Klaipėda Municipality will not make any significant change in KUL: Police must decide on V. Janušonis


The Mayor’s Task Force completed its work on May 27, providing a set of recommendations to improve KUL’s performance. Some of the work had to start within a month and some had to be completed. However, when communicating with V. Grubliauskas, it can be understood that the key word of the conclusions prepared by the working group is “recommendations”. In other words, the term is rapidly running out and it is difficult to name the work done.

“I recommend, I emphasize, the action plan for … <...> Perhaps I will remind you from where I started that this is first and foremost a recommended action plan. <...> That working group was created to develop an indicative action plan, I emphasize. <...> But this does not mean that those measures, recommendations of those measures … “, – the mayor of Klaipeda sent a clear message about the program to improve the approach to the situation in KUL during the interview.

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Vytautas Grubliauskas

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Vytautas Grubliauskas

The nine measure plan

The working group, which met for more than a month, consisted of representatives of conservatives, liberals, the “Para Klaipeda” faction, municipal staff, legal specialists, representatives of the mayor’s council and secretary, and the municipal department of Health. Also joint union representatives of KUL, union members of health workers. The group was led by “peasant” Arvydas Vaitkus, former Director General of the Klaipeda State Port Authority.

The group decided that it was necessary to prepare a feasibility study for the optimization of the work of the institutions providing hospitalization services in the city of Klaipėda and outline the perspective for the next 30 years. The Ministry of Health, the University of Klaipeda and other interested parties should participate in this study. It is also necessary to examine the possibilities of the computer applications used by KUL for the adequate dissemination of information.

“The goal is to eliminate disputes about who, where, when and how hospital personnel are informed or not,” according to the findings.

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt / Klaipėda University Hospital

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt / Klaipėda University Hospital

The third point emphasizes the need to organize personnel management training, review management policies, and make decisions to improve the situation. It is also proposed that the KUL Supervisory Board provide the Mayor, the Director of Municipal Administration, the Department of Health and the Committee on Health and Social Affairs with important information on problematic issues in the KUL at least once a quarter, and report the decisions made by the Supervisory Board.

The working group notes that the Health Department must report to said committee at least monthly on the most important events in the KUL, together with the hospital administration “to prepare the proposed repair projects or present ready-made hospital repair projects” .

It is regrettable that the problem of men has not been questioned. change of doctor (…) The question was not asked from the beginning.

Among other things, KUL was instructed to examine with the unions that operate in the hospital the draft of the collective agreement presented by the unions and their compliance with the applicable legal acts, to propose to the municipality to organize an independent audit of the activities of KUL and an independent microclimate survey. Almost all of these measures had to be implemented within a month of signing the protocol on May 27.

Other proposals from the working group were to be implemented before June 27: establish a mandatory internal channel to provide information on violations and prepare the institution’s internal and external communication strategy and its implementation plan.

VIDEO: COVID-19, the head of Klaipėda Hospital, who became the focus of the infection, was not translated from the post: it is inviolable, only recommendations to the hospital.

Head of the institution – on the margins

During the quarantine, a critical assessment of KUL was voiced not only by Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, but also by Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and President Gitanas Nausėda. However, the task force established by the mayor of Klaipeda did not decide The question of the competence of the doctor. The Klaipeda Prosecutor’s Office conducting the investigation is said to have to do so.

According to the National Center for Public Health, 73 KUL employees and 38 patients were infected with coronavirus throughout the quarantine period.

“It probably stands to reason that the first thing to consider is not saving the captain’s pipe, hat, or uniform, but saving the crew and the ship itself, so the task of this task force was formed: assess institution-wide activities and making recommendations. There are also examples where city leaders dismiss the heads of subordinate medical institutions, who then complain to the court and it appears that the court will reinstate him and then have than paying compensation from the same hospital budget, “said V. Grubliauskas.

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt / Klaipėda University Hospital

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt / Klaipėda University Hospital

“I think we are all very responsible and so far we patiently wait for the findings of the investigation to be carried out and, as soon as they become available, they will be evaluated impartially, not politically, but objectively. There will certainly be no cover-ups, defenses, sponsorship or other actions. The evaluation will definitely be based on principles and professional, “promised the mayor.

Admittedly, such a position does little to comfort the doctors who work at KUL. One of them, Audrius Muižys, says he expects a more principled position from the municipality’s leaders.

