Karbauskis scoffed at Majauskas correction: I will definitely not go bankrupt


R. Karbauskis has an explanation why on Wednesday the chairman of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee, Mykolas Majauskas, and 35 other MPs registered an amendment aimed at setting the limit for basic direct payments to farmers and related persons: no more than 150 thousand. euros.

“Obviously, it is aimed at me in the first place,” said the politician.

Remember that this is not the first bill directed against him, as the Seimas has even considered amending the Constitution by providing that a member of the Seimas who has resigned from his mandate will no longer be able to participate in other elections.

“These conservative offering people don’t really understand how many people they are targeting. Here I can be removed and a separate law can be prepared for me with my last name. But they affect about 25 percent of the people who produce agricultural products. They affect a large number of companies, a large number of farmers. Because that connection, as they see it, is wide and wide, ”says R. Karbauskis.

He estimates that the reduction in benefits will affect tens of thousands of employees and will cut across the branches for which Lithuania is famous in Europe.

“We are known as one of the EU’s leaders in grain exports, we are famous for our dairy products. They are practically working on that potential of ours, because people have invested, borrowed, built farms, and now suddenly the government has decided, we will take you and somehow we will pressure you so that you have no income. And direct payments from the EU are compensation for the price that people receive for agricultural products “, says R. Karbauskis.



He criticizes the current government for seeking where to direct his attention because he himself looks and behaves desperately.

“They didn’t talk about those things in March, because they just still hoped that maybe the face of the government would improve in some way. But it is getting worse and consequently, in the eyes of the people, the situation with the current government seems tragic. And where are they now directing all their forces? Not to the improvement of the situation, not to the decisions that the Lithuanian people are waiting for, but to the destruction of the opposition, those people who could be their opponents in the next elections, “says R Karbauskis.

Karbauskis scoffed at Majauskas correction: I will definitely not go bankrupt

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Appreciates that discrimination will be contrary to EU law

R. Karbauskis himself would not receive support if the amendment restricting payments to large farmers were adopted; he hoped the European institutions would protect farmers.

“Clearly, these people (controllers) are not very aware that their proposal is contrary to the European system of competition law. Because discrimination is obvious, one against the other ”, says the politician.

R. Karbauskis is convinced that the amendment would be valid until the European Commission presents a conclusion or perhaps even starts a procedure against Lithuania for business discrimination.

“Now it is their will, the ruling majority approves the laws, in order, their right to do whatever they want. But honor will not do that to them and it will soon be a shame. Now I am ashamed of some people, I am just so sorry that I created such nonsense for myself. Because otherwise there would be no such idea ”, admits R. Karbauskis.

Ramūnas Karbauskis

Ramūnas Karbauskis

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

It has conquered the conservatives who are turning a blind eye to big energy businesses.

“Let’s take other subsidized areas, energy income, electricity generation; you will find millions, or even billions, during the period that the same company or affiliates receives. And there nobody pays attention, there are no problems, because there are friends, or Majauskas or from whom. The most important thing is not politics. And when it comes to politics, we have to start clinging to the poor peasants to try to harm Karbauskis “, the politician is surprised.

It emphasizes that in most companies the concentration or the allocated amounts are “ten times higher than in Lithuanian agriculture”, at that time there is no concentration in agriculture at all, many companies and individual businesses operate here.

“They say that I am a great farmer. That’s 1 percent here. What is the concentration here, percent? Here we are only talking about trying to deal with me, but it will end with the EC’s conclusions, ”says R. Karbauskis.

They are not afraid of their business, they will overthrow other farms.

“As for me personally, I have fewer problems and they can do whatever they want. (…) I only understand the noise and outrage that this will cause in the agricultural community ”, says R. Karbauskis.

He suggests that the ruling majority do the analysis and calculate the impact of the correction on the sector as a whole.

“When they talk about not playing a lot here, I even find it funny. It’s about the fourth degree kinship ties, starting with aunts, uncles; it touches people who may not communicate at all. There is everything in families, brother and sister sometimes do not communicate, and here we are already talking about distant relatives ”, says R. Karbauskis.

