Kaunas prosecutors and Pravieniškė explorers – in a new scandal: tried to hide a very cruel crime


In recent years, the prison system, which has not emerged from the scandals, has come to light again: the Kaunas Regional Court has ordered prosecutors to investigate whether there are signs of criminal acts in the actions of Department officials. Office of the Pravieniškės Correctional Center. The Prisons Department, which had previously evaluated the actions of these officers during the official inspection, had not identified any crimes.

The Kaunas and Kaišiadorys prosecutors of the Kaunas District Prosecutor’s Office also brought to the attention of the judges, who controlled the pre-trial investigation carried out by investigators of the Pravienišk Correctional Center in a violent crime committed in a detention center when Vitautas. The injuries caused the man to be in a coma for several months, after which he was treated in a hospital for a long time, and now it is as if a young child is learning to live again.

The injuries caused the man to be in a coma for several months, after which he was treated in a hospital for a long time, and now it is as if a young child is learning to live again.

The Pravieniškės scouts who carried out the pre-trial investigation and the Kaišiadorys prosecutors who controlled them did not even attempt to investigate the circumstances of this crime and concluded the criminal case, stating that no crime had been committed, that the convicted he had been injured.

This investigation has ended once, but when the story of a seriously injured convict is revealed. Delphi, The Kaunas Prosecutor’s Office decided to resume the pre-trial investigation placed in the archives a year and a half ago, then it turned out that the investigation was terminated after finding that the disabled convict injured himself after using the popular psychotropic substance “cobra “In a correctional facility (composition unknown. rat poison, gasoline, glue, and other chemicals) they collapsed and hit the pavement. However, the findings from the Kaunas clinics indicated that there was no evidence that the injured man was intoxicated with any psychotropic or narcotic substances.

Why did the Pravieniškės officials, who carried out the pre-trial investigation, and the Kaišiadorys prosecutor Aldona Vitkauskienė, who controlled them, come to such a conclusion? Delphi She couldn’t say it, but after receiving instructions from management to investigate the circumstances of the extremely cruel crime as thoroughly as possible, she again came to the same conclusion that the convict had injured himself when he accidentally fell on the pavement. Admittedly, this time he was no longer intoxicated with psychotropic substances, although official reports from some Pravieniškė intelligence officers indicated the opposite data.

The decision of Prosecutor A. Vitkauskienė to terminate the pre-trial investigation a second time was supported not only by Kaunas Chief Prosecutor Raimonda Jančiauskienė, but also by Kaišiadorys Judge Rasa Balsevičienė. But the Kaunas Regional Court strongly disagreed with its findings, satisfying the complaint of Liubovė Kuprusevičienė, a Vilnius lawyer defending the seriously injured condemned man.

Liubovė Kuprusevičienė

Liubovė Kuprusevičienė

In her court complaint, L. Kuprusevičienė, who previously worked in the capital’s prosecutor’s office and supported the state prosecutor’s office in several resonant cases, pointed to a number of circumstances for which the completed pre-trial investigation should be resumed and a crime. serious investigated.

According to the lawyer, during the pre-trial investigation, not even the necessary measures were taken that would have helped to reveal the criminal act committed in prison. Not only that, according to the lawyer, the prosecutor’s office transferred the burden of gathering evidence to the victim: if he was harmed, prove it yourself and then we’ll see what to do.

According to L. Kuprusevičienė, the material collected during the pre-trial investigation contains sufficient data that V. Zlatkauskas was attacked and beaten, and therefore seriously injured by three convicts who served their sentences together: the two prisoners who served their sentences. they had expressed suspicions of serious illness before the end of the investigation. The third possible suspect had already been released and left Lithuania, so officers did not even bother to question him.

The prosecutor’s hastily made decision to end the pre-trial investigation without finding that a crime has been committed is, to say the least, incomprehensible and shocking.

Liubovė Kuprusevičienė

Admittedly, there were still delays in raising suspicions against potentially guilty individuals, although Pravieniškė Criminal Intelligence officers had been aware of the fact that V. Zlatkauskas had been injured since the start of the pre-trial investigation, including one of the convicts. He testified, but officials decided unreliable.

