Kirkilas does not believe Uspaskich’s statements about his opposition: his goal is to have information from the government


In response to V. Uspaskich’s public statement that it is in the best interests of the Labor Party to be in the opposition, G. Kirkilas stated that the goals of the “workers” are undoubtedly very different.

“It is better for him (V. Uspaskich – ELTA) to be in power and have information from the government (…). Participate in the Government. They will definitely be in a coalition. I have no doubts about it, “G. Kirkilas told” radio Žinių “.

“Viktor says it is better to be in the opposition, and his already elected members of the Seimas say they can be one or the other minister,” he added.

According to Kirkilas, the “workers” are far from being the party that would be organically in the center-left coalition.

“The Labor Party is definitely the right-wing populist party that uses left-wing rhetoric. Of course, this is a party that will undoubtedly defend the interests of business, and explain to the people that pensions and everything else are very careful, ” said a long-term deputy from Seimas, who has not received another mandate in parliament after the last elections.

However, the “social worker” emphasizes, the Labor Party would find it difficult to get involved in the center-right coalition, the leader of which would likely be the Lithuanian National Christian Democratic Union.

“It will be difficult for the conservatives to reconcile their positions on foreign policy. I have not heard the Labor Party speak about Astrava, about Belarus, about relations with Russia. They avoid these issues … It will be difficult for the conservatives to form a coalition not dignified, in this case, ”Kirkilas said, adding that value and ideological dilemmas will not complicate the election of the Labor Party.

“The Labor Party will travel wherever there is power. What they are saying now is, in my opinion, just a sham,” Kirkilas said.

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