Kangoo Jumps headquarters in London responded to a scandalous video with Peter Gražulis – he expressed frustration with staff


The video has been removed from both YouTube and other official Kangoo Jumps pages.

“Dear Kangoo Jumps Community and others,

With this report, we want to state that RDM SA, Kangoo Jumps’ main brand company, does not tolerate hate speech against any minority community. For this reason, the entry shared by KangooClub Lietuva was condemned and removed from all international platforms.

Sorry, there is no way to delete posts that have been downloaded and published, so they may continue to appear online.

RDM SA is pleased with its global family of like-minded fitness professionals working together to enhance the importance of health around the world, regardless of sexual orientation.

We are taking urgent steps to remove representation from those involved in the creative process of this cruel video.

We apologize to all those directly and indirectly affected by this video. I feel sorry for the LGBTQIA + community. It is also difficult to explain how disappointed we are with the people in our network who have tried to spread such unhealthy beliefs, ”said the official Kangoo Jumps website.

The Ombudsman for Equal Opportunities, Birutė Sabatauskaitė, evaluating the Kangoo Club Lietuva video that appeared on Monday, claims that the company may have violated the Equal Opportunities Law.

“I am negative, I see a violation of the Equal Opportunities Law. A company that advertises its services and disseminates information that humiliates people because of their physical orientation, ”B. Sabatauskaitė told reporters on Tuesday.

Aušrinė Norkienė, the chairwoman of the Seimas Ethics and Procedures Commission, spoke about the behavior of the Seimas member P. Gražulis a little earlier. According to her, the behavior of a politician will be discussed in a session of the Seimas commission. Meanwhile, Seimas spokesman Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen called P. Gražulis’s action another “unpleasant surprise”.

Seimas member P. Gražulis, famous for his controversial anti-gay speeches, said that athletes who protested the quarantine restrictions were invited to support the Lithuanian musical “Who will not dance”, and that they had allegedly offered such a musical.

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