Karbauskis evaluated Francis’s electoral plans: he finally decided who he was


“When it was mentioned yesterday that he would go with the Liberals, we said: he finally decided who he was. He was a man who pretended to be a “peasant”. And I can say that it was my mistake. I did not see that a person pretends to have values ​​belonging to the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania. The values ​​of the Liberal Movement are completely opposite to us, “R. Karbauskis told Eltai.

R. Karbauskis is convinced that V. Pranckietis has made the decision to go with the Liberal Movement.

“He is a man who has no value base. A few months ago, he spoke to the Union of Christian Democrats, now he suddenly moved to the Liberal Movement. He claimed to be independent in January and was still thinking of being a” peasant “candidate. It was all a lie. We now know that he has been negotiating with the Liberal Movement since last fall, and that it was only a matter of time before he reported it. It was a mystery to us and even to the people of the Liberal Movement. The fact is that Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen also admitted that they were conducting negotiations, and I think they had agreed for a long time, “said R. Karbauskis.

“It is now clear why he did not lose his position, because the liberal faction, along with the conservatives and the Social Democrats of G. Paluck, is protecting him as their tool in the Seimas. In this case, he used it on the board so that the opposition had a majority there, “said R. Karbauskis.

R. Karbauskis: V. Pranckietis will probably be surprised when the LVŽS list is completely different

The President of Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis stated in the Žinių program that he established on Wednesday morning that the list of LVŽS elections is completely clear to him. According to him, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis will be first on the list, second – R. Karbauskis, third – Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, fourth – Agnė Širinskienė, fifth – MP Eugenijus Jovaiša . According to V. Pranckietis, the classification in LVŽS is only an imitation.

“If a person sits in the ranking, then it is, it is just an imitation of the ranking,” said V. Pranckietis.

At the time, R. Karbauskis told Eltai that this was a complete lie.

“He is clearly lying about the LVŽS ranking. The classification at the party will be only in July. There are no lists, he is doing it to humiliate us again, because, apparently, that task has been given by the leadership of the Liberal Movement,” said R Karbauskis.

“I can really tell who will be first, who will be second on the list, I really can’t and nobody knows that … It is absolutely clear that he is already campaigning.” He is obviously lying. The entire public will realize that when the ranking occurs, he lied. If I don’t know, I don’t understand how you can know, “R. Karbauskis asked rhetorically.

On Tuesday, the portal LRT.lt announced that the Liberal Movement had invited the President of Seimas V. Pranckietis to participate together in the Seimas elections. The message was approved by party leader Elta V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

“I can confirm that we have begun to communicate with the President of the Seimas, it can be said since the fall of last year, of the story widely heard when I was offered the position of the President of the Seimas, and recently we have spoken about the upcoming elections several times this year”. We have invited (V. Pranckietis – ELTA) to participate in these elections with the Liberal Movement, ”V. Čmilytė-Nielsen told Eltai. According to her, V. Pranckietis is not offered to join the party.

V. Pranckietis himself assures that he is still considering the proposal and emphasizes the respectable personalities who contributed to the origins of this party.

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