Kaunas is taking special measures: officers will be on duty at the cemetery and businesses will be inspected


Throughout the long weekend, both the shooters and the police will work in the crowd. Teams of officers will be on duty at the cemetery, who will not only regulate traffic, but will also monitor whether residents wear masks.
“In the near future, compliance by residents and businesses with the requirements that have come into force will be closely monitored. In various locations in Kaunas, information about the need to wear masks, observe social distance and not Meet is announced over the loudspeaker Public transport controllers pay close attention to passengers and officials from catering establishments have already started recording the first infractions.

There is no point in punishing. Our objective is only one thing: to encourage the population and organizations to take the current situation seriously and contribute to its management. Now is definitely not the time to play with your own health and even the health of those around you, or even your life, so we ask the residents of Kaunas to act consciously and responsibly, “said Paulius Keras, director of the Kaunas Municipal Emergency Operations Center.

According to the Kaunas County Police Chiefs, various institutions have come together to protect all residents as fully as possible. As every year, in the days of tribute to the dead, traffic safety is guaranteed at the entrances to the cemetery, and in such a situation in the country, the use of masks and group navigation is additionally monitored and controlled.

“From now on, residents in various parts of the city will hear more and more audible calls with reminders from the Lithuanian police to wear protective masks, to keep a safe distance, not gather in large groups, and of course to protect themselves. themselves and others. Hopefully the residents themselves will be understanding and aware, “Kaunas County Police Chiefs say of the increasing attention of police officers to enforcing quarantine conditions.

Public transportation is another “hot spot” where citizens must comply with the requirements to wear masks and maintain safe distances.

“Controllers closely monitor whether passengers wear masks and if safe distances are observed. Everyone is strongly asked to wear masks correctly on public transport to cover their mouths and noses. Let’s not be ‘pinocchio’, let’s protect ourselves and those around us, “Keras asked the passengers.

Although the number of passengers on public transport has dropped by about a third recently, there are no plans to reduce the number of routes. This is to ensure that people have enough space to travel by bus and trolley at a safe distance from each other.

Cafes and entertainment venues remain high-risk areas for the spread of the virus. Here, inspections are organized both by specialists from the municipality’s Public Order Department and by Kaunas police officers who patrol the city.

Arnoldas Bukelis, a representative of the municipal administration of the city of Kaunas, points out that already on the first day of intensified control due to the COVID-19 quarantine, more than fifty restaurants, nightclubs, gambling houses and others were inspected. entertainment and leisure places. It appears that Kaunas residents have assessed the possible risks.

According to officials, the number of visitors to the bars has dropped dramatically. Most cafes have few visitors. There is no open disco in the old town.

“It is true that we found a violation in the restaurant when the waiter was without a mask at work. They look forward to your visit to our department. We also monitor whether the people in self-isolation comply with the requirements that apply to them, ”commented Rimantas Vilimas, Chief of the Public Order Division.

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