Kelmiškis, who was hit by a car 6 times in a car, was sentenced by a court


The court ordered MB to be at home from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., if it is not related to work or health, not to leave the place of residence without the permission of the supervisory authority and not to use psychoactive substances during the period of suspension of the sentence. In addition, MB is prohibited from driving road vehicles for three years, the court said.

The court decided to recover from the defendant the property that would be confiscated from the State, an amount of money corresponding to the value of the car he was driving, 1,290 euros. MB will have to compensate the injured landlord for almost € 5,940 in material damage and € 2,000 in moral damage. The owner of the kebab, a small community, has been given the right to satisfy a civil lawsuit by referring the question of its size to civil proceedings.

“The defendants acted with extreme arrogance, posing a particularly serious threat to other people and their property. To do this, they used a car, which was driven while intoxicated, – says Vidmantas Rudaitis, judge of the Kelmė Chamber of the Court of Šiauliai District “The particularly arrogant actions of the defendant show increased danger to the public, which has led to a maximum prison sentence, even more than suggested by the prosecutor.”

The defendant confessed in court, regretted it and claimed that he had gone to the kebab because his ex-wife had worked there and wanted to speak with his ex-coworker. MB indicated that emotions arose when he walked in and spoke to the salesman, who broke the refrigerator door, the display case and the cash register. After that, when he came out, he came up with the idea of ​​taring the kebab.

The circumstance that mitigates the responsibility of the accused MB is that he has admitted his guilt and repents. The aggravating factor is that he damaged the property under the influence of alcohol, which undoubtedly influenced the commission of this act. MB has been sentenced twice in Lithuania, the sentence has disappeared. Kelmiškis was convicted in Great Britain of driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

After an abridged examination of the evidence in the case and the conviction of the accused, the sentence was reduced by a third.

The court found that MB, while drunk, was driving a car and damaging someone else’s property in a universally dangerous way. 2019 On the night of December 12, in Kelmė, MB, while intoxicated with alcohol (1.82 avg.

While driving the car, MB Kelmiškis deliberately collided with the wall of the kebab building. The drunk driver, getting out of the car, went to the kebab shop, where he dropped items from the counter and broke the glass of the display case. After that, the man, getting out of the fast food restaurant, sat in the car again and hit the wall of the building back and forth 5 times. In this way, the defendant damaged two walls of the building and knocked down the door, thus causing material damage of almost 7,200 euros to the owners of the building and to the kebab.

By the way, on the way to the kebab, the defendant damaged someone else’s car and left the scene of the traffic accident, for which an administrative penalty was imposed by decision of the Kelmė Chamber of the Šiauliai District Court.

The judgment can be appealed to the Šiauliai Regional Court through the Kelmė Chamber of the Šiauliai District Court within 20 days of the delivery date.

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