Karbauskis after meeting with Nausėda: discussions on lowering labor taxes are taking place


According to R. Karbauskis, the issue of labor taxes dominated during the conversation with the head of the country.

Delfi recalls that G. Nausėda has previously considered that one of the possible directions is a temporary reduction of personal income tax during the crisis.

“We have a great opportunity to change the negative narrative of the previous crisis and inspire more faith in the future,” said the president after a long discussion to discuss the fiscal response to the coronavirus crisis.

This proposal was positively evaluated by financial experts. You can read more about this here.

There are many measures under consideration

The LVŽS president said there were not many options under consideration, but did not specify them in detail.

“Discussing possible solutions, I cannot reveal the content now. The government has to recalculate all options and make a proposal. All options are being considered: GPM, tax free minimum. We are looking for other solutions that can help both residents like companies ”, said R. Karbauskis.

At the same time, he assured that Seimas would support proposals aimed at increasing people’s incomes.

“No matter what the opposition says, after that they will still vote for him,” Karbauskis said.

Outraged “opposition propaganda”

The LVŽS leader was outraged, in his words, by opposition propaganda that most of the support is currently directed at retirees and the disabled, for whom a benefit of 200 euros is planned.

“The amount for retirees and disabled is approximately 180 million. Of almost € 1 billion in support. I also drew the President’s attention to the fact that we must strive to make all information available to the public. The opposition seeks to deceive people and do it in a way that the public would object, “said R. Karbauskis.

On Monday, the President will also speak with representatives of the opposition Patria Cristiana de la Patria-Lituania and the Liberal Movement, and, a little later, with representatives of the mixed group of members of Seimas and the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania.

He promised to support the president’s proposals.

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen “Delfi”, president of the opposition Liberal Movement party, said after the conversation that current issues had been discussed with President G. Nausėda.

“We first discussed the president’s proposal to temporarily reduce the GPM by the end of the year, from 20 to 15 percent. On behalf of the Liberal Movement, I confirmed that we would support that idea. In addition, we will suggest that provision and have included it in our program. And we will suggest that this temporary measure become an aspiration in the future. Returning to 20 percentage points on January 1, 2021, so that we can gradually reduce again and, in the long run, that 15 percent does not become temporary or permanent We support the President in this place, “a Seimas member told Delfi.

A one-time payment of 200 euros for the elderly and disabled approved by Seimas last week was also discussed.

“We exchanged opinions and explained why I did not support this proposal. Because this measure was very broad, it was not as specific as we suggested. (…) And I also asked to draw attention to the fact that today the distribution of support to a business that is very stagnant would have more confidence and fewer disruptions, “said V. Čmilytė – Nielsen.

“As I understand it by the president and his team, proposals are being considered to expand perhaps the circle of those supporters, to somehow improve this proposal,” the MP told Delfi.

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