Klaipeda residents cry out for help: “We are literally poisoned”


A restless resident of the port city addressed the portal tv3.lt: “In recent days we are living a nightmare … We are literally poisoned in the city. We want a clean environment, a clean tomorrow, a sip of clean air … “

Don’t think the smell spreads without human knowledge.

According to the woman, the southern part of Klaipeda is famous for its constant “scent attacks”. The reader said that he was a newcomer to the port city: “It is only the third year, but I cannot remain silent … This summer is the worst of all.”

According to the woman, when the tropical heat prevails in Lithuania, the inhabitants of the southern part and center of the city suffer a stench that intensifies during the dark hours of the day.

“We boil in our own juice, we can’t breathe, even after a long day at work, we go back to bed to rest, we have to open the windows and suffocate in that weather,” the Klaipeda resident got angry.

It was not easy for the woman to describe the stench: “Like an outdoor toilet, like animal feces, slurry mixed with gas …”

The Klaipėda citizen stated that the smell has negative consequences for the well-being of the population: “From this perfumed cocktail my head hurts, it clogs my nose … it makes me wake up at night.”

An outraged reader said he smelled a strong stench in the afternoon or at night. She even noticed a trend: the smells begin to spread around 9 to 10 pm “I don’t think it happens without the knowledge of a person … A person without a conscience,” the woman consoled.

He couldn’t believe things like this would happen in the big city: “After all, people, children, babies rest in the south / central part in the afternoons … At night, our brains rest, clean and in this sensitive moment we are poisoned … “

According to her, when the heat exceeds 30 degrees, Klaipeda residents desperately have to hide from the stench. According to her, people experience psychological and physical suffering, despite working and paying taxes in the city of Klaipeda.

Klaipeda residents suffer from bad smells

A special website has appeared that reports on odors.

Due to the delicate problem of smell, in the past a website was created in the city Klaipedoskvapas.lt, where residents can report for themselves where in the city they smell the smell.

The site has an interactive pollution map, which shows that the majority of odor reports are from the area near the shores of the Curonian Lagoon.

Notices on the site generally appear in the dark of the day or early in the morning.

“Sewage (smell – aut. Past.), Like every night, only today the smell began to go earlier. The previous days were from 11 at night. To 2-3 pm night”, – Taikos str. resident. He announced the announcement on Monday, June 21 at 9 pm 13 min.

The smells felt by the population are of a similar nature. The reports repeat the regular descriptions of the stench: reminiscent of rotten eggs, feces, manure, sewage, slurry, rot.

“This problem (unpleasant smell – aut. Past) is very old, I have probably been doing it myself for 12 years, because I live in the southern part of the city,” said Ligita Girskienė, a member of the Seimas.

In search of solutions to this delicate problem, L. Girskienė founded a website Klaipedoskvapas.lt. The project started two years ago.

“The idea came from the fact that we did not have a platform where residents could register complaints. Providing paper versions with signatures is really very frustrating and not everyone has the opportunity to send a letter. This system has now been perfected, ”he explained.

You are pleased that the website provides the opportunity to record odor and pollution reports in the living environment in real time.

“Based on the number of complaints, we have the opportunity to see where the smell comes from, what time it appeared,” noted L. Girskienė.

According to her, the flow of complaints increases during the hot season of the year, especially in the summer. And in the winter, there are almost no reports of unpleasant odors. “Each other had to do with the burning smell, but it is related to particulate matter, when the heating season begins,” said L. Girskienė.

Mestillos, a rapeseed biodiesel plant, is the main complainant. Residents are dissatisfied with the sweet smell of roasted canola.

However, the interlocutor claimed that complaints are now less actively recorded than before, with a significant reduction in the spread of pungent odors.

Companies operating in Klaipėda County are increasingly taking into account odors caused by factories. “Companies advance, not all at the same rate, <...> but they are looking for solutions, ”said L. Girskienė.

All complaints from residents registered on the website are automatically sent to the responsible institutions: the National Center for Public Health, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Municipal Administration of the City of Klaipėda.


NVSC: Odor control will be carried out by two commissions

The portal tv3.lt contacted the Klaipeda municipality regarding this issue. The specialists of the institution said that they had not received any new complaints about the persistent odor in these days.

According to Milda Milbutaitė, representative of the Environmental Protection Agency, the smell that residents complain about is not related to air pollution in the port city.

“According to the air quality research data, the ambient air pollution in Klaipėda is currently average (due to the increased concentration of PM10 particulate matter, which has no odor), that is, the established standards are not exceeded.” he commented.

According to Asta Šlepetienė, Head of the Public Health Safety Control Division of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), the Klaipėda Department of the NVSC has recently received 3 notifications about the spread of unpleasant odors.

He confirmed that outbreaks of odors were recorded at a certain location in the port city: “The reports were submitted by residents of the southern part of the city of Klaipeda.”

A. Šlepetienė pointed out that this problem is deepening, common solutions are being sought together with the factories operating in the territory.

“The companies have presented plans for odor reduction measures; some measures have already been implemented, others are planned. On various initiatives of the Klaipėda Department of the NVSC, meetings were held with the specialists responsible for the companies, during which they discussed the deadlines for the implementation of measures to reduce the spread of odors, ”he said.

According to A. Šlepetienė, the Klaipėda Department of the NVSC reacts to the situation: it examines complaints about odors in accordance with the relevant laws.

“To examine the complaints received, 2 odor control commissions have been formed by order of the NVSC director, which will carry out odor control,” he said.

The portal tv3.lt asked what could be the causes of the increased odor. According to the NVSC specialist, odors are caused by several factors: “Possible violations of the technological process, various incidents. Nor can meteorological conditions (hot weather) be ruled out. “

When asked how the problem could be solved, the NVSC representative replied: “After examining the complaints and discovering that the odor concentration in the air of the living environment exceeds the Lithuanian hygiene standards <...> companies should implement measures to reduce the spread of odors. “