“The prosecutor’s hasty decision to end the pre-trial investigation without finding that a criminal offense has been committed is at least incomprehensible and shocking, as the case file shows that the latest pre-trial investigation in the case concerned the service of suspects. “

Kaunas prosecutors and Pravieniškė explorers - in a new scandal: tried to hide a very cruel crime

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

In ordering prosecutors to resume the pre-trial investigation that was unjustifiably and illegally terminated by a final and final appeal, the Kaunas Regional Court noted that neither the prosecutor nor the Kaišiadorys judge had substantially responded to the questions raised in The lawyer’s complaint and they had not fully investigated all the measures. The circumstances of the case.

The pre-trial investigation was completed quickly, without exhausting all possibilities of collecting objective and indisputable data on the commission (or non-commission) of the crime.

Kaunas regional court

“The pre-trial investigation ended quickly, without exhausting all possibilities of collecting objective and indisputable data on the commission (or non-commission) of the crime, on the basis of which an objective decision can be made without any doubt,” stressed the court.

In its ruling, it was stated that during the pre-trial investigation, it is advisable to carry out a series of procedural actions, to question witnesses who can give evidence about the bodily injury caused to the victim during the event. In addition, the degree of injury was questioned: Prosecutors say the man was not easily injured, although the victim still has difficulty walking, speaks incomprehensibly, and cannot even hold a pen in hand. Therefore, according to the judges, it is necessary to carry out an additional medical examination and determine the exact degree of injury, as the convicted student looks, you can see in this Delphi in the video.

According to L. Kuprusevičienė, the court also ordered “to carry out pre-trial investigative actions to resolve the issue of criminal acts provided for in the Penal Code in the actions of officials of the Intelligence Division of the Pravieniškės Correctional Center related to abuse of power and the signs of counterfeiting. “

The lawyer requested the removal of the former prosecutor and the chief prosecutor who had reviewed their decisions from the pre-trial investigation, but the court had no right to comply with that request, and so informed the Kaunas District Prosecutor’s Office of the Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office. greater control of the study.

Prosecutors will also have to say who will continue the investigation, as he was asked to withdraw Pravieniškė officials and turn over all the material to the police.

“In the opinion of the Regional Court, insufficient measures were taken and sufficient measures were taken to collect relevant data for the pre-trial investigation and to investigate the circumstances that formed the basis for making a decision on the pre-trial investigation,” the Court ruled. Kaunas Regional. “It should be noted that not all the procedural steps of the pre-trial investigation necessary for the objective investigation of the event have been carried out, on the whole the termination of the pre-trial investigation would be legal and justified.”

I didn’t think I would survive

About Pravieniškės in 2017 December 13 V. Zlatkauskas, convicted of the facts. Delphi he said in October last year, then the convict himself contacted the editorial office and asked him to go to prison.

If you look at Vitautas and listen to his difficult words, you will not suspect that he is only 37 years old. After the injuries sustained, doctors prescribed 50 percent. Workability, although the man has difficulty walking, speaks incomprehensibly, cannot even hold the pen in his hand.

I am like a little old boy.

Vytautas Zlatkauskas

The tragic story that took place in the correctional institution more than two years ago completely changed a man’s life: today he is learning to live again.

Vytautas Zlatkauskas

Vytautas Zlatkauskas

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

“I am like a little boy,” he said.

After telling his shocking story, the prisoner wanted only one thing: that the police finally discover what really happened on the night of December 13 in Pravieniškės, when he soon found himself immersed in a deep coma from the platoon to which Vytautas had just been transferred. . He was taken to the Kaunas clinics by ambulance.

No one believed that man would survive.

Immediately after this event, a pre-trial investigation into a minor health disorder was started in Pravieniškės. March 27 was discontinued.

Vytautas said the officers had carried out the only interrogation when he was recovering from a coma, but were still having difficulty navigating the surroundings, that the officer who arrived at the hospital ward told him that he was guilty because he had used ” You get paid “and ordered him to sign. A previously written survey protocol. I don’t remember, I don’t remember.

Vitautas claimed that he had been beaten, other prisoners wanted to kill him, but the police did not even try to explain these circumstances.

I know from the tongues that I was jumping over my head, my legs and arms were being hit, leaving me disabled.

