Kaunas Siurbytė COVID-19 theater soloist will long remember: There was no strength to even rub her head


– Kristina, you have been struggling with “covid” almost since mid-September, and only now, as the second week of October passes, do you feel that little by little you begin to strengthen yourself, the strength is returning. So where did it all start? Did you find out who gave you that unwanted “gift”?

– I can’t imagine it and I don’t think it will ever happen. All I know is that I became the first swallow in the theater and soon I heard that there were more people with disabilities.

Well, it all started with the fact that during rehearsal on the night of September 23, I felt my body shaking with slight chills. Nothing dramatic here – I thought. I came home after rehearsal and saw the temperature for everything, no! I wake up in the morning, I was still in shock from those chills. I grab the thermometer again: 37.2 degrees. What a temperature here! But the feeling is neither small nor such

After a couple of hours, the temperature went up a few more divisions and I was already worried, what if it was here? Although neither the throat of the cabin nor the cough nor the shortness of breath tormented her. Is this another common cold virus? And if it weren’t for that covid, you probably wouldn’t have paid attention to the discomfort.

But only that weekend I still had to act, it became worrying, both for my health and for others. I went to my doctor. He advised going to the fever clinic for tests.

Kristina Siurbytė

Kristina Siurbytė

© Personal album

– Back then, didn’t you really think “it” was?

– There were not many reasons to believe that, because, as I said, I only had a small temperature, I did not feel any other symptoms. There, by the way, everyone looked at me with suspicion: what other diseases am I looking for, even if it is only the temperature! And she had already reached 38 degrees by that time.

He took blood, did a test, the answer was positive. I immediately informed the theater about it, warning everyone who had a closer contact during the rehearsal, they also attacked the investigation.

– COVID-19 confirmed soon for several other theater artists?

– Some of my colleagues feel stronger symptoms, others – weaker, others do not feel any symptoms, although the test is positive. So it is not clear if they infected me or if I contracted them.

Kristina Siurbytė

Kristina Siurbytė

© Personal album

– How did you feel when the coronavirus attack accelerated?

– Along with the rise in temperature, bones, aching joints, muscles began to break – now I understand what the complaints of the elderly mean. I went back to bed and for six days, you could say that I didn’t go out because I didn’t have the strength for anything. The challenge was to have a drink or eat a little, much less talk about an activity!

I lowered the temperature with the tablets only when it was approaching 39 degrees, and then I knew I still had to wait that long. A new disease, nobody knows exactly what the best treatment is, in addition, and the reaction of each organism to this infection: an individual.

– And did the lack of air bother you? Did you lose your sense of smell?

– I did not suffocate, I did not kiss, and the smell, as it came out on the third day of the illness, has not gone that far. With the loss of flavor, it’s even more interesting: it fell apart, then it appeared, but so far I only feel the basics: bitterness, sweetness, acidity and salinity. I didn’t feel the sharpness of the garlic at all, the strong essential oil, which had even shed a tear earlier, had no reaction either.

Ten days later, I was able to rub my head, wow, how much effort was needed! And a few days later I tried to iron the clothes; I realized that this work would still have to be postponed. The temperatures I have so far.

Kristina Siurbytė

Kristina Siurbytė

© Personal album

– He may have had the flu. Could you compare the type of flu and “covid”?

– When I get the flu, I take my medicine and I immediately feel that it is relieving me for a while, and here, as you can see, it has been more than two weeks, and still – without strength. I feel how many of my body’s systems, from the digestive tract to the urogenital system chintz unbalanced, so it will take me some time to recover.

– There are those who say that everything is fictitious, there is no virus; there are hidden symptoms as if the infection is embarrassing, which only helps the virus to spread; He has openly posted about his health problems on his social media account.

– And why be ashamed of that disease? Is there any syphilis here? But the kind of reaction I got after that post, I really wasn’t expecting it! You can’t imagine how many calls and SMS messages there have been! Strangers have been quick to convince me that I don’t have any “covid”, that it just seems to me, and that the taste and smell disappear when I catch the cold virus! Here, I claimed, just the flu.

It does not matter that these people are not sick or aware of the symptoms of covidity, or have anything to do with medicine, they have argued that maybe I am “sick in the head” if I write that I am sick because I am not sick. It even bothered me: I wrote it down at first, but then I realized that it’s not worth discussing it with them.

Obviously, the disease is really very fast and easy to spread, it is obvious that for some the symptoms are stronger, for others it is milder, but there is no way to guess this infection, because no one knows how everyone’s body will react.

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