Kaunas resident is surprised: what kind of water do we drink?


When filling the outdoor pool with water from the city’s water supply, the Kaunas resident was unpleasantly surprised: the water is opaque, strongly greenish-yellow. “What kind of water do we drink?” The woman asked. When the color is added to the mug, it is not suspicious, it becomes clear in the presence of a larger amount of water.

The pool opened my eyes

“I address you with concern for the quality of the drinking water that Kauno vandenys provides to the residents of Kaunas,” said a resident of Žaliakalnis (first name, last name and address known to the editorial board).

The pool is washed, the house and communications are not old. Last year I paddled in this 21 cubic meter pool, but then I had no complaints about the quality of the water. “This year, when the pool was full, we saw that the water is terrible. Then it turned out that we drink very strange green water ”, said the interlocutor. The inlet water is used for both cooking and washing and, if necessary, outdoors.

People drink potentially contaminated water, and we have to wait six days for the test?

The woman said no sediment formed on the bottom or walls, unwanted additives stick to the water. She only uses the shower, not the bathroom. Fill it with water could have been rinsed earlier.

“It’s hard to believe that it is still unclear how long we have been drinking this type of water. I pay money for it, ”said the Kaunas resident, waiting for the water tests to be carried out, forced to buy water at the store.

He mentioned that the neighbors of Varpas and A. Baranausko st., Vydūno al. has repeatedly complained of intestinal problems and diarrhea. Do not rule out that this may be related to drinking water. Some, according to the woman, commissioned water tests, the results of which were not encouraging. “I cannot confirm this because I do not have the documentation in my hands,” added the interviewee.

Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė

Advised to boil

The woman was outraged by the reaction of Kauno Vandenai’s representatives to her complaints. “Advised to boil water. Why can I boil the water in the pool? Kaunas asked.

He said he had called various services Thursday for half a day with a request to check the water. “It just came to our attention then. The State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) attends to complaints to” Kauno vandenims “. And a representative of this company, who introduced himself to the chief. The inspector, after lengthy deductions, stated that the The specialist would not take the sample before Monday, that is, six days after the presentation of the complaint. Do people drink potentially contaminated water and do we have to wait six days for the study? “the resident asked indifferently.

“After spending a long time solving this problem, I realized that nobody cares about the quality of the water they sell to us,” the woman continued. – Although we pay for this product as safe drinking water, its quality is more than questionable. It would appear that after receiving a consumer complaint, suppliers should urgently conduct a quality control investigation. Unfortunately, experience shows that the composition of this yellow-green liquid will have to be determined on your own and on your own. “

Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė

Know the solution

According to residents, Kauno vandenys supplies water from the Petrašiūnai well field to residents of the Žaliakalnis district. It is used by two-thirds of the residents of Kaunas.

“Having started to dig deeper into this topic, I learned from the water research experts that Kauno vandenys receives many complaints from Žaliakalnis residents every day about the bad smell of the water, the green color and the diarrhea caused. This water tone is most likely given by algae and intestinal infection bacteria. The mentioned problem could be eliminated by regular hot cleaning of the water supply pipes with special methods. Unfortunately, “Kauno vandenys” does not allocate funds for this prevention and sees no problem in selling us swampy water. This position explains the incomprehensible reaction of “Kauno vandenai” to my complaint – who will go to inspect the green outdoor swimming pool, if even the damage caused to the health of the population is ignored – Kaunas did not hide his disappointment.

He added that water is a vital product without which we cannot live. “By paying Kauno Vandenys for the supply of drinking water, we have the right to demand that the supplier guarantee the quality of the product sold and not maliciously ignore the complaints of the population,” said the woman.

The photography correspondent for the portal kauno.diena.lt, who went to photograph the pool and its water, said that the water is not really transparent. Drink so hesitantly.

Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė

Kauno vandenys: this is the only complaint from Žaliakakalnis

Kristina Mikalauskienė, representative of the National Center for Public Health, told the kaunodiena.lt portal that “the control of centrally supplied water is entrusted to the State Food and Veterinary Service.”

Kauno Vandenai’s PR specialist Andrius Nenėnas commented on the situation as follows:

– The company learned of the situation from SFVS representatives on Thursday. The head of the emergency service and a senior engineer arrived at the scene Thursday to verify the situation. The woman described the situation and demanded an immediate investigation of the pool’s water quality. The head of the emergency service explained to the client that the laboratory takes samples for microbiological analysis of water from Monday to Wednesday. Thursday through Friday exams are not taken due to incubation period requirements.

An attempt was also made to explain to the client that direct sampling from an outdoor pool is not objective, despite being cleaned and washed. According to the requirements, a water sample is taken from the water supply inlet before the metering unit. The resident or building manager is responsible for the building’s internal networks behind the metering unit.

The emergency service manager and the customer were unable to reconcile the introductory download and access to the metering unit. However, our employees are always determined to deal with such situations in good faith by flushing the water supply lines. Therefore, we also want to address this situation in good faith. It is always possible to negotiate a sample, preventive net washing.

On the same day, our employees at the intersection of streets A. Baranauskas and Varpo prophylactically washed the water supply line, and when the water was lowered through the hydrant, visually its quality did not raise suspicions.

Currently, we have no complaints about the quality of Žaliakalnis, and no water supply accidents have been recorded. Drinking water is supplied to this area after the water treatment plants, where the water is further filtered, so the quality in this area is temporarily reduced only in case of accidents or breakdowns, although, as I mentioned, there were no none.

The company strictly rejects discourses on algae infections and salmonellosis, and no information is available on the same population-initiated studies.

We also contacted the State Food and Veterinary Service for comment. After receiving the comments, we will supplement the publication.

Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė
