Karbauskis responded to Nausė about comments to SAM: Concerns are long overdue


According to him, it is worrying that after the president’s statement that Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga will have to answer the accumulated questions to the “competent authorities”, it turns out that the Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT) will also invite the minister.

“Even the president, no matter how much power he has, cannot violate human rights by making statements that can be treated as instructions to the forces of order. Respecting the opinion of the President, I cannot help but note that the current statements circulating from the Presidency towards the Ministry of Health are highly politicized, with accusation ”, said R. Karbauskis on Facebook.

“I want to believe that such serious and long-awaited concern about the management of the coronavirus crisis once it has been brought under control is not a banal attempt to undermine the qualifications of the Minister of Health, Aurelius Veryga,” he added.

Earlier this week, R. arbauskis himself commented on police investigations into coronavirus purchases and said they would fail.

“Today, when we are in control of the situation, when we have reservations, we are equipped with all the means, suddenly the people come who looked in the trenches and said: you have made too many unpublished purchases. There was no other way out and I say it, and these things will fail, without a doubt, I am absolutely convinced that no one was involved in any corruption in the ministries or in the Government, ”R. Karbauskis told News Radio on Wednesday.

He also claimed to have an idea of ​​the political implications.

“If we look at how many times the blues is accused, tell me what kind of case, what case, is in court today, is involved, blues everything in this situation. I see a clear political implication, because those people, I am absolutely convinced, that neither the Vice Minister nor anyone in the Government was really involved in any issue of corruption ”, commented R. Karbauskis about the police investigation.

FNTT investigates 6 million. purchase of rapid coronavirus tests worth EUR. In the investigation, allegations of abuse of power, which could have caused significant harm to the state, could also be presented to Deputy Health Minister Lina Jaruševičienė, and A. Veryga accepted her request for dismissal on Friday.

L. Jaruševičienė stated on Friday that he had made the necessary decisions in the heat of the pandemic, so his conscience is clear.

In total, six people have already been charged in the investigation, including representatives of the company that provided the evidence, Profarma.

According to the FNTT survey, it amounts to 6 million. The company allegedly falsified the documents and provided the buyer with false information about the manufacturer of the rapid tests for COVID-19.

The acquisitions were made by the National Public Health Laboratory. Their leader Vytautas Zimnickas died a few weeks ago. Police have questioned the interim management of the laboratory.

The Special Investigation Service is also conducting another investigation on more than 5 million. purchases of COVID-19 reagents worth € 1 million; the laboratory also bought the reagents.

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