Kaunas resident brought coronavirus from Ukraine: services are advised to “live normally”


Rimante’s wife Arūnas (names changed, known to the editorial board) visited Ukraine for a short time. The country was not on the list of which self-isolation is needed (Ukraine has only been included in the list of affected countries since July 6), but the man still decided to prophylactically investigate.

After one day a positive response came. “There was panic because we lived a normal life before the test results and it doesn’t matter that it was only two days.” We had contacts with family, friends, we visited public places, ”said the Kaunas resident.

The services did not go into details, it is advised to “live normally”

The specialist from the Public Health Center spoke to Arūnas on the phone for a long time, but did not ask in detail: on which flight he flew, where, when and with whom he interacted. “It just caught our eye then. After all, during that time we managed to take our loved ones on vacation to the coast. Their hotel life, unlike us, did not cause much excitement for professionals. I figured how As soon as the highway would take them from there to pick them up and transport them to investigate, the hotel would be informed of the current situation. None of that, “Rimante was angry.

The couple spoke several times with Corona’s direct line and with the same specialist in public health centers. I tried to find out what they had to do in that case. “Perhaps family members should be examined urgently, because among them is a person at risk age. The answer was simple: let yourself be isolated and wait or see if there are any symptoms. You can also isolate yourself in a hotel, the research did not It belongs now, ”the woman asked herself in response.

He considered that perhaps the country had such beautiful patient statistics because the subjects were not in direct contact with the patient. However, Rimante’s investigation was still done, the answer came faster than a day: it was negative. “While we were waiting for my response, we were not informed on how to behave better: being isolated from each other or being together. According to the stories, how quickly and easily you become infected, the chances of being healthy seemed to be zero,” the woman shared.

After receiving a negative answer to the test, the woman asked: does it belong to a rare group of people who have resistance or does the virus not spread so easily?

There was mistrust and the response after the Corona hotline survey was to live normally. “That sense? Going to work, shopping, with friends in a cafe? Of course, I was not convinced of this, I called the family doctors and got all the accurate and complete information on how I should proceed. But the services should pay close attention to the competence of the consulting specialists and their training, ”Rimante said of the lack of increased attention.

The family is still awaiting answers from close research on a shore vacation. According to Rimante, the investigation had to be “eliminated” during several dozen calls to various institutions.

Incorrect published epidemiological data

Rimante drew attention to published public information about patients, according to her, misleading data had been published. A representative from the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) stated that the person returned to Lithuania from Ukraine on July 5 through the Lazdijai border checkpoint, and the coronavirus tests were performed after two days after experiencing symptoms, and as soon as he returned, he isolated himself. The contact was said to have been found only in the family, it had four people.

However, in fact, Arūnas returned through the Kalvarija point, the examination became prophylactic without feeling any symptoms, he had contact not only with family members. Self-isolated when learning a positive test response.

“How to believe all the other information provided by specialists? When the man asked why the information was incorrect, the specialist replied that he was confused due to the large number of patients. Are many of them here right now, when there are no more than 10 sick people a day? Rimante was concerned about the situation.

She said that the family itself informed everyone they had contact with during the two days. “I wonder when the specialists contacted the accommodation where the people who had direct contact with the patient lived? I believe that when we informed the hotel, they themselves, on their own initiative, sought help and information on what to do next. The impression is that it is not the state that is doing well here, but that the people themselves are reacting and making responsible decisions, ”the woman reasoned.

Rimante is not afraid that after the public speech, she will probably be condemned for her irresponsible attitude. You can already hear the comments: it is not necessary to travel. “Yes, you are right. But I share a situation that has already happened: post factum“As if to justify.” I also thanked those who helped for their support.

Similar cases, according to Rimante, when it is not mandatory for those who returned from abroad to register and be examined, are observed by more than two people: “After all, a man might not have done that test and all of us who touch now would have lived usually. After all, no one really knows if he currently has the virus. “

Rimante wanted to warn everyone who plans to travel to countries not severely affected by the coronavirus: “Consider carefully, perhaps you still choose a vacation in our beautiful and forgotten Lithuania. Even if the course of the disease itself, as in the case of my husband, will not be complicated, I would not want anyone to pass on our experience, because, of course, we have to get out of this situation on our own. “

People at high risk should be isolated, there is a possibility of mistakes

How is the epidemiological investigation and treatment of COVID-19 disease carried out, including the identification of exposed persons?

