Kaunas Municipality opened the envelopes in the stadium competition


“In fact, Remigijus Šimašius surprised me a lot again. He even killed the girls of the Golden Lion. And Artūras Zuokas was reprimanded. If Zuokas now decides to come to Lukiškės Square with a tank, he will probably be stuck in the sand, he wrote director Oskaras Koršunovas on Facebook – Only so much that the sand dust caused by it will squeak in the teeth of the townspeople for a long time. But the most interesting thing here is the concept of Šimašius. It turns out that the defenders of freedom fought for us to burn in the rays of their battles. Morale, to put it mildly, is strange, but again Šimašius is unbeatable here. It turns out that the strange thing is his tactics and strategy. Will, I’m also for the weirdness, but not for The global: I can only boast thirty people because of my weirdness (so far there are very few spectators in the hallways.) Unless I came up with the idea of ​​building Einstein on Philip Glass Beach.

Singer Dovilė Filmanavičiūtė evaluates the situation differently. “Our son will respect historical memory by not memorizing square dates and names. We will foster our children’s civic responsibility, critical thinking, contextual awareness, openness to the world, and endless daily joy as thanks to those who have sacrificed their hearts and their lives to grow our son in freedom today. I am already waiting for us to meet friends on the open beach! “said D. Filmanavičiūtė, who accepted the thoughts expressed by R. Šimašius that it is necessary” to continue celebrating freedom and life. “

“People want to be happy, they not only want to know, but also feel that they have something to be proud of and something to appreciate. A few years ago, I said that the best monument to freedom in Lukiškės Square would be happy and free people gathered there. Today and again we can see what it is “, announced the mayor of Vilnius on Facebook on Thursday.

R. Šimašius states that the beach dumped in the capital square shows Lithuania’s victory over the occupation regimes, that “we, the winners, are here and rejoice in our country, our capital, Vilnius”.

“I imagine Lenin wearing resentment in the mausoleum,” wrote the mayor.

The head of the capital also criticizes the politicians who rebelled against the beach, calling them two-sided and the “impotent ideological” parties.

“The main parties in Lithuania are powerless ideological. Pandemic recovery? Strengthening the health system? Modernizing education to develop free and creative personalities for the future? Financial sustainability after a massive spray of money to voters to bribe ? “… No, this is not a concern of the” peasants “or the opposition parties,” said the mayor.

Singer and actor Dominykas Vaitiekūnas does not understand why this beach caught people. “I lost sight of the beach fever and still didn’t understand what that beach was like.” I read that the obstacle was the first that was initiated by Šimašius. I did not interfere, as much as an obstacle, but an obstacle. I noticed that some people lack monuments and monuments in Vilnius, others stand in the way that the navel is bare, as if they were not there anyway, and with such weather Gedo ave. I noticed that there are scandalous non-Lithuanian notes. I read that having a full seat is bad, and big events still can’t take place legally. It is also a bad thing that Vilnius is too independent and does not obey the green dictatorship. But it didn’t seem as bad to me as the beach. Maybe what I missed? “Asked the artist.

We remind you that the temporary beach established in Lukiškės Square in the capital by decision of the Vilnius municipality government this week has received conflicting assessments from ruling and opposition politicians.

Ramūnas Karbauskis, the head of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania, called the beach a desecration of this square, and the rulers of Seimas recorded a project that commemorative accents of Lukiškės Square “should include and reflect the fight for the independence of Lithuania and the memory of the dead fighters. “

R. Karbauskis promises to consider the bill urgently and approve this session – t. and. until next Tuesday.

He claimed that the Vilnius city government had violated “any principle of respect for our history” by installing a temporary beach on Lukiškės Square.

“The participants in the uprising were also killed in that square, many things that do not allow such phenomena, which were taken by the Vilna municipality,” said R. Karbauskis.

The city municipality announced on Monday morning that the installation of an artificial beach is beginning on Lukiškės Square in the center of Vilnius.

This week, the 1,660-square-meter beach was dumped in the Lukiškės Square part, near Gediminas Avenue, about 300 cubic meters of sand were used for this purpose.

The beach will be on the square throughout the summer, and next to it until the end of July there will be a large screen, the content of which is in charge of Telia: movies, series, Telia TV concerts and views of the Baltic Sea will be shown every night during the day.

The Vilnius Mayor explained that the beach at Lukiškės Square was equipped to enjoy freedom. Critics say such a project is unsuitable for Lukiškės Square, and also criticize the fact that neither the public nor the city council or administration were consulted during project planning.
