Karbauskis is furious: a hundred schools are being liquidated in the regions


“Signs of regional destruction: 100 schools are being liquidated, but Landsbergis’ business is alive! At the end of March, a letter signed by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport, addressed to the municipalities, states that” from 2022. September 1 reorganize or liquidate primary schools, basic schools and progymnasium, with the exception of private schools with 60 students or less. ”It means that small towns and villages will have to close schools. There are about 100 in the country, “wrote R. Karbauskis on Facebook.

The politician was outraged that Lithuania, according to him, was reverting to distorted politics again, when the clergy forgot to look more widely.

“Often, such a school is more than an educational institution, but also a multifunctional center, where there is a kindergarten, a library, a culture room and a day center for children. One program mentioned that in a small district like Šakiai, three multifunctional centers should be connected, ”said R. Karbauskis.

Another idea is worrying

According to him, the idea of ​​the ministry from 2021 leads to the same. September 1 does not combine grades 5-8 and recommend joining grades 1-4 only in pairs, and from 2022 onwards. September 1 eliminate the possibility of merging three or four classes 1 to 4.

“Already today it can be said that part of the primary school in small towns or villages as of September 1, 2022 will become educational pilgrims, attending school not close to home, but turning 20 or more kilometers to the nearest school. close every day. Will these trips of the little ones, whose time could be spent reading a book or in a group, contribute to the quality of their education? I have many doubts, ”wrote R. Karbauskis.

He is also outraged that the ministry is not talking about transportation issues.

“When the children are already forced to wait for each other and only then do they have a chance to go home. And what will happen if the flow of students increases? ”Wrote R. Karbauskis.

According to him, children will be further discriminated against by the intention of the ministry starting in 2022. September 1 Training funds from the state budget should not be allocated to classes with 1 to 7 students.

“I will only remind you that these governors, as well as the minister herself, declare that education is a priority for them, and according to the Constitution, all students under 16 are equal, education is compulsory for them and they are guaranteed free charge in public schools. Therefore, the conditions when the municipality is forced to finance the class of 6 students, and the education of more than 7 students is already paid for by the state are highly questionable, especially in the sense of equality of students ”, wrote R. Karbauskis.

Fears about the fate of gyms.

According to the politician, the hard days also await the gyms.

“The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport is drastically reducing their number, stating that from 2022 onwards. September 1 at least two gym classes must be formed (that is, at least 31 students must study in the gym class group). Again, the quality of education in a gym will change if 20, 28 or 25 students attend instead of 31, as the secretaries of the ministry want, detached from seeing the situation in the regions: Karbauskis.

According to him, the representatives of the municipalities are already saying out loud that there will be a gym in the region.

“Or is it to make possible the construction of new ones after the demolition? After all, in the same correspondence with the municipality, the ministry poisoned:” funds are being negotiated with the European Commission for the establishment of the network of Millennium Schools Up to 2024 more than 170 million are planned for the program EUR.
To purposely invest the funds, we plan to allocate funds to municipalities with an optimal network of general education schools to first create the “Millennium Schools.”

So from this quote it is clear: who will optimize and close the schools, will receive funding for the establishment of a new elite school, and perhaps even any Landsbergis family that runs a network of private schools will win the competition, ”commented R Karbauskis. .

The politician wonders if these “Millennium Gymnasiums” will not become “Millennium Construction”, while in each district it is already possible to find empty school premises built or renovated.

“As is the question of why do we want to create elite schools that further increase educational inequality, and what will happen to the students who simply do not enter them?” Asked R. Karbauskis.

It was one of the electoral promises

Delfi recalls that the promise to create Millennium Gymnasiums was one of the elements of the electoral program of the Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party Unión Patria.

The new government said the Millennium Gymnasiums included in its program could create more opportunities for children in the regions. Opposition officials warn that concentrating potential in one group will only increase the social exclusion of individual schools, BNS wrote.

The Millennium Gymnasium is described in the Government program as a new generation of schools that would reduce the gap in educational achievement between city and district schools.

According to the program, the teachers who demonstrate the highest educational results, the most talented graduates of pedagogical studies, all the necessary modern infrastructure, STEAM laboratories will be invited to work in these schools.

Education Minister Jurgita Šiugždinienė has said that such schools would be “catalysts for change” in remote municipalities, that children from across the region could come to do laboratory work and participate in non-formal education.

“The Millennium Gymnasium program is designed to create catalysts for change in remote districts, villages and municipalities, that is, schools with all the necessary infrastructure to carry out the same laboratories, for non-formal education,” the minister told BNS.

According to her, for students living in remote municipalities, such schools would bring the infrastructure now accessible only to children in metropolitan areas.

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