Kim Jong Un’s disappearances from public view are more and more frequent


Kim Jong Un, dressed in a Mao-style garment that has already become a calling card, said it was time to take “additional government action to address the unresolved issues needed to improve economic activity and people’s lives.” said the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA). ) quoted him saying on Saturday. A plenary meeting of the Central Committee will be held in early June, the KCNA said.

Kim Jong Un also discussed “the implementation of key political challenges in various fields,” state media reported during the meeting.

North Korea’s economy has shown almost no signs of growth this year after the biggest contraction in decades; it continues to face challenges such as a pandemic, US sanctions, and insufficient trade with China.

Kim Jong Un last appeared in public on May 6, posing for a photo after a military rally, according to NK News, a website that focuses on North Korean news. Until then, he did not appear for the first time at a series of events after the political convention in Pyongyang, NK News reported.

State affairs

His most recent disappearance from the public eye can be attributed to Kim Jong Uno’s attempts to prevent a possible COVID-19 infection, the website said. He may have been on public business or on vacation at his seaside village, wrote NK News.

The health of a North Korean leader is one of the best-kept secrets in a breakaway state, with only a handful of people from the country’s most influential inner circle aware of the leader’s health.

Kim Jong Un, 37, who is very overweight and known as a constipated smoker, has been fueling speculation about his health for many years.

For the longest time, six weeks, he disappeared from the public eye in 2014. Finally, he appeared limping and leaning on a stick, prompting speculative reports that he suffered from gout.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the lengthy disappearances of Kim Jong Un have become more frequent. According to NK News, his current disappearance from the public eye is his seventh since 2020.

North Korea, which closed its borders immediately after China acknowledged the risk of person-to-person transmission of the virus in January, could have been hit hard by a coronavirus outbreak because its medical system is outdated and underfunded. Pyongyang’s regime claims there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections, a statement that has been heavily questioned by US and Japanese officials.

Kim Jong Un is believed to have three children, the oldest being eleven years old. Since the current leader does not have a clear successor, his sister, Kim Yo Jong, is seen by the outside world as a possible candidate to take over the country if something happens to her brother.