15-minute photo / Audrius Muižys

15-minute photo / Audrius Muižys

“It is regrettable that the men’s problem has not been questioned. Replacement or at least transfer of a doctor, as was the case in Marijampolė under similar conditions. From the beginning it has been emphasized that this working group is not directed at the boss. medical competencies. It is designed precisely to improve working conditions and the quality of patient services. The question has not been asked from the beginning. Why is that? It is difficult to say, “said a spokesman for the Union of Workers Of the health.

“I would like the city’s politicians to have a firmer opinion and a backbone on certain issues, without waiting for conclusions. Who can deny that a powerful person with many connections cannot influence the course of that investigation, all the more than even during the temporary investigation, he was not expelled, “said A. Muizys.

Non-binding terms

According to the conclusions of the working group, all changes must be notified to the mayor and the municipal administration. When asked by V. Grubliauskas what was done at the end of the month, the mayor did not say much.

He stated that a meeting of the Supervisory Board was being held during the interview, to be followed by a report. He also mentioned that negotiations were taking place with the unions and … changed the subject of too strict deadlines.

“It is natural that some of those measures can be started in a month, which is understandable.” Those who should be ready in a month, I am not in a hurry yet, because there are at least a few executors. (…) I think that by the end of the month, really, at least the answers, how it is reacting, what has been prepared, what is being prepared, will be provided. But, of course, in some cases the deadlines are not entirely realistic, but that does not mean that the recommendations of those measures are put in a drawer, certainly not, but, of course, their implementation will certainly not be delayed, will stop, but Of course, reality may dictate certain corrections, but not decisions of principle, “said the mayor.

Watch the full interview with V. Grubliauskas:

VIDEO: Klaipėda Mayor V. Grubliauskas: the police, not the municipality, will decide on V. Janušonis

The doctor KUL A. Muizys assures that more measures have been taken. For example, a mandatory internal channel has been established to report irregularities. However, the union representative doubts its effectiveness, because complaints about the administration … will only fall into the hands of the administration.

A.Muižys adds that negotiations between unions and administration are currently underway. It is true that they are quite slimy, because the representatives of the municipality do not participate in them, and V. Janušonis also has strict requirements.

“One of the most important points for us was the signing of a new collective agreement. Imagine, in the context of these problems, it was clear that one of the clauses, the collective agreement that we had previously signed, prohibited workers from striking. (…) Negotiations are taking place, but the first condition for curing alcoholism is that you have to admit that you are an alcoholic. (…) This is probably more reminiscent of imitation.

Oddly enough, boss. The doctor is forcing our union to reveal the membership, only then will it be possible to negotiate something. And what does it mean to reveal? Do you understand what caused the harassment scandals and the persecutions? “Said A. Muizys.

Watch the full interview with Dr. A.Muižis:

VIDEO: Klaipeda A. Muizys University Hospital Physician: Attempts to suppress the throat of those who have spoken

After contacting V. Janušonis and asking what program points have already been implemented, boss. The doctor noted that “all the measures proposed in the recommendation plan have been launched, discussed in the supervisory board and with the unions.”

No further response to the request for clarification was received.

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / Vinsas Janušonis

J. Andriejauskaitė / 15min photo / Vinsas Janušonis

The activities are being investigated by the prosecution.

15 minutes remember that KUL was one of the outbreaks of coronavirus. Not only because it is one of the top five treatment centers for COVID-19 patients, but also because of the number of doctors and infected patients here. According to the National Center for Public Health, 73 KUL employees and 38 patients were infected with coronavirus throughout the quarantine period.

In early April, the Ministry of Health announced a decision to temporarily close a large number of wards due to violations of infection control. Services were allowed only for obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, and infectious diseases.

There will certainly be no cover-ups, defenses, sponsorship, or other actions.

On April 10, after SAM appealed, the Klaipėda Regional Prosecutor’s Office launched a pre-trial investigation into violations of the rules to combat epidemics or communicable diseases, violations of occupational health and safety requirements, and non-compliance with the official duties. The prosecutor’s office assesses whether the circumstances mentioned in the SAM statement can be considered a criminal offense. According to the port city portal Atvira Klaipėda, in May the Klaipėda Regional Prosecutor’s Office expanded the scope of the pre-trial investigation into the situation at Klaipėda University Hospital (KUL) by clarifying whether the documents had been falsified.

According to the representative of the prosecutor’s office Ignė Rotautaitė-Pukenė, procedural actions are still taking place in the pre-trial investigation. No accusations have been made against anyone.

The state labor inspection also recorded violations at the hospital. Klaipeda Territorial Division recognized that V. Janušonis had violated the requirements of normative legal acts on occupational safety and health.
