

In Palanga, citizens have more opportunities. The card offers Palanga residents a great discount when entering the resort’s pool complex.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Plaza de la Juventud in Palanga

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Plaza de la Juventud in Palanga

“The aim of our concept is to combine the features of the Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga cards: a discount card and the possibility of using public transport. The main objective is to promote the loyalty of the population to the city. The city would provide a card offering discounts and a public transport ticket is also available. Everything would be on a single card ”, said the representative of the municipality.

This topic was brought up at the College of Klaipeda City Council meeting on Friday.

Until now, the concept and guidelines of the card are still being discussed and developed.

The idea could be implemented a year later, next August.

According to M.Martišius, residents of the city of Klaipėda could receive the card that they have declared their place of residence here at least since December 21 last year.

As explained by Gintaras Neniškis, director of the Klaipėda city municipal administration, this date was chosen as the starting point in relation to the fiscal year and the distribution of taxes to the cities by the State Tax Inspectorate.

It is proposed that the card includes not only a public transport ticket, but also various discounts.

For example, the Klaipeda Tourist Information Center would apply 50 percent for excursions. discount.

Attendance at exhibitions and concerts would be disconnected by 25 percent. more economical.

Companies will also be offered to add to the benefits of the card.

They must offer at least a ten percent discount on goods and services that is valid for at least one month.

Citizens would find discount lists on a website or mobile app.

Offered to search abroad

While developing the Klaipėda resident card concept, the members of the city council of the city had other proposals: to integrate the student card, the memberships in libraries, thus reducing the number of cards that accumulate in the wallets.

Ideas will continue to develop.

Judita Simonavičiūtė, a member of the Klaipėda City Council, asked if how these cards work abroad was examined.

“Because I don’t see good examples in Lithuania,” the politician emphasized.

According to her, the objective should not be discounts, but a unifying element of the population, where both companies and self-government would benefit, and it would be a matter of honor for the citizen himself to have such a card.

Photo Photo / Second Day of the Sea Festival

Photo Photo / Second Day of the Sea Festival

Here in Palanga, it is estimated that of 18 thousand inhabitants, 11 thousand have this type of cards.

Once the cards are issued, the resident list will be reviewed once a year.

Council member Aidas Kaveckis suggested doing this much more frequently.

“It’s a great product, I think Klaipeda residents should have it and the inspection should be updated every month, because we know there are Klaipeda residents who work in Klaipeda and live elsewhere. It would be an incentive to live here in Klaipeda,” he said A. Kaveckis.

Politician Vytis Radvila suggested further extending the benefits of the card: it should be supplemented with important functions, for example, to include certain remote customer service functions during kindergarten registration.

“The idea itself may not be bad, but we all have 10 to 20 different discount cards, I speak without advertising, one card works sometimes at the gas station and elsewhere. Now, what I hear is talking about another. card, but the essentials are missing. Say the business will want …

The question is simple: if there are ten opticians, will we consider the request first, or the tenth, or who will offer a greater discount? The idea itself is good, but there are many questions. Is the main objective to have more discounts or to increase the number of residents of the city of Klaipėda? ”Saulius Budinas, a member of the Klaipėda City Council, asked.

Is the main objective to have more discounts or to increase the population of Klaipeda city?

According to M.Martišius, who introduced the concept of cards, the goal is mutual and the door is open for business, so it would be a pleasure to welcome the ten optician salons, which are presented as an example.

The Klaipėda City Council approved the issue discussed in the College, so the idea of ​​the Klaipėda resident card will be further developed and citizens could receive them in about a year.
