Kaunas greet the blooming lagoon: they spoil despite warnings from specialists


Birūta from Kaunas grabs a huge green rock floating in the Kaunas lagoon and drops it on the shore. There are many piles of this type out there.

“And we are receiving a handful, and we are stretching, because here there is no raw material, no one is interested in raw material. We will clean it ourselves, ”says Birūta.

The woman opens, although it is not very fun to swim in the water full of greenery, to cool off when the heat exceeds 30 degrees, she really wants.

“Along with frogs, you know, once you try, next time they don’t rush you, you keep trying, and what to do when it’s hot,” says the woman.

In fact, the Kaunas lagoon appears to be painted a bright green, the water is a deep green, glistening clusters float everywhere, especially in the bays of many of the lagoons.

“We take them out very well with our hands, I bathe with my grandchildren, the better,” says the resident.

The situation in the beach area is a little better, so the residents are thrown into the water, both children and adults.

“I explained to the child that if the water is clean, you can swim, if not, there will be many games, we can play.” But it was difficult to persuade him not to go; it would cool down a bit. There is a risk, ”admits the Kaunas resident.

Snack seekers are not deterred either by fear of illness or by the steam that increasingly touches their noses.

“Sometimes we come, see and go because it is unpleasant, but now we will wake up. The smell is still low, but in a couple of days you will probably feel it in the Petrašiūnai district, when they start to decompose, ”says the resident.

Rescuers occasionally grabbed algae from the water with forks and were on duty.

“It does not bloom as strong as it can bloom, it was much worse last year. Because we clean the lawn efficiently, it is better than last year and there are so many people,” says lifeguard Tadas Dievelis.

Public health experts assure that the concentration of cyanobacteria in the lagoon is already such that bathing is not recommended.

Edita Stundytė, representative of the Office of Public Health, says: “This water can cause various allergic reactions, itching, irritation of the eyes, stinging, irritation of the respiratory tract, as well as gastrointestinal disorders and infectious diseases. Swimming in that water is more dangerous for young children, the elderly and allergy sufferers. “

And it is better to enjoy in moderation the fish caught in the green water, although the fishermen, dipping their rods in the florida lagoon, are still waiting for the catch. And if you accidentally drink while bathing in such water, pay close attention to your well-being.

Andželika Dautartė, a researcher at the Academy of Agriculture, says: “There are about 50 species of toxic cyanide bacteria in Lithuania, 17 of them multiply en masse and secrete cyanide toxins, so we should think about it.”

Flowering in the water is also dangerous for the plants and animals of the reservoir: if the process is prolonged, the fish suffocate en masse. Water begins to “bloom” when it accumulates a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds and the heat lasts for a long time. According to researchers at the Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Agriculture, this process can be reduced.

“How is this done – wastewater is treated, it is treated in treatment plants, fertilization plans are carefully drawn up, as well as the concentration of phosphates in detergents and cleaning products is reduced – it is obvious that all this is not enough, “says A.Dautartė.

Kaunas Municipality tests Kaunas bath water every two weeks. So far, the research has found no other pollutants that are dangerous to humans this summer.

Jurga Pakrosnienė, specialist of the Department of Environmental Protection, says: “The biological parameters determined according to the hygiene standard – intestinal rods and intestinal enterococci – have been studied as usual, this study was carried out for the last time this Monday, July 5,

There are 4 official beaches in Kaunas, two next to the Kaunas lagoon, as well as in Panemunė and Lampėdžiai, their water is tested approximately 8 times per season.
