Klaipeda Mayor’s team collapsed (updated)


The team of the mayor of Klaipeda, Vytautas Grubliauskas, in the town hall melted abruptly. Four members of the “Por Klaipeda” faction announced the formation of a new faction, but did not withdraw from the ruling majority.

The “Para Klaipeda” faction has been almost halved since the beginning of the term. Photo by Martynas Vainorius.

Politician Elida Mantulova released a report on the formation of a new faction at a city council meeting on Thursday. “We declare that city council members Elida Mantulova, Vytis Radvila, Judita Simonavičiūtė and Vaida Raugelė are joining the faction” For the Future Klaipeda “. She will continue her work implementing the coalition program,” reported E. Mantulova. She was named president of the new group, and V. Radvila became his substitute.

The four politicians were elected to the municipal council as members of the Public Electoral Committee “V. Grubliauskas and members of the Team”, so they also belonged to the “Por Klaipėda” faction that formed the ruling majority.

After the withdrawal of four politicians, Vytautas Grubliauskas, Arvydas Cesiulis, Artūras Razbadauskas, Rimantas Taraškevičius remained in the “Por Klaipėda” faction. Laima Juknienė and Alvidas Šimkus also belong to this faction, but were elected to the municipal council as representatives of the Central Lithuanian Party.

V. Radvila has recently chaired the “Para Klaipėda” faction, and V. Raugelė has been chairing for a year since the beginning of his term.

Last fall, the “Para Klaipeda” faction was abandoned by Audrius Petrošius, who became conservative, and was also elected a member of the municipal council’s electoral committee “V. Grubliauskas and a member of the team.”

“It just caught our eye then. Good luck,” – Klaipėda Mayor V. Grubliauskas reacted to the establishment of a new faction of former comrades at the city council meeting.


“At the beginning of the term, we came together to implement an ambitious program for the city, which was jointly prepared and approved for the council term. Unfortunately, in the last six months we have been forced to deal with the politicized initiatives of our partners, we have been reluctant to listen to other and different opinions to achieve the highest quality and vigor in the coalition program and the management of the city, “the press release told members of the new group.

Stresses that the priority task of the faction “For the future of Klaipeda” is to coordinate and approve a new general plan for the city as soon as possible, as well as implement the conversion of the economic development strategy of the city of Klaipeda “Klaipeda2030 “of industrial areas and other measures to guarantee future well-being. Another important task is to modernize the Klaipeda University Hospital. To revive the old town, the objective is to renovate the facades of the old town buildings and the pavement of the old town, organize and revive the infrastructure of the old market and overcome the Dane river.

“The faction will seek due attention to the initiatives of existing business entities and potential investors, unrestricted opportunities for residents to decide for themselves about their living environment, and to help residents implement projects of their choice.” said the press release.