It suggests that rulers think about how banks that have made loans to farmers who have built farms, invested, and now the state is suddenly changing the rules of the game will react.

Karbauskis scoffed at Majauskas correction: I will definitely not go bankrupt

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“Providers, do you understand what it means for the bank to tell you to repay everything now because you will no longer be able to balance your income? For me, I will do it again without any problem: until the EC decision, I will definitely not go bankrupt, I promise the rulers. And there will be those who fail, precisely because the banks will demand a refund. Those who are trying to get revenge on me are doing a disservice to the entire sector and, most importantly, to those with the most potential, who have the opportunity to invest ”, warns R. Karbauskis.

Regrets that the dairy farms in Lithuania decrease every year; a new amendment would further reduce investment opportunities. According to R. Karbauskis, small farms will never make such investments.

Imagine now that all foreigners in Lithuania would acquire an agricultural company and find out about such a bill. I just don’t think it can be the EU, taking it by the head and saying where we are here, or where Africa is here. Because if purchases are employees, investments, long-term plans, agricultural land ”, the politician is surprised.

Remember that some publicly traded companies have hundreds of shareholders who will also suffer losses.

“All EU farmers receive payments regardless of the size of the farm, there is no such limit. In this situation, a Lithuania will start to limit the aid according to the size of the farm,” compares R. Karbauskis.

According to preliminary calculations, due to the new restriction, the 20 largest landowners in Lithuania would lose 10.5 million. and three Lithuanian companies would suffer millions in losses.

He promises to be even more jealous in politics.

R. Karbauskis assures that due to pressure from the rulers, he will be even more active in politics.

“The rulers have already come so far in their daily work that it seems that they do not care what it will be like. The most important thing for them is the next elections, in which they will have to explain why they are not so successful in government and they really see each other. They are apparently thinking about that future, and they think that we will oppress Karbauskis, maybe it will be easier. But I can promise you in this place: the more pressure you put on me, the greater the reaction in this place, “promises R. Karbauskis.

Karbauskis scoffed at Majauskas correction: I will definitely not go bankrupt

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

He has no doubt that those in power will have enough votes to accept the new amendment, perhaps supported by the opposition “who want to contribute to the attempt to deal with Karbauskis.” However, he hopes there are people in the opposition with “common sense who appreciate the real situation.”

“I will not leave politics, I will continue to act as I would. Well, I don’t know, I can only deprive myself of citizenship, ban myself from doing any activity in Lithuania, do anything else. That way, it could really prevent me from running in the election. You know, he is very reminiscent of one of our neighbors to the east, he also makes those decisions regarding Alexei Navaln, he behaves similarly. (…) That the LVŽS declare us an extremist organization and prohibit anyone who has been a peasant from participating in the elections. Well, it would be here like in Russia. That behavior no longer surprises me, ”says R. Karbauskis.

20 companies would lose 10 million euros

Delfi has already announced that a new proposal to limit farmers’ payments could cost large farmers around 15 million. euros. Only the top 20 farmers and companies could lose more than 10 million. euros.

Agrokoncernas, controlled by Ramūnas Karbauskis, would be the company that would suffer the greatest losses, since it had declared more, 38.68 thousand. hectares, 2.93 million hectares would belong to them. Delfi has data. If the profit remained only 150 thousand. the losses would amount to about 2.78 million euros. euros. Agrokoncernas earned 4.6 million LTL last year. Consolidated net profit in euros.

Auga Grupė, the second agricultural company by declared area, would have similar losses, managing 38.59 thousand. hectares, the potential payment would be reduced by 2.78 million. euros. The main shareholder of the company is the farmer Kęstutis Juščius.

The crops and agricultural lands declared by Linas Agro amount to 18.4 thousand. hectares, so a possible payment reduction would amount to about 1.24 million. euros.

The North Wolf Group, indirectly controlled by the Vilius Kaikaris company, continues to align itself with 13.19 thousand. hectares declared, 999.7 thousand. Payment in EUR: if the restriction is introduced, the losses would amount to 850 thousand. euros. The full table can be found at the end of the post.

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