Karbauskis is calm: he does not believe that the LSDDP leaves the ruling coalition


“I think they are sufficiently responsible politicians and nobody talks about any disruption of the coalition.” I repeat, it has nothing to do with the coalition that these things have. Here is the election and nomination of candidates. But if it is the coalition, if they choose, this is their business and we cannot stop them. But basically I don’t see a problem here. Yes, we did not have enough votes and we did not defend our position and the LSDDP voted differently than the coalition, so now we have the fact that alcohol is returning to the beaches, “R. Karbauskis told” Knowledge Radio “.

According to the leader of the “peasants”, they simply cannot cooperate in the elections with a party whose values ​​are different, but that the existing coalition does not need to be dismantled as a result.

“It just caught our eye then. We have repeatedly warned colleagues that we will not be able to explain to the electorate how we support the candidates and we do not raise ours when those candidates vote completely against (…) There have been many votes in which our views differed and that’s normal in the coalition. We don’t make any claims about this and we’re not saying we can’t work together now. If opinions differ, that’s what we can do. But we can’t make these people our candidates because we will not be able to explain to our voter why they vote so differently from us. From the point of view of LVŽS, the most important thing is the values, “he said.

July 10 The LVŽS council decided to end the agreement with “social workers” on the promotion of joint candidates in single-member constituencies. But the LVŽS confirmed the decisions together with the “Gerovės Lietuva” party to nominate the leader of this party, Naglis Puteikis, members of the “social workers” faction Antanas Vinkus and Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė will go to the Seimas elections.

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