Kaunas on balcony repair: the price is absurd


Kaunas is surprised by the bill provided by the company Būsto valda, which is engaged in the maintenance and management of apartment buildings in Kaunas. “It is an absurdly large amount, for such a small job you have to pay a tragically high price,” said Daiva, born in Kaunas.

“Būsto valda” is in charge of the maintenance of the territory, the necessary repairs of the house, but the amounts contributed by the companies hired by them for the work carried out are noted, Kaunas was surprised. – His last good job was a small repair of a resident’s balcony, which cost 1,330.50 euros. The price of the materials is 200.74 euros, and the value of the work is 1,129.76 euros! The balcony really needed to be reinforced for everyone’s safety, but the amount is inadequate for the work done. “

According to Piliakalnio st. 11 women living, information was posted on the notice board that 1.5 thousand LTL must be paid for the repair of the balcony. euros. The amount for the work performed was distributed to all residents: apartments, according to the interlocutor, in this house there are about 100.

“I managed the neighbor’s balcony, not the shared balcony, but according to the law, all the neighbors in the house have to pay, because it is for everyone’s safety. 20 square meters. m the owner of the premises had to pay about ten euros, so the cost of a normal apartment is not huge. The works were estimated at € 1,500 and that amount was distributed among all the apartments, although in reality the estimate is slightly more than € 1,300. So where did the 200 euros go? They probably forgot to recalculate the bill because they charged us 1,500 euros. The woman asked. – When I saw the balcony repair, I asked Būsto to validate all the invoices, estimates and photos, because they do not send detailed estimates to the neighbors – and I received a document that the value of the work was 1,330 instead of 1,500 euros. Intelligent. “

The interviewee says she shares this story because it may help people pay more attention to what they are paying for.

Assigned to complex jobs

Rokas Drasutavičius, director of the Būsto valda company, told Kauno Diena that balcony repair work is classified as expensive and complex: it requires specific knowledge, diligence and time.

“Only specially trained personnel can work at height, two employees at a time, they must have the necessary certificates. We do not choose scaffolding for such works, which would only increase the price; employees wear harnesses, so we seek to save the population money. Most of the repair price consists of fixing work, which took five business days to complete. The materials themselves are not very expensive, so the total amount increases due to human resources, ”said R. Drasutavičius.

According to him, the following works were carried out: the unstable handrail and its parts were dismantled; dismantled concrete in the drop zone; old drop dismantled and installed new, pre-ordered and concreted according to specific dimensions; handrail fixing and welding work performed; the handrail is treated with abrasive materials, primed, painted; Coated profiled sheet.

“The initial estimate of works amounted to 1.5 thousand. However, as the work proceeded smoothly and without interruptions, we reduced the cost of the work to EUR 1,330. This amount also includes some of the materials used, ”said the head of the Housing Holding. According to him, three weeks before the start of the works, the neighbors were informed by a notice on the staircase, which indicated the preliminary amount of the planned works.
