Kaunas’ daughter was born at only 25 weeks: she remembers painful images with tears in her eyes


The pregnancy was highly anticipated and planned, and when she heard the news that she was pregnant, Greta and her husband shed tears of happiness, both anxiously awaiting the increase of the family, says G. Borusienė to the news portal tv3.lt with a smile .

“The pregnancy, in my opinion, went according to plan, I had no major difficulties at the beginning of the pregnancy, nausea and other signs of pregnancy did not bother me. In fact, everything went according to plan. There were no thoughts of premature birth, not even the thought of taking an interest in him. The doctor did not mention it either, because there were no such signs, ”recalls the interlocutor.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Athens was born weighing only 764 grams

The abdominal bath was alarming

As she herself says, everything went well when, at the end of week 24, the bath began in the lower abdomen, the first thought that came to mind was fatigue, long work hours and the heat of summer .

“I would consider that perhaps the lack of magnesium or fluids attacked me. After canceling my job, in consultation with the doctors, I tried to regain my health at home, but without help, I went back to see the doctors. After going to reception from there on Tuesday night and not coming back, I lay down for observation and research. Blood tests showed inflammation, which led to increased activity, and it was no longer possible to stop it due to the risk to both the child and me. This was followed by maturation of the child’s lungs and transfer to the uterus. Those few days and nights seemed like a movie. It seems that I am not here, but you have to survive everything yourself ”, G. Borusien comparte shares his memories.

The medical staff provided information on early delivery outcomes and survival statistics. The woman is not hiding, it scared her, but she knew she had to survive because there was no going back. At that time, the daughter did not even come up with a name, but in almost a few minutes she made a decision: Athens would be born.

“At night, 2:40 p.m. 764 grams was born, fragile, delicate, but when I heard that she was crying, I calmed down. I realized that she would fight for herself, for her life, and we would contribute and support her in all possible ways, ”recalls the interlocutor with tears in her eyes.

Athens was born weighing only 764 grams

Doctors’ predictions for her daughter were slow – they couldn’t say what to expect tomorrow, the condition was extremely difficult, and a reminder to prepare for the worst. Such words accompanied the family for a month and a half.

Greta herself, after giving birth, says that she felt bad, but not physically, but psychologically. It took time for the thoughts to settle and settle in their places:

“I felt very good physically, at that time I didn’t even think about myself. But morally it seemed that he had reached the bottom. I realized that now everything is no longer in my will, that it is in the hands of the doctors and their strength ”.

The difficulties were not broken

As a mother, Greta couldn’t enjoy motherhood, she wanted to run to her daughter every day, look at her, and wake up at night thinking about how her daughter was doing in the incubator.

“When I became a mother, it seemed incomprehensible to me: I gave birth, but I can’t enjoy it, I can’t hold it in my hands, I can’t balance, I can’t feed myself. I think it took a couple of weeks for everything to settle in my mind, although there was not much time of peace in my heart. Every day I went to the intensive care unit with uncertainty, “said the interlocutor without holding back tears.

Beside very vividly, as if it had happened today, he remembers the first time he was able to take Athens in his arms and hug the long-awaited offspring to his chest:

“It just came to our knowledge then. When he changed the bedding, the nurse asked him to pick it up and lift it, inside, in the incubator. It was kind of ‘like that,’ but it was as light as fluff and very fragile. And the first kangaroo took place only in the fifth week, when his condition had improved slightly, then he already weighed more than 1 kilogram. So I did not want it to end. It seemed that we could always stay like this: warm, on the chest, feeling his life, tenderness “.

Athens was born weighing only 764 grams

Spending days in the hospital with her daughter also hurt her husband’s health. Greta couldn’t break it, her support and help were necessary for both of them, she needed time and herself to make the effort not to give up.

“It seems like we all started to ‘fall apart’ together, but after refining goals and aspirations, I realized that family and health are the most important thing, so I tried to help both husband and daughter and myself. as much as possible. I knew I needed both, so I did not let myself collapse. During breaks, when I could rest, I devoted myself to drawing therapy, listening to music. I did what helped me to calm down, to direct my thoughts “, G. Borusienė recalls the difficulties.

The man stood up and Athens, after spending 3 months in clinics, was finally able to travel home to his family. It is true that the daughter underwent surgery for an open ductus arteriosus and was unable to return home earlier due to lack of oxygen; after taking off the oxygen mask, he still had to get back on it.

“In my opinion, very early labor and extremely high preterm labor have really added diseases that we may not have or should not have treated today. Both farsightedness and open ductus arteriosus surgery, as well as grade 3-4 cerebral hemorrhage they are the consequence of an early delivery ”, the interlocutor does not hide.

Give part of yourself by helping others.

No matter how much she had to go, Athens is now an energetic and cheerful girl. Seen from today’s perspective, Greta does not hide the fact that life took on a completely different meaning after what she had to go through.

“Almost two years later, I am still looking at this situation with tears in my eyes and I am afraid to think how it would have been if it had been otherwise. So I thank the doctors, fate and miracles for having what I have today: a healthy, active and courageous daughter who is an inspiration not only to me, but also to those around me. I am glad that so many people enjoy it, our families enjoy it, now we can say that it is a success story “, smiles Greta, adding that the great joy that her story that she shares on her Instagram account” Mom with a premature girl “can inspire and other early mothers.

Athens was born weighing only 764 grams

In addition, having had a preterm birth, she now works as a volunteer on the first online consultation platform in Lithuania, the Pregnancy Helpline. As she herself says, she feels the desire and the need to give part of herself to others who are facing what she had to go through and to herself.

“Back then, when I was in this situation, I only found a lot of articles about diseases, problems and some success stories. But I couldn’t find anyone to share my anxiety with. This is how the feeling came to me that now I can listen to another, try to understand, help identify problems. It’s like the part I have to give for what I got when we needed inspiration, faith and hope. “

Women also encourage mothers, fathers and loved ones to write a message to the Premature Helpline, express their feelings, fears and doubts, and experienced volunteers who have completed special training are ready to respond to concerns, advice and support in real time. Physically, nothing will change, but you will get the real, sincere and empathetic support that you need in that moment. In addition, families who are raised early have the opportunity to receive a free medical consultation every Tuesday from 4 to 6 p.m.
