Kėdainiai ambulance doctors danced a dance of hope


The idea of ​​the dance is related to the desire to inspire more hope in a world tired of the COVID-19 disease. The spread of dance during a pandemic is the best proof that it is possible to live and even dance during this period. With the coronavirus infection spreading in Lithuania and not overlooking the Kėdainiai district, GMP doctors were at the forefront of the fight against this insidious disease, often providing first aid to COVID-19 infected patients, who were risking their health.

As the head of the GMP department said. Jolanta Vaišvilienė, a nurse specialist, the entire team that worked in unison during the pandemic also expressed their unity and positivity by dancing. More than twenty GMP employees, male and female, studied and rehearsed dance moves in the GMP garage for several days after work hours. And the famous dance was danced on the Great Market Square, on the new bridge over Nevėžis and on the quay.

VIDEO: Kėdainiai ambulance staff perform a dance of hope

Doctors danced their faces covered with protective masks at a safe distance.

Doctors working the shift also got together to dance, and doctors on duty at the time also danced with the radio stations, ready to go to the call in the very second after receiving the call. Interestingly, during the dance, the doctors did not receive a single invitation, so everyone was able to dance from start to finish.

K Gdainiai’s GMP medical dance will be part of the general dance, which will be installed with the GMP medical dance from other cities and districts in the country.

In Lithuania, the challenge of moving together with a dance of hope was accepted by representatives of various professions, from airplane pilots and policemen to doctors and clergymen.
