Kaunas has started vaccinating large companies, in Vilnius and Klaipėda they promise to do it later


The representatives of the municipalities of Vilnius and Klaipėda affirm to follow the Minister’s Order, which initially obliges to vaccinate statutory officials, retailers and others who perform vital state functions and work in the form of contact, established in the so-called Priority 1.20.

According to the assessment of these cities, only after that can other companies that do not meet the aforementioned criteria be vaccinated. Among other things, the Ministerial Order recommends that priority be given to companies in the sectors with the highest number of monthly outbreaks.

A little later, the Klaipėdos Baldai company operating in the port city informed BNS that vaccination is taking place in Klaip, da, and it is planned to vaccinate about 120 company employees on Friday and Saturday.

At the time, Paulius Kibiša, director of the Kaunas City Polyclinic, told BNS that company employees had already started vaccination as of Friday.

“The municipality maintains the lists, makes them enter the system, we simply take the contacts and invite the employees. Today, the first companies. But not just them, there is an overall priority of 1.20: vaccinating both the firefighters and some of the courts. We have simply moved on to the next priority, although in parallel we are also vaccinating with the Pfizer vaccine people who have been on the waiting list, where they have rejected other vaccines, mainly older people, ”he said.

According to the head of the polyclinic, the institution itself only carries out vaccinations according to the list provided by the municipality of the city of Kaunas and does not evaluate what should be vaccinated first, but, according to him, “companies have the same priority” as officials or retail, food production sector.

“We don’t value anything, we just mechanically take everyone who is on the same page that we take doctors, teachers and others from,” he told BNS.

Priorities are treated differently

Kaunas Municipality informed BNS that the priority queue has not changed, but “more flexibility has appeared.”

With the permission of the Minister of Health to start vaccinating the teams of companies, institutions and other organizations with at least 100 employees throughout the country, we are ready to accept the lists of those who want to be vaccinated and we have started to vaccinate them here. “The Kaunas municipality replied to BNS.

The municipality also affirms that, in addition to the companies, “all attention continues to be focused on the current priority groups”, that is, the elderly, teachers, professors and patients with chronic diseases in the age group 65 and over.

However, in accordance with the exact decision to move to the vaccination of the companies, the representatives of the municipality did not explain.

“All company lists submitted by companies whose teams have expressed their desire to be vaccinated against COVID-19 are currently being reviewed and maintained. In the near future, employees of Kaunas Bus, Kauno Vandenai, Pieno Žvaigždės, Registrų centras and other companies they will be vaccinated at the Kaunas Ice Palace vaccination center, ”the municipality informed BNS in writing.

According to data from the Kaunas Polyclinic, 4,000 people are scheduled to be vaccinated on Friday and Saturday.

Vilnius and Klaipeda companies will have to wait

Vilnius mayor spokesman Karolis Vaitkevičius told BNS that companies in the capital would still have to wait for vaccines.

“We are seeing an order from the Minister of Health that clearly establishes the priorities of what should be vaccinated next. First there are the elderly, then the statutory officials and others. Until we are done with these priority groups, because there are not enough priority groups to vaccinate everyone en masse, businesses will have to wait. Unless those businesses are on the 1.20 priority list, which states that these are important functions to the state that cannot be performed remotely: food production, cashiers, and similar, ”he said.

“We envision companies with 100 or more employees as an alternative if there were vaccines left, or it would be many if we did not find anything to vaccinate from priority groups,” added the mayor’s advisor.

The Klaipeda City Municipality has also stated that it will continue to vaccinate retail sector employees and officials from Thursday, so the vaccination of non-vital companies with 100 or more employees is promised to carry over later.

“No, we have not started vaccination yet and we do not know when we will start. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, we are vaccinating retailers because we see interest. For larger companies, there is a procedure, we register companies and when will their vaccination begin, a question open will depend on the vaccines received and how many remain after the vaccination of priority groups, ”Klaipeda municipality spokeswoman Aušra Lukauskienė told BNS.

Klaipedos Baldai says vaccination has already started

At that time, the SBA Klaipėdos Baldai group company operating in the port city informed BNS that vaccination was also taking place here and claimed that more than 120 company employees would be vaccinated on Friday and Saturday.

The comment sent to the BNS indicates that lists of those who want to be vaccinated are given to the municipal vaccination coordinators, in total more than half of the more than 900 employees of the company would like the vaccine.

“All of our employees are voluntarily vaccinated and can choose the vaccine. Their desire to be vaccinated demonstrates their faith in science, their conscience, and their desire to break free from restrictions more quickly, see family members more often, communicate more with colleagues. ”Ruslan Žolobaila, director of the company, is quoted as saying.

According to him, the SBA group conducted surveys of all of its largest companies, which determined that most employees would like to be vaccinated.

“We hope your example inspires those who have yet to make up their minds, and seeing that the minor potential side effects will make them feel more confident and calm, they will make a positive decision. And the abundance of vaccinated people will help to form a herd immunity in our company ”, he expected.

According to the company, some employees have already been vaccinated for belonging to other priority groups, while others have overcome the disease and acquired immunity.

It also ensures that the protective measures still in force are maintained after vaccination for all workers, such as mandatory face masks, frequently disinfected surfaces, thermal images of those who come to work, limited contact, meetings generally held remotely, lunches and rest breaks for the little ones. groups. so that they do not congregate.

Continental employees were vaccinated

Vaccination of companies has also started in the Kaunas district, on Friday one of the first AstraZeneca vaccines was vaccinated by about 100 employees of the Continental plant in the Kaunas Free Economic Zone, confirmed the communication manager of the company, Ieva Koncevičiūtė.

“Yesterday we presented the request and in the afternoon we received the news that specialists will come. That is how much we managed to coordinate, how many were willing to receive this vaccine, and how much we vaccinated. But in the future, when there is an opportunity, there will be more people who want it, “said the company representative.

Milda Labašauskaitė, doctor of the Kaunas district municipality, assured BNS that the companies had started the vaccination, because other groups belonging to priority 1.20 – firefighters, policemen, cashiers and others – have already been vaccinated, some have rejected the AstraZeneca vaccine and they will await the preparation of other manufacturers.

The Ministry of Health announced this Thursday that companies and organizations with at least one hundred employees are invited to be vaccinated. The ministry later clarified that employees of these companies would only be vaccinated after the priority group had been vaccinated in the relevant week.

According to SAM, company employees can choose any vaccine, but people who want to get vaccinated with AstraZeneca are likely to get vaccinated sooner.

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