According to Rolanda Lingienė, Director of the Vilnius Department of NVSC, the course of the investigation and the measures applied depend on the specific case. “For example, and in this case, it is not clear if a person with COVID-19 developed symptoms and, if so, when,” he explained.

In the case of coronavirus symptoms, coexistence (for a certain time, at a certain distance) with the sick person for 72 hours is considered significant contact. in the period before the onset of symptoms. If there are no symptoms, all people who have been in contact for a period of 14 days are included in the contact lists and appropriate measures are taken.

Exposed persons are identified by NVSC specialists after interviewing a person with confirmed COVID-19 disease. The data is entered into a contact person monitoring system.

“If a person is identified as a high-risk person, they are required to isolate themselves for 14 days, despite the negative result of the laboratory test,” said R. Lingienė.

Then, according to her, everyone who has been in contact is contacted and the isolation rules are introduced. “NVSC actively disseminates information about each case, so those who have been in contact often contact the institution. An individual risk assessment is carried out and, if necessary, exposed persons are isolated,” he said, adding that If incorrect information is provided in the public space, the affected person can contact an NVSC specialist who conducted their survey or general consultation numbers and correct the information.The data is published by the people themselves, but there is always the possibility of errors human or technical.

R. Lingienė noted that after canceling the quarantine, the nature of NVSC’s work changed. Although few cases are reported, work with them has only increased. “This is because most of the restrictions that existed during the quarantine no longer apply: residents go to public places, meet friends and family, therefore they must be very active in interpreting exposed people and isolate them, “he explained.

For example, if a sick person indicates that they have visited a café during the contagious period, their administration will be contacted. It is known which employees were working at the time and an individual risk assessment is carried out. If necessary, they are isolated. Isolation rules are presented, signature is arranged, then NVSC volunteers monitor exposed individuals daily.

Travelers warned: danger could lurk in countries not affected by the virus

“Exposed persons must comply with the legal obligations of isolation in the home or other place of residence. If the facilities of the hotel where the person in contact is isolated meet the requirements of the rules, it is possible to isolate the hotel, “said R. Lingienė.

He reported that if people come from a country (including transit) with a morbidity rate of more than 25 cases per 100,000. population in the last 14 days and the country is on the list of affected countries; 14 days of isolation are mandatory. It is also mandatory no later than 24 hours. from your arrival to register at the NVSC center by completing the form.

If a person comes from a country where the morbidity rate is higher than 15 cases per 100,000. population in the last 14 days, but does not exceed 25 cases per 100,000. population, 14 days of isolation are recommended from the date of return or arrival.

Therefore, depending on the epidemiological situation, it is recommended to be isolated when returning from abroad, and if a person registers for an examination and awaits the result of the examination, he should be isolated and follow the rules of isolation: do not visit public places, do not accept guests etc.

“Travelers are also advised to be aware that the unfavorable epidemiological situation is still observed in many countries, and that people from different parts of the world go to tourist places or other places abroad, perhaps even where morbidity is really high, “he noted.

Under the current procedure, if the Hotline is contacted after a trip abroad or in contact with the patient, the counselor familiarizes the caller with the contents of the Consent to isolate him (at home or elsewhere) ; in a designated personal health care institution; in facilities provided by the municipal administration) consent to being isolated, unless the person registers for a preventive examination.

“All patients who call are instructed not to leave the car and not to open the window upon arrival at the mobile station, and instructed how to perform the smear collection procedure. You are also instructed to pick up an identity document when you go to the mobile point ”, R. Lingienė highlighted the course of the procedure.

It is not necessary to attack to do an investigation, it is important to isolate

Julijanas Gališanskis, the main specialist of the Press Service of the Ministry of Health (SAM), summed up and said that after close contact there is no need to attack for the investigation, it is important to isolate yourself.

SAM shared a note that after close contact with a patient with coronavirus infection, the following requirements must be met:

• Isolate at home or in another place of residence 14 days after the last day of exposure.

• Strict compliance with the isolation rules throughout the isolation period (the isolation conditions are specified in the regulations for the isolation of people with COVID-19, people suspected of having COVID-19, and people who have been in contact in the home, in another place of residence or in the premises provided by the municipal administration, approved by Order No. V-352 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania of March 12, 2020).

• If at least one of the signs of an acute viral respiratory infection (fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) occurs during the isolation period, call the Coronavir hotline immediately at 1808, report the circumstances (contact the patient) and follow medical advice.

• If within 14 days. there are no symptoms since the last day of exposure, the person is no longer considered at risk of disease and can return to a normal lifestyle.

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