Klaipeda Resident of the Year – M. Tarachovskaya


Maja Tarachovskaja, professor of mathematics at M. Gorkys Progymnasium, who wrote and performed plays, became the will of Klaipėda’s daily readers of the 19th Annual Klaipda Year. She and the other five finalists were thanked for their excellent work on a gala evening that viewers were able to watch on television or on computer screens.

The era has brought innovation

At the beginning of each year, the Klaipėda daily asks the residents of Klaipėda to remember the women, whom it is especially worthy to thank for their dedicated and sincere work on behalf of the people of the port city, for the glorification of the name of the city and country.

Every year the talk of skeptics about the fact that soon we will have nothing to choose from is denied: Klaipeda residents offer more and more personalities, noting representatives of many professions, not forgetting public figures, athletes, women from the world of the art, especially honor teachers. , doctors and scientists. We remember those who do not get lost in critical situations and act heroically, those who leave a deep mark on the hearts and minds of the people of Klaipeda.

Of the many women nominated, the most recognized are selected.

This year, a pandemic has adjusted our lives.

Sometimes the recognition of many people can be earned in a matter of moments, but most of the time fame and respect come after many years.

There were also changes to the “Klaipeda of the Year” contest. However, this time, by choosing a woman worthy of an honorable title, the newspaper’s readers were happy with the changes, as they had more time to vote for one of the six finalists.

At the beginning of March, when traditionally the solemn evening of the announcement and delivery of the Klaipėda of the Year was celebrated, we were still very closed due to the spread of the virus. Protecting themselves and others, the daily staff were forced to postpone the solemn evening to a later date. So we believed that May 11 would be the day we would live like a couple of years ago, in free communication.

Although expectations did not come true, it took place on the last night of the contest, and it was solemnly announced that the Klaipėda citizen of the year 2021 had become the majority of votes.

Maja Tarachovskaja

Gathered the community

Sometimes the recognition of many people can be earned in a matter of moments, but most of the time fame and respect come after many years.

This time, the winner of the competition is one of them: the students appreciate their sincere work at the school, and their vocation for dramaturgy and acting is appreciated not only by their national community, but also by theater-loving Lithuanians and a large number of Russian-speaking residents of Klaipėda who have experienced the creativity of this woman. He has founded the Peremena Student Theater at M. Gorky Progymnasium.

Math teacher M.Tarachovskaja rushed to attend the Klaipeda Jewish Theater “Shatil” rehearsals once a week after quarantine restrictions.

A woman with a very artistic soul doesn’t just play games. He writes signed plays on behalf of Asios Kotliar. Several hundred representations are based on his works.

Photo by Vytautas Liaudanskis

Shatil Theater participants are proud to have performed the play “Mamules” by M. Tarachovskaya a few years ago. In the theater contest “Viva el teatro”, they won the award as the company with the brightest debut.

By accepting the quarantine as a test for God, the woman undertook her favorite activity, creativity. Thus, three more books were born that should color our lives.

Tens of thousands of votes were cast for M. Tachachovskaya in the contest, most of the people sent in the newspaper’s ballot papers. The Russian-speaking residents of the port city were very active voting for this woman.

Grateful for life

Last year, filled with anxiety and limitations, this year left a mark of gratitude for doctors in the hearts of Klaipeda residents. As expected, the people of the port city expressed their gratitude to all the doctors by voting for Rasa Girdžiūnienė, infectious diseases doctor at Klaipėda University Hospital and head of the COVID-19 department.

The doctor has been working with the most serious coronavirus patients since the first day of the pandemic

“I bow my head to this Doctor, who bent over to me with Giltine himself for two weeks during the most difficult peak of COVID-19 in November 2020 … And he withdrew! Thanks to his knowledge and perseverance, I live and breathe, ”wrote a grateful patient to R. Girdžiūnienė on the website of the daily Klaipėda.

“A professional, serious and compassionate doctor. For many years I have had to seek help from your department. We are happy with the Doctor’s achievements. And we are voting! Thank you Rasa for your dedicated work, ”said no one else.

The collaborators mentioned the professionalism of this doctor, the positive attitude at work and the minutes of respite, the desire and desire to help everyone and always.

Thousands of Klaipeda residents who voted for this woman were convinced that she deserved the title of Klaipeda of the Year.

