Kaunas district prepares for mass vaccination against COVID-19


According to the municipal doctor Milda Labašauskaitė, in cooperation with institutions that provide supportive treatment and nursing services, as well as with social services, personal health care institutions and public health, the need for the COVID-19 vaccine is determined for employees and residents of these institutions. Proper preparation ahead of time will facilitate vaccination as soon as vaccines arrive in the country for staff and residents of these facilities.

In the Kaunas district municipality, there are two personal health care institutions (public and private) that organize vaccination, namely the Pakaunė Public Institution Primary Health Care Center and the UAB Pilėnų Klinika.

ELTA has already announced that after the arrival of the first COVID-19 vaccines in Lithuania, 5 vaccination centers have been established in the country: Vilnius University Hospital Santara Clinic, Kaunas Clinic of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Klaipėda University Hospital, Šiauliai Republican Hospital and Panevėžys Republican Hospital. The institutions distributed the vaccine to hospital care centers in their region that treat COVID-19 patients.

According to the representatives of the Ministry of Health, it is planned to vaccinate all medical personnel in the country in the first quarter of this year.

Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and BioNTech have come up with the first vaccine from pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and BioNTech in Lithuania, which aims to vaccinate COVID-19 patients with a very high risk of vaccinating patients based on the probability of vaccination of the employees. . However, it is not yet known what other vaccines will arrive in Lithuania in the next stages and what requirements will apply to them.

After receiving new shipments of vaccines, according to the priority groups provided in the description, vaccination is planned for employees and patients of nursing and supportive care institutions and employees of social institutions, pharmacists, people over 65 years of age, comorbidities short or long term social. employees who cannot avoid contact or perform functions important to society (public order employees, people working in fire protection and rescue, customs, border protection system, military personnel, employees of educational institutions, energy, industry food, etc.). Once the vaccine has reached all priority groups, all residents will be invited to get vaccinated.

The Kaunas District Municipality, in order to ensure the proper organization of the vaccination of the population with the vaccine, invites dental care (assistance) institutions and specialists to cooperate and provide information by completing the online questionnaire published by the Municipality . These bodies are also requested to draw up lists of personnel according to the model table provided.
Attention is drawn to the fact that this data does not need to be sent to anyone at this time, but must be kept by the institutions themselves.

“The vaccination will be carried out depending on the availability and type of COVID-19 vaccine. If you have filled out the questionnaire and are ready with the employee lists, you will be informed in advance about when, where and how the vaccination of your institution’s employees will be carried out ”, emphasizes the report of the Kaunas District Municipality.

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