KD Director: No way to stop coronavirus in prisons, vaccines awaited


According to him, in total, almost 300 prisoners and workers are affected by the coronavirus, and there is no possibility of stopping the spread of the infection in the institutions, so the prison staff is awaiting knowledge about future vaccinations.

“From September 1 until yesterday, we had 381 cases of COVID-19 in the employee ranks, which would be about 12 percent. Of the total, 75 are sick today. We had 429 cases of detained prisoners, that is, about 8%. Today there are 215 patients left, “said V. Kulikauskas during the session of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee on Friday.

The virus came to our institutions through employees – in another way, the fact that it does not exist – says V. Kulikauskas.

According to him, the outbreaks are caused by the magnitude of the general epidemiological situation in the country and the infection is brought to the institutions by the workers.

“The virus reached our institutions by employees; otherwise, the fact that it does not exist. There is an infrastructure problem, since dormitory-type premises predominate, the punishment is carried out in groups, often, several dozen convicted persons in the same place ”, explained the director.

V. Kulikauskas stated that prisons, like hospitals, face understaffing and are hampered by “limited opportunities for mass testing.”

Fact: our employees work in some cases and in other jobs, that level of public contagion is today, – says V. Kulikauskas.

He stressed that he “wanted clarity” on the future vaccination of prison staff and prisoners.

“Fact: our employees work in some cases and in second jobs, that level of contamination of society today … in the future, the situation with us will not be decided otherwise. I would like clarity, “said V. Kulikauskas.

Half of the prisoners in Vilnius refuse to take the test

According to him, the largest active outbreak is the Vilnius Correctional Center, where specialists from the National Public Health Center are required to carry out massive tests, but more than half of the prisoners are opposed.

“49 people are sick in the Vilnius Correctional Center. This is basically the new fireplace, about which we had a presentation of the situation last week (…). We are trying to do the tests. However, I would like to inform you of Immediately, we have more than 200 convicts who have refused to investigate COVID-19 in writing. The fact is that we will not do it, which is practically 55 percent. People who are serving time in an institution, “said the head of the department.

Romas Ostanavičius, deputy director of the Vilnius Correctional Institution, emphasized that due to the dormitory-type facilities, there is no possibility of isolating those who have been in contact with infected COVID-19, only the sick are isolated.

Another 37 cases were identified in the Pravieniškės correctional facility, an open settlement. According to V. Kulikauskas, not only the inmates of the closed sector are sick in the institution, but also in the open colony itself, in the rehabilitation center.

45 cases of coronavirus were also detected in the Marijampolė penitentiary. However, according to the director, the situation is already under control, as most of those convicted have been ill in the Kybartai sector and, according to data on Thursday, three patients remain.

The only unit where there are no cases of coronavirus is the Kaunas Juvenile Detention Center-Correctional Facility.

The greatest shortage is doctors

V. Kulikauskas asked for help to temporarily install mobile checkpoints.

“We would see the opportunity to consider the arrival of mobile checkpoints at our facilities when there is a need for a more massive check-up because we really need medical personnel to do that. With our forces, it would take several days to control a couple of hundred people, “said V. Kulikauskas.

He also stressed that the Penitentiary Hospital is not a designated support institution for the treatment of COVID-19 patients and therefore must provide the necessary personal protective equipment. During the first quarantine, the hospital received funds from the state reserve, currently, according to him, this is not the case and the hospital itself buys even oxygen supply equipment, it has ten oxygen devices.

We would see an opportunity to consider the arrival of mobile checkpoints at our institution, says V. Kulikauskas.

According to V. Kulikauskas, there are also problems with people serving sentences who have been in contact with convicts infected by COVID-19, since there is no reason to keep them legally isolated in prisons: they are released after informing the units of the Center National Public Health. .

The biggest problem is the doctors. It was before the pandemic, but now especially, he says. V. Kulikauskas.

Ramūnas Šilobritas, director of the Penitentiary Hospital, affirmed that seven convicts are being treated for COVID-19 at the institution and that their condition is good. According to him, the greatest risk is that the infection may end up in the hospital of other medical institutions when the prisoners are transported for specific treatment and then returned.

“The biggest problem is the doctors. It was before the pandemic, but now it is special. Doctors of respectable age in particular fear that we will face a situation where they take the inability to work. It is difficult, we are trying to fix it.” , said.