Vytautas Zlatkauskas

“I don’t understand how the pre-trial investigation ended: I was beaten, I don’t remember anything about myself, I only know from the tongues that I had jumped on my head, they broke my legs and arms, which left me disabled,” he said. the man. – For me, that day is like a black dot. I remember coming to the camera, putting the bag on, and I don’t remember anything else. Officials write that I smoked “cobra”, but “cobra” and I are two specific enemies. I have never used it, I don’t use it and I won’t start using it. “

He prayed that he would not survive

And when it appears Delphi V. Zlatkauskas, who was interviewed the same day for the article, told officials that as soon as he entered the new living space, he placed his personal belongings and a mattress on which he had to sleep.

“It was dark in the room,” he said. – As soon as I put things on, I immediately felt a blow behind my back to the back of my neck. What happened next, I don’t remember, I woke up alone in the prison of the prison place. “

The prisoner said that a year after the incident, when he was returned from the hospital to continue his sentence, he learned from a convict that while unconscious, other convicts had “hit a sock with a piece of lead on the back and jumped on his head. “

When one prisoner ordered his friends incarcerated in the same cell to stop, another prisoner sent V. Zlatkauskas with a powder (metal stick – Delphi) hit his legs.

“Then someone poured water on me because they wanted to wash me, because I was all bloody,” Vitautas recounted the story of the “friend” of the camera.

I was told that the convicts then prayed that he would not survive and no one would know the circumstances of this incident.

Vytautas Zlatkauskas

And then the officers were summoned, and they took the wounded convict to the doctors.

“They told me that the convicts were praying that he would not survive and that no one would know the circumstances of the incident,” he said.

The convict claimed that he had not used drugs in prison, and before this incident he warned the director of the correctional institution, Dainius Sušinskas, that he could not live in that unit because he would be treated.

Even a year after he was returned to the prison after the hospital, he didn’t want to leave him alone. V. Zlatkauskas was instructed to continue serving his sentence in the same platoon where the man who beat him was still serving his sentence. When the prisoner refused to go there, he received a disciplinary sanction: 12 days in solitary confinement, but was taken to the hospital on the instructions of Dr. Mindaugas Bekešius because he was unable to be there due to his state of health.

Kaunas prosecutors and Pravieniškė explorers - in a new scandal: tried to hide a very cruel crime

© Prison Department Photo

According to V. Zlatkauskas, the director of the correctional facility D. Sušinskas has repeatedly persuaded him not to make the event public, saying that “they will close their eyes, they will not see me and I will not make those people public.”

“RE. Sušinskas, upon learning that he was going to give an interview, had personally come to ask me not to speak, because, according to the director, he and I are victims of the circumstances, but due to this decision of the commission I disabled myself, I can’t even hold a pen in my hands, “V said during the interview. Zlatkauskas.

A witness who does not believe

The fact that V. Zlatkauskas had been wounded by convicts imprisoned in the same cell was officially confirmed to officials by a convict, to whom the same participant had reported the injury of the injured person. However, the officials who carried out the pre-trial investigation do not believe in him: that V. Zlatkauskas was injured when he fell and fell.

Pravieniškės officials, who saw V. Zlatkauskas after the injuries, stated that the convicted man was drug intoxicated, but could not justify these statements with any documents. When Kaunas doctors finally indicated that the wounded convict was not intoxicated, the prosecutor overseeing the investigation stated that the circumstances of the victim’s indisputable use of narcotic or psychotropic substances had not been confirmed immediately after the incident.

He fell and was injured. And so, the convicts taken by the suspects, and those responsible for their supervision that night who did not see the incident directly, spoke almost word for word.

In the past, this was the main reason why V. Zlatkauskas was injured: When no data was found to corroborate this proposed version, officials discovered that the prisoner was still injured, although he was not intoxicated. He fell and was injured. And so, the convicts taken by the suspects, and those responsible for their supervision that night who did not see the incident directly, spoke almost word for word. Not surprising, according to V. Zlatkauskas’ lawyer, because officials are interested in completing the investigation.

At that time, the testimony of a witness who recounted how the violence against V. Zlatkauskas had been perpetrated was recognized as unreliable and partial.

“In order not to take responsibility for the delayed investigation, the officials and prosecutors of the pre-trial investigation who controlled the investigation simply thwarted it, gathered data that could only refute the victim’s testimony, ignored the testimony of an important impartial witness, and they rescued officers and convicts. ” L. Kuprusevičienė, a lawyer who represents V. Zlatkauskas for free, is convinced.

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