Kindergartens promise Christmas holidays for children, but Santa Claus is likely to be left behind a window or on a computer screen


An ordinary Christmas party with a performance, Santa Claus and a party in a private kindergarten in Vilnius was planned. Some parents immediately questioned the suitability of such an idea in the face of a pandemic, but were told that all safety rules would be followed, so everything is fine here. However, when she called the nursery, her boss said that no one had planned or was having any celebration, and soon the group of parents announced that after such “slander” gifts were being given.

Prepared recommendations

However, there are few such stories this year. At least the Vilnius state kindergartens have been warned to think carefully before starting to organize a celebration. Deputy Mayor of the Capital Edita Tamošiūnaitė 15 minutes He said that for some time now recommendations have been made for kindergartens on how to organize celebrations in kindergartens safely, but comfortably and with good emotions.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Edita Tamošiūnaitė

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Edita Tamošiūnaitė

“Ignite Creative Thinking – St. Christmas in the nursery will really be brighter and will offer a variety of creative alternatives and solutions: act and search together. Create new traditions and rituals of celebration with your children. Look for traces of Santa Claus: pieces of a Christmas bag, socks placed over a fireplace, letters to the children.

Set up party spaces safely: Maintain isolation from groups and host group events with just your parents without parents. Take advantage of the possibilities of organizing an outdoor / gazebo party in separate groups. Manage the flow of people, maintain a safe distance, hygiene requirements.

Monitor the health of children and staff. Create a magical spirit of waiting for the holidays in groups: embody Santa Claus or characters from fairy tales. If necessary, arrange a meeting with Santa remotely using digital platforms ”are some of the recommendations.

Set up party spaces safely: Maintain isolation from groups and host group events with just your parents without parents.

For parents – videos

E.Tamošiūnaitė adds that celebrations in kindergartens can only take place in groups, without connecting paths in any way, Santa Claus must be local or communicate with him remotely, but people who do not constantly work with children in that Kindergarten cannot be invited.

“We have even limited visits by teachers of arts and physical education, when one person works with all groups. There have been cases where an arts education teacher has become ill and we have been forced to close the entire kindergarten because he had contact with all the groups that day or for a few days.

We have made such decisions, so no stranger can come, not even Santa Claus. We encourage you to organize outdoor celebrations for a group.

To my knowledge, kindergartens are very creative. In a kindergarten, it is a magical time to look forward to Christmas, with those activities spread throughout December, it is not an instant event or celebration of some kind. The children are preparing, waiting, the only thing they need is creativity, the celebration can be created within all the established restrictions, ”said the deputy mayor.

Photo by Saulius Žiūra / Kindergarten

Photo by Saulius Žiūra / Kindergarten

In any case, parents will not be able to participate in these celebrations, either outdoors or in each group. However, kindergarten administrations are asked to capture moments in photos or videos that can then be shared with parents.

Perhaps new traditions will be born

Elena Markevičienė, president of the Vilnius Preschool Directors Association and director of the Lazdynėlis kindergarten, says that the year is really different, but good.

“I think this year’s period is one that encourages us to negotiate, create, look for something that surprises, especially children. Modern technologies also allow Santa to be in various spaces. We also have interactive whiteboards, we have already recorded a plot of Santa Claus: how he comes, how he enjoys the children, how he carries gifts. We are really living in a very good time, when we can have everything through the use of information technology, ”said E. Markevičienė.

According to the director, perhaps this year will be a great opportunity to start cultivating new traditions and creating different ones, not just remembering how the year was made: with a performance, Santa Claus, etc.

But all the options are fun to celebrate, look forward to Christmas and not think about how difficult it is now.

“I look out the window and enjoy the window decoration, not banal, of websites, but freshly created with children. It is a good time to be healthy so that children do not get tired of us and we have everything: ideas, opportunities, families that support us.

We have such a good momentum: to live happy, interesting and untraditional in a difficult time, otherwise it is very good to wait for Christmas. And there could be so much peace outside the window, of course, there could be snow, but we know how to get snow, ”laughed the director.

He also noted that even children have changed significantly over the years – they have become independent. After all, in the past, parents even accompanied them to the group, stripped them naked, and now parents do not go to the kindergarten premises, so the little ones, according to the director, come proud and prepare.

“It just came to our attention then. The celebration is for the children. If the parents are involved, some children may be upset, perhaps trying to show how beautiful they are. Now they are just having fun, making each other happy. Of course, we will try to make recordings and share them with parents so that they can see the artistic abilities of the children, their state of mind. But all possibilities are fun to celebrate, wait for Christmas and not think about how difficult it is now “, is convinced E. Markevičienė.

Luke April / 15min photo / Santa Claus

Luke April / 15min photo / Santa Claus

Appearance outside the window

Kindergarten “Daigelis” Tatjana Dvilevič also explains to her colleague and says that the celebration for the children will definitely be: “Our educators are very creative, we also have all kinds of costumes, so Santa will be ours, one of the educators. of that group.

Of course, all events will be in separate groups just for your kids. There is another option, also offered by the actors: they will come to play outside, the children will be able to see Santa Claus through the window. There will be so much fuss, it is very important for the children. “

So far, the kindergarten has not yet finally decided which option to choose, but it promises a celebration. Only without parents, because, as T. Dvilevič says, even with great protection, there may be cases of infection, there were already in kindergarten.

Our educators are very creative, we have all kinds of costumes, that’s why Santa will be ours, one of the educators of that group.

The fact that Santa Claus had to adapt to the new pandemic conditions this year is not hidden from Santa Claus, who was normally unable to recover from orders in December. Grandpa Christmas says he will serve the kindergarten children with calls or pre-made recordings.

UAB Mapa Holding, whose website Various offers can be found with the main character Santa Claus, his assistant. 15 minutes He said he had received another call from preschoolers this year. Companies and families have more orders.

Luke April / 15min Photo / Grandpa's Christmas

Luke April / 15min photo / Grandpa’s Christmas The team’s spokeswoman, Rasa, said they had not announced Santa’s services this year, updated the information on their website, or received calls on the matter, although they have generally been filling up since early November.

“This year we did not receive anything from us or from the kindergarten. There are calls for events in summer, but not for Christmas. I was even surprised that for personal celebrations, that grandfather comes to the patio, etc., there is nothing at all. This is not information and we have not updated it, and our grandfather does not want any contact because our events are so contacted. It is as if we are not working, “said Rasa.

Primary school children, for whom these Christmas holidays are still important and long-awaited, will have to accept the fact that they will not exist: the government decided on Monday that due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation, the primary school holidays will be extended. as of December 14. until January 3, and all students in grades 5-12 through winter break will study at a distance only.

In preschool and preschool education programs, it is recommended to educate only those children whose parents do not have the opportunity to work remotely.
