Karbauskis and Veryga want to help the ruling majority: they have listed the restrictions to which it is time to surrender


Such a quarantine would not be approved

The head of LVŽS R. Karbauskis recalled that the first wave of coronavirus was overcome by the peasant government.

“This quarantine and many of the current measures have been adopted by the previous government. This government has only been able to accept two things: restricting the movement of citizens for a long time and closing part of the business ”, said R. Karbauskis.

The politician said that the current government had announced a plan to control the coronavirus during the election year. However, according to R. Karbauskis, it doesn’t even exist.

“We can affirm that there was no plan, not 130 steps, it never existed. This ruling majority is simply repeating the decisions we made in the spring, ”explained the peasant leader at a press conference.

R. Karbauskis assured that such decisions, which now exist, would not have been blessed by the peasant government.

“From the moment this government takes office, we have decisions that we would not have taken to that extent. “Today we want to present the situation, why and what is being done in a redundant sense, how to act in the situation we are in now,” he said.

The head of LVŽS said that the restrictions on movement are excessive, as well as the closure of small businesses.

“Today, we have to start addressing the problems in such a way that we can get the business back, the service sector, that we can go back to business safely, and we have to. Because we will have irreversible processes,” he said.

R. Karbauskis stated that it is necessary “to stop imitating the movement restriction.”

The party leader described the plan prepared by LVŽS as a helping hand extended to the current government.

Specific proposals

Former Health Minister A. Veryga said at a press conference that he did not want to criticize the current government without concrete proposals. Mr. Veryga emphasized that he was not asking for rule breaking when it came to the illogic of traffic restrictions.

“We are not asking in any way for non-compliance with quarantine requirements, they must be met. (…) This is not a call to contradict what is legally established. This is a call to the government itself, ”said the former Minister of Health.

He argued that movement restrictions could and should be imposed in two cases: on public holidays and when a local spread of the disease is observed, as was done in Nemenčinė in the spring.

“The current closure is causing some very serious problems. When going out to the big cities, people start to flock when possible. (…) So it is very difficult to control, check if it is a family farm or not. (… ) We would suggest lifting the restriction on the mass movement and paying more attention to motivating the public to other measures to avoid contact, ”said the politician.

However, if the government leaves movement restrictions in place, the police burden needs to be taken into account, Veryga said at a press conference.

The politician said restrictions on small businesses should be lowered.

“People and companies always find alternative solutions. What we hear today is that hairdressers walk en masse to people’s houses, that goods are exchanged for those that cannot be sold, that they are paid in cash, without touching the cash register. (…) Are you sure you agree that the hairdresser who comes to the house is not clear about how the rules are followed there? This sector could have operated, I think it could start operating in the near future, complying with all strict safety requirements ”, said A. Veryga.

The politician argued that small points of sale should be reopened when they have an entrance from the outside.

“This should not automatically free up large supermarkets, where flows are difficult to manage, but also where flows can be regulated in some way. So, the trading time should not be shortened, but extended,” said A. Veryga.

The LVŽS proposed to the business sector to gradually loosen restrictions, starting from the most important areas for society, towards those without which the company can function for a longer period of time or have alternatives to the usual form of activity.

Aurelijus Veryga, Ramūnas Karbauskis

Aurelijus Veryga, Ramūnas Karbauskis

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

We propose to implement the measures adopted by the previous Government and, by releasing the quarantine, allow trade to small businesses or businesses with independent entry from abroad. This would avoid the great problems of supermarkets in managing the flow of people and at the same time allow small businesses to survive, ”according to the proposals presented by the opposition peasant party.

The LVŽS suggested to the current rulers, if necessary, to establish extremely strict requirements for the flow of people at the points of sale.

“If necessary, very strict requirements can be established so that no more than one or even one visitor (or a household) can be present in said place of trade or provision of services. It also imposes on employees of said points of sale that Customers are contacted by the obligation to undergo weekly testing (including rapid antigen tests) by the company. Studies must be entered into the system and made available for inspection by the NVSC. In addition, all possible measures physical restraint should reduce contact between the vendor or service provider and the visitor, ”the guidelines state.

Reimbursement of costs should also be considered for small businesses that have not been able to establish distance trading platforms themselves, have ceased operations or incurred additional costs to sell products through distance trading platforms.

While strict infection control requirements are maintained, weekly testing should allow resumption of beauty services. And when considering the renewal of public catering services, we suggest evaluating the experience of foreign countries: p. Eg the possibility of restrictions on working hours, shortening the time for selling alcohol in public catering establishments.

Offers to waive final exams

Seimas member A. Veryga also presented proposals to the education sector. The former minister questioned why students whose parents had already contracted the coronavirus could not return to schools.

“We suggest that teachers, like health professionals, be included in the list of priority vaccines and get vaccinated among the first. And another specific proposal is that if we can’t get all students back to schools, let’s start returning at least those whose parents are sick, ”said A. Veryga.

He also proposed dropping final exams this year.

“Seeing and evaluating the problems and difficulties that arose last year do not cause additional stress this year. Because it will be really difficult for children to prepare for them ”, explained the member of Seimas.

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