King Mindaugas Avenue – massive accident: a woman was injured


Pulled out like a thief

On the evening of August 21, a concert took place on the summer stage of the Klaipėda Concert Hall, which was attended by many spectators. Meeting with each of them, the staff not only reviewed the tickets, but also donated protective masks and urged to sanitize their hands.

The chairs were placed away from each other, thus maintaining social distance between the spectators.

As the concert progressed, there was a commotion among the listeners: people saw uniformed policemen, many repaired their masks.

Officers inspected bystanders, photographed them, and eventually approached a woman. Unlike everyone else, he was not covered in face protection.

It was as if the criminal officers had taken this woman aside.

The woman’s girlfriend whispered to those closest to her that her boyfriend had asthma, so he might not cover his mouth and nose.

There have been no more reports of similar cases. However, cafe and restaurant owners and event organizers are convinced that the requirement to wear masks at outdoor tables is truly absurd.

Orders make you smile

Rada Matulevičienė, manager of a well-known seaside restaurant and entertainment complex, said the government’s decisions lead to despair.

“It’s silly. People walk without masks, and here you have to sit at the table with a mask. And it doesn’t matter that members of the same family come to the restaurant, friends who communicate without masks at home. I see that as a stupidity, and much more. The only problem is that the government does not pay attention to the opinions of the people, “said the woman.

In the entertainment complex located in the village of Žibininkai, visitors can keep their distances without any problem, the tables are arranged quite widely.

“When the quarantine was lifted, catering establishments were allowed to enter without masks and everything was fine.” Absurd. People ask: how do we eat? After all, people from a company or family come to those institutions, “said the businesswoman.

R. Matulevičienė assured that after opening the door after the quarantine, the restaurant received inspectors the next day.

“He immediately went to the door. But he found nothing. The authorities proposed the law, but they did not think about how it would work,” said R. Matulevičienė.

Customers feel humiliated

Audronius Macius, the owner of the Palanga restaurant, noticed that thousands of people marched every day on J. Basanavičiaus Street, who do not have to wear masks.

“And people have to sit at the table with a mask. A man is sitting, waiting for the first sip of that glass of beer and, God forbid, it will be without a mask. It is scary. It is a humiliation of all our dignity. It is completely absurd. The spread of the disease must be handled in a completely different way. ” I guess they didn’t tell us the whole truth about the spread of the virus. Or they don’t know. Such absurd decisions are actually a game. Manipulations, “said Palangiškis.

Zuja Ladies

Ingrida Valaitienė, president of the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Palanga, drew attention to another destination that ran to restaurants and hotels.

“We have endless concerns and we work in quarantine and then in a whole series of instructions. But another headache is the inspection squads. We are inspected almost daily by various services. We are inspected by the police, Food Service and Veterinarians , Public Health Center, Municipal Public Order Division, Labor Inspection, Tax Inspection “, – I. Valaitienė bent his fingers.

Service: Officials wore masks during this year’s Festival of the Sea, although there was no such requirement yet. / Photo by Vytautas Liaudanskis

The head of the association assured that he understands that the restrictions introduced must be aimed at protecting human health.

“We understand and we are responsible. But what good is a decision when you wear a mask for one minute and take it off the next? And the same people are sitting around you. People are angry, their mood is broken and it doesn’t really help our business. “The wedding or baptism was canceled and postponed in the fall. People expected the situation to return to normal, but the restrictions seemed to return. We are looking forward to fall and winter. The worst case, if the quarantine is reintroduced. “- predicted I. Valaitienė.

In the port city, the reality is not so dramatic.

In a week and a half, officials from the Klaipėda Municipality Public Order Department, together with other institutions, inspected 18 stores and supermarkets and 29 cafes and restaurants. No irregularities were found during the inspections.

The requirements are logical

Arnomed Galdikas, an anesthesiologist and anesthesiologist at Klaipėda University Hospital, currently working in the Department of Infectious Diseases, is convinced that many of the protection requirements, while they seem incomprehensible, are logical.

The doctor criticized only the permission for catering establishments to serve customers inside cafes and explained the meaning of the requirements that people did not like.

The virus is not a potato, we cannot bend over and walk away from it.

He assured that people in Lithuania are not inclined to observe social distance and do not obey the requirement to wear masks correctly.

When it comes to protection in cafes, A. Galdikas believes that waiters should be more careful, it is not justified to slip the mask under the nose.

According to the doctor, a distance of a couple of meters between clients and good interior ventilation are necessary to ensure safety.

When the mask hangs under the chin or on the neck, it absorbs everything that has settled on the skin: not just viruses, but also dust, bacteria, other dislikes.

A. Galdikas ironic that people who wear such a mask rub their necks and faces in the same way as they wear the same panties for three days in a row.

Not worth a joke

“This disease is different, it is really painful, severe, long-lasting, strenuous, dangerous even in the sense that it does not appear immediately. Everyone who has coronavirus stays in the hospital for at least four weeks. The virus is not a potato. We have We have to understand that the virus spreads in a drop of air. The drop is deposited on the mask, then the person does not breathe it into their airways. Hand washing is very important, but also very important. It is better to keep the hands below the navel if they go up to the face, they must be disinfected or washed, “said A. Galdikas.

A. Galdikas justifies the requirement to wait for food in outdoor cafes by masks, because he does not know how many people who sneeze and cough pass through a seated customer, the concentration of bacteria and viruses that a seated person receives is much higher than that of a passerby.

The rule of keeping a distance of two meters, according to the doctor, is also not broken with the finger, because only after flying a couple of meters the viruses begin to spread and their concentration decreases significantly.

Speaking of the near future, the doctor shared his doubts.

Although there was no shortage of mass events in Klaipeda in the summer, even after a couple of weeks of incubation, the hospital mainly treats coronavirus-infected patients from other countries.

On the one hand, this is gratifying and suggests that the coastal winds have dispelled the viruses.

On the other hand, it can be speculated that autumn, which will bring seafarers to the premises, may bring unpleasant surprises.

The easily attached virus, along with seasonal flu, can also infect the people of our country. That is why we must be disciplined and obedient.

Don’t hide your fears

According to Galdik, who returned from a week-long stay in London a week ago, good results can only be achieved through logical decisions and obedient compliance.

“Downtown Megapolis was completely empty. It wasn’t until my visit that it began to revive after the first wave of coronavirus. There, people have no questions about how to obey the demands or look for ways to avoid them. People calmly try to miss each other. or wait to maintain the necessary distance. Feel if you do something wrong, those around you show that you are afraid, they make comments immediately. We do not have that, our people tolerate disobedience, “the doctor shared.

It turns out that many London cafes offer discounts to customers who, instead of dining inside, bring food to tables outside.

In this way, clients are encouraged not to stay indoors, where it is mandatory to cover their faces with masks, and to be outside without them.

All cafes at 11.30pm Close the door, the life of the giant city stops before midnight.

Only masked people can enter the shops, we enter through one door and exit through the other.

The measuring booths are closed. In larger stores, the mask is available for free at the entrance. Only as many people as they can keep at a safe distance are allowed into the stores.

Visiting churches or museums, which are free, is currently only possible through pre-registration online. Each visitor is given a code, only those who have it can visit at the specified time, thus regulating the flow of visitors.

On the streets, at every step, the eyes are starved as a hunger reminder to observe social distance, and at every step, bottles of disinfectant are placed and security guards monitor people for compliance.

A. Galdikas is convinced that if people complied with the requirements and did not try to get away from them, we would all be safer.