The mission is to help children

Ramunė Petrauskienė, deputy director of the Klaipėda Lyceum and an English teacher, is the coordinator of the international baccalaureate programs. He received special support from the community of the school where he works.

The difficult years when children had to study at home, on computer screens, revealed to all families how important the work of teachers is and how important it is for children to have the right education and opportunity. to study in the best universities in the world.

The International Baccalaureate program is designed for final year students, providing the opportunity to study at the best universities in the world. The fact that this is the true way of life.

Klaipeda resident Agne Dalangauskiene’s work, hobby and life mission is hard work at Klaipeda “Winter” sailing sports school. The woman has been guiding it for nine years and is trying to rekindle the desire of children and young people to navigate.

The biggest goal of the woman is to return this sailing sports school to Klaipeda. Dalangauskienė’s efforts show that he will be successful in accomplishing this complex mission.

Talents are not hidden

Janina Žemaičiūnienė is another creator who has reached the final of this year’s competition.

The music teacher works not only with the little residents of Klaipeda, but has also brought together older people from the port city for meaningful activities, she creates poems and songs herself.

J.Žemaičiūnienė, kindergarten music teacher, artistic director of the female vocal ensemble Vakaro žaros, president of the seaside community of Klaipėda Bočiai and artistic director of the mixed choir, also manages to participate in the activities of the Writers Association Samogitians.

Already as a mature woman began to create, it was the cry of the soul after the sudden death of her husband.

Not surprisingly, many fans voted for him in the “Klaipeda of the Year” contest.

This year, Klaipėda residents voted to express their appreciation and respect to the founder and president of the association “Paupių bendruomenė” Regina Baguckienė.

Bringing people together to achieve common goals is more like social work, but the reality is different: it is hard work that requires a lot of strength, perseverance and patience.

R.Baguckienė was able to ignite the community by bringing his neighbors together for joint activities in a short time and managed to make it famous throughout Lithuania.

The woman is convinced that the greatest recognition is the trust and strong support of the members of the Paupiai community themselves, who expressed during the vote.

Maja Tarachovskaja

Received by the president

Although the celebrations took place in a virtual space, the finalists of the competition saw the event dedicated to them live at the Klaipėda Concert Hall.

The event included the greeting of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Gitanas Nausėda, patron of the “Klaipeda of the year” contest, to these women.

“Honoring women who contribute their lives to a different, better and more meaningful world is a beautiful and inspiring initiative that has been going on for nineteen years. One can only rejoice at how many exceptional personalities already make Klaipeda famous! Each one of you gives your heart, experience, knowledge, and from your citizenship, creativity, visions, ideas and goals, the best works grow that are noticed and highly appreciated by the city community. I sincerely thank you for your leadership, for the dreams who are determined to carry out and to give value to others, to support words to overcome daily challenges. I wish you always see the meaning in your chosen path and in your decisions! Good luck and favorable wind for your work “, said the President of the country in his congratulatory message.

The flowers and gifts for the contest winners and finalists were real, as were the congratulations from Rugilė Cibauskaitė, Director of the Long-Term Honorary Sponsor of the “Klaipėda City of the Year” Contest, the Director of Property Management. company “Mūsų laiks”.

The sponsor of the event is the Mano Būstas company.

Main sponsor: Švyturys-Utenos alus. Sponsors: Lithuanian capital integrated wood processing company holding “Vakarų medienos grupė”, company providing port environmental solutions and services “Parsekas” and Klaipeda sea freight company “BEGA”, a modern stevedoring company providing transshipment cargo, cargo storage and other transportation logistics services.

They have already become Klaipėda residents of the year.

2003 – Skaistutė Idzelevičienė,

2004 m. – Klaudija Bobianskienė,

2005 – Aldona Grigaliūnienė

2006 – Olga Žalienė

2007 – Kristina Vintilaitė,

2008 – Žaneta Norkuvienė,

2009 – Inga Grubliauskienė,

2010 – Nijolė Hansen

2011 – Loreta Bosienė

2012 – Jurga Karčiauskaitė-Lago

2013 – Dalia Kanclerytė

2014 m.- Janina Tulabienė,

2015 – Aldona Kerpytė

2016 – Jolanta Česienė

2017 – Galina Kučinskienė,

2018 – Loreta Laurinavičienė,

2019 – Skaistė Svidraitė,

2020 – Jūratė Rekašienė.

Photo by Vytautas Liaudanskis